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Everything posted by billsfaninvgs

  1. I don't know anything about Stanzi.... I have seen Dalton play alot and just like him....
  2. That was a good one.... I personally think that Dalton will be the Bills second round pick... I think they trade back into the second round to get him.
  3. That is one of the funniest things i have heard in a long time....... It has to be 100% true....
  4. Thanks for the tip.... How do I add all those search terms to the listing
  5. I got it up on few sites now. One site wouldn't let me post the eBay link because I don't have enough posts but a pretty cool pats fan posted it for me.... We will see what happens....
  6. Come on..... I think it's because he didn't just come out and talk crap. He did it through normal conversation. It was a very smart round about way.... Very creative... I don't think it has anything to do with color....
  7. He might like Bowers...... Wasn't he the coach when they took Peppers?
  8. I need to try and recoup someof the cost... I am open to real offers
  9. I guess to each their own.... I actually like the style.... But I can understand why some people might not..... I am going to re post it tonight with better pictures... I just did it last night to get it up there... I am going to use the actual photo from the artist it looks better..... I tried looking up who 94 was for them but I can't find it.... If anybody might know off the top of their heads..... Also is there anyway to move the thread back to the stadium wall....
  10. What I normally do when my phone is acting weird is turn it off then back on.... That usually helps with alot of the problems.... I don't know if that will help you or not.... But couldn't hurt to try... It also might need to be updated...
  11. Ok sorry it took so long to post this. For those interested in seeing this. I am going to try and post it on these sites... http://www.patriotsplanet.net/ http://www.patsfans.com/ http://www.patriots.com/fanzone/public/index.cfm?ac=fcorhome http://www.patriotszone.com/ http://www.gopats.com/ http://mypatriotsfansite.com/ http://www.nefans.com/ http://www.patriotworld.com/ http://www.newenglandpatriotsfansite.com/ http://www.easternusapatriots.com/ http://www.patriotsny.com/ If anybody can think of any other sites I should post on please let me know. eBay Auction
  12. What's the difference between this game and the other one the bills coaches will coach in? Senior bowl?
  13. Nice read. Thanks for the post... I think Fairley does play for UAB. I might be wrong though
  14. If I was maybin I wouldn't even leave buffalo.... I would stay there everyday and not leave the weightroom unless I had to take a crap.... He needs to gain some mass and watch film....
  15. If I was him i would walk away..... I wouldn't go through that.... It would be like my wife saying listen I am going to go on a date with this guy.... I might sleep with him I might not... If I dont then we will stay together a little longer....
  16. I like the idea..... I haven't read all the details yet.. But at face value I would be willing to invest.....
  17. At the start of the season I put money on the ravens and the pack to win it all.... I have to stand by it..... I am still in it
  18. And this guy is really dumb.. Really really dumb... For real And this guy is really dumb.. Really really dumb... For real
  19. I did..... I have been emailing him... I said that he will paint another one for the same amount. Or I can exchange it for one he already has for the same value. He won't however take this one back and paint another one. I even offered to pay for all the shipping and give him a additional $100 for material and time. I should have it online Friday... The Internet gets hooked up Thursday. I think it is a very well done painting just not a image I want hanging in my livingroom That would make a awesome painting....
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