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Everything posted by WellDressed

  1. I don't know his music, but that is a grand idea.
  2. Bills' financial struggles ought to keep Lynch from suspension
  3. Fez, I am a Netflix dog. I couldn't count how many films I rented over the past year. They always have the lesser known titles that I am interested in. The blu-ray titles seem to be always "for the ready" If anything, I would think that venturing to the cineplex would be on the decline and Netflix would be going even stronger. I had blockbuster for a week and cancelled because of their limited inventory & almost indefinite wait on blu-ray titles.
  4. No, not when I first posted about people in the car, there was no ID of anyone other than the car.
  5. I'm of the belief that he was in the Porsche SUV that frightful night. Marshawn did not need a fellow Oaktown bra to bring west coast gangstering to Buffalo.
  6. Go get 'em tough guy. I am in the way back seats for Maze & Chaka Khan
  7. huh?? He's not righting anything with those hand!!
  8. I get mighty slippery when I am in proper attire and wielding my specialty gripped 50's era 2 iron.
  9. EZC was spot on yesterday when he called the woman a heffer.
  10. That 'll learn him, next time he tries to grab some OJ memorabilia and run, out come the knives.
  11. Yep, within inches of an ace. Not he just missed an ace. An ace is positive. It sounds like you botched something saying missed an ace. An ace is a rarity for non pro's. You don't often come close to an ace. I am done explaining golf. Get out there and earn an ace. I have one and I will be as candid as possible; I hit an abysmal shot, caught it really thin, but it was tracking towards the pin. It bounced once and I had no idea where the ball was; I couldn't see the bottom of the flag/cup from the tee. When we got up to the hole I didn't see the ball on the back of the green. My friend walked up to the hole and told me there was a ball in the cup; I was like oh jeeez not with that f#c&ing shot. What can you do, it was total luck. I was fortunate to make 2 eagles on two par fours that make me forget that tragic hole in one. Basically two shots (two different rounds) that were around 140-160 yds. fell into the cup. I felt worthy after watching those shots find there was to the bottom of the cup!!
  12. Wait a minute, with all of these minds on this board, I figured everyone thought that the Lynch circus was the reason for the early dismissal.
  13. Then we will have a soup kitchen full of players wanting new deals. NO NEW DEAL!!!
  14. I agree you are forgetting some; some ACTUAL movies. Those suggestions are throw-aways or at the very best spare cases, just in case one in your collection gets damaged.
  15. Tell me who curses all the time under his breath, who takes violent lashes at the tee in the ground and throws clubs on a regular basis. He is a very good golfer but he is an arrogant p.o.s, and has no taste in women. I don't get why everyone sees nordic women as goddesses. I could leave in peace without johannsen and tigers B word. If he looses this one, and ends his 54 hole major streak, I would tell everyone in the san diego area to STAY ON THE SIDEWALKS!!!
  16. No, I was kidding, wishing I was watching this on a silver screen with a 3-chip DLP proj. I have no basement. I only have a 60" Elite. Seriously though, back to golf terminology; you can not MISS an ace. It either drops in the hole or it doesn't. It can be classified as missing the cup or just nearly missing the hole. I have been playing golf for twenty five years and I have never heard anyone say that they just missed an ace. "wow bob, that was really close to going in the hole" "jim, great shot, if that ball had hit the pin, it might have been an ace."I am not bashing you, when I read your comment, it cracked me up; I had never heard anyone say that. It doesn't help the situation since the media gets a woodie from watching him play. I don't care for the guy. The guys I grew up watching are all on the Champions's Tour; with a few floaters here and there still on the regular tour. GO ROCCO!!!!!!!!!!!!
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