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Everything posted by billsfaninvgs

  1. Usually Wangs shrivel up in cold temps. I hope he stays strong. lol
  2. I am no fan of Florida or Myer or Utah.. I will say that Alex Smith isn't the son of god but Myer made him very good in functioning offense. Just saying
  3. That's what I was trying to get at I just didn't have the time to type it all out
  4. I can see both. Maybe he payed the original fee for Newton? Maybe he payed the original fee to get Newton. I don't think he will be a very good pro coach but withthe tebow conection why not. Sorry for the double post. I did this on my iPhone and didn't think the first went through
  5. Believe me I know.... I am just trying to help OP with a understanding of how to get out of paying someone after they are fired.
  6. If the contract gives guaranteed money over a certain time period then said person gets that money no matter what over that time period... It happens in the real world also. It's business. It happens all the time. What the Bills should of included is a non compete claus. That would say something like if you quit or get fired you can't get another job with a competitor for a certain time period and if you do we no longer owe you that money
  7. Listen I think it got out of hand. But he did more than provoke it. He actually became physical. Which in my opinion the other guy was right on for defending himself. But then he crossed the line with the kick to the face. I was at that game. I met a few Bills fans tailgating and one guy was so hammered I couldn't believe he was alive. He just kept shotguning beers. He could barley walk. I have seen a lot of drunk people in my time. He was by far the most drunk. His friends kept calling him Frank the Tank... Was that you? I was at that game. I met a few Bills fans tailgating and one guy was so hammered I couldn't believe he was alive. He just kept shotguning beers. He could barley walk. I have seen a lot of drunk people in my time. He was by far the most drunk. His friends kept calling him Frank the Tank... Was that you?
  8. My cousin and I got into a fight during the cardinals game a few years ago... The guy two rows back started throwing things at him during the game. He took it for a minute but when he went and got the usher they wouldn't do anything. So when he was walking back to his seat the guy got into his face.... And then the fight was on... After the game when i was leaving the stadium. Another guy walked up to me shoved his finger in my face and said, "THE BILLS DIDN'T CIRCLE $H!# TODAY" although he was right he had no business touching me. I am glad a cop seen him do it because when I punched him he lost his front tooth. Then he went to jail and not me. Fans can get stupid. I usually go to one game a year either in Buffalo or on the road. The only other place I have had a problem is San Diego...
  9. His ankle has been broken for a while now. I thought he sprained his shoulder during the game........
  10. I think he learned that McFumbles isn't very smart and might be the stupidest player on this team.
  11. What to preserve that top 5 draft pick.....
  12. This is the worst game of the season so far.....
  13. I think he makes a great point..... You want to make a point. Suspend him. Then his wallet gets hit too
  14. Was it because it was helmet to helmet or because he was a defenseless player?
  15. They did show him on the sideline with a giant grin.... Just saying
  16. Maybe merriman worked with him a little and taught him something
  17. It's chump change for the NFL... It's a lot of cash for the real world...
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