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Everything posted by billsfaninvgs

  1. If we play all four teams from both NFC east and AFC west plus our AFC east friends and the bottom two from the AFC north and south then the math doesn't add up... I would love for the Bills to play in SD Thanks for the info
  2. I hope that this doesnt happen... I would love the Bills to play a thanksgiving day game but I am planning on making the trip to Dallas next time they played there. I wouldn't be able to go for that one.... I have tried looking for the the teams the Bills play next year but couldn't find it.. Does anybody know?
  3. "it's been a long time since I got to watch football and scratch my nuts st the same time"
  4. If I was the player would love to knock him on his hair plugs... I wouldn't worry about the penalty but would be nervous about the fine. He is the NFL pretty boy so you know that fines would follow....
  5. That sounds pretty cold Maybe solider field has heat coils under the field to keep it nice and toasty
  6. It looks like your link didn't come through..... I asked Fitzy Clause for the same He could keep the clippings and sell them to Brady for his hair plugs...... That's awesome..
  7. I have never been there for a bills game... I do go there from time to time to "pre-game" before Rebel basketball games... Food is good and the beers are cheap...
  8. I am pretty sure scores closed..... I would stick with a soortsbook.... I really don't like arias sports book... Green valley ranch would be to far.... The problem with the sports bars are that you might not get a good spot for the game... Or the game might not be on... New York new York might be cool... I like ceasers Hilton or Mandalay bay.... I think scores closed.. Haven't been to hustlers yet it's pretty new... And the rhino is great but would be better for a night game.... Maybe if there are a bunch of us in town that game we can get together and watch the games and drink some beers..... If anyone is interested let me know
  9. If you want a bills bar then go to ohnny macs.... If you just want to hang out and watch football pick a sports book.... Mandalay Bay has a tram from new York new York and I think it's free..... Or it's walking distance..... I think the tram is from Excalibur which is right across the street
  10. Ceasers has a nice sports book too... And the Hilton has a mega sports book.... The other poster is right that Mandalay bay will have very nice eye candy
  11. I have never been but I hear johnnie macs on boulder highway and tropicana is a awesome place to watch a bills game... It's kinda far so I don't know how much a cab ride will be....., I am sorry that bar is not off tropicana its further south east..... I am not sure of the other cross street.... Maybe horizon.... Where r u staying? I might be able to give u better advice if I know that.... And r u renting a car?
  12. That was a back handed compliment if I have ever seen one.
  13. No way Moss signs with the team that traded him mid-season then went on to superbowl (that is of course if they go on to win it)
  14. I have seen it for a while now but was just wondering.... Thanks for the info Thanks for the info
  15. I really like Moats. I think he is one of the bigger surprises this year. I think he develops into one of the best players on this team..... I do have a question though. What's up with brace on his arm? Did I miss something?
  16. I think he needs to up his regular IQ first....
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