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Everything posted by stuvian

  1. if you can't beat 'em hire 'em. Funny I'd always thought Brady Quinn Qb'd that masterpiece Its' incredible how much bad football we've been subjected to but this was the worst in my lifetime
  2. driv·el /ˈdrivəl/ noun 1. silly nonsense. "don't talk such drivel!" synonyms: nonsense, twaddle, claptrap, balderdash, gibberish, rubbish, mumbo jumbo, garbage;More It's 4th and job for Vance Joseph
  3. Hey Brandon, if Peterman throws one more pick I'm giving him your parking spot until you cut his Urban Sombrero azs
  4. at least I don't have to pay for Rex's gastric bypass anymore
  5. a friend of mine in our season ticket group drove to that game from Ottawa and back same day.
  6. I'd compare it to a presidential term. The first year is the honeymoon. The second and third years you make the difficult and unpopular choices. In the fourth year you'd better deliver on your promises or you're gone
  7. at least we know where our INTs will come from
  8. I prefer to think of it as sharpening my imperfect psychic powers
  9. I took UCF in a parlay with Miami Hurricanes -6 @ Virginia and Colorado +7 at USC
  10. run straight at Watt and Clowney. dink and dunk to stay out of 3rd and long. Be happy with FGs.
  11. I like Watson and Hopkins but they are no match for the Texans mediocre playcalling. Watson will need the needle by halftime
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