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Everything posted by billsfaninvgs

  1. I will look into 638... I think you have to have center ice for that channel... I hope that VS will just keep the sabre game on since the kings game is blacked out... I think this Is the worse tv situation ever. This is the playoffs. Every game should be on. I am stuck at work and was going to dvr it and watch it later... I do go to stakeout before Unlv BBALL games though.,,
  2. I have Directv. Last night I set my dvr to record the game tonight. It showed on VS but only for a half hour. Then the LA game starts. My question is does anyone know if there is a channel I can catch the game on Directv. I don't know what # TSN is on. It says on my phone that the Kings/Sharks game is blacked out in my market...., does anyone know if they will just keep the saber game on?
  3. I want to see him cry after our top defensive pick in this draft, Moats, Williams or Merriman knocks him on his @$$...
  4. I hope not with the first pick.... Either qb or defense with the first pick.....
  5. I love how this conversation turned into steaks.... My next trip to buffalo I will have to stay at the hyatt and try that place.... I also will be going to dinner this weekend for a steak.
  6. I don't think they do.... Unless Gabbert is absolutly terrible in the practices.... Even then I think they don't because if they are playing for the first pick by week ten Gabbert is thrown to the wolves......
  7. Anyone notice how well Gabbert did....... Not saying he is the pick or that I want him to be. Just saying he scored pretty high.....
  8. I actually side with the players...... This makes it really hard to keep doing it though.....
  9. I got another one too.... The baby got ahold of mine so it looks real bad......
  10. I actually my wife bought it for me.... I thought she paid $50 she just informed me she thinks it was $30ish ..... Now it doesn't seem like that good a deal.... Lol
  11. Just thought I would let everyone know. If you have Directv you can get a Buffalo Bills remote for it. It looks pretty cool. I got mine about a year or more ago. They are on sale now for $21. I paid $50. As much as I hate the fact that NFL is greedy, I think they will work it all out before the season should start. Anyways for those interested. NFL remotes
  12. This is the start of what will be a very long process..... This actually really sucks for us fans...
  13. Just out of curiosity... Did the Giants and Saints both win the superbowl with him on the roster? Didn't he miss both superbowls with a injury or did he play in the saints win?
  14. It does work like that.... I work for the county. They want to tale 8% from me. 4% retro.... That would cripple me.. I shouldn't have to pay back money I already earned. That's the real world. Atleast the owners aren't asking for money back. I am not Maybin. I actually earned my money.
  15. I would like to see Daniels.... And a Colon on this like would awesome....
  16. This is great because he seems like a huge fan... He has the money to really go after the cup... This will be really really great for buffalo
  17. I inquired about season tickets last year... They called me about getting some this year... I am thinking about it... Problem is I live in Vegas... I plan on going to a game this year but play in SD. I will go there for sure
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