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Everything posted by WellDressed

  1. Uh Willissssss, you just jumped over another posters question: What's it like to root for a serial cheat? kj I didn't Go buy a ShamWoW and wash yourself. Betcha I can still smell the odor down here in Iggle ville.
  2. I think you meen the Shah. You should have just used an L and made it the shawl of iran.........that would have been funny.
  3. So you have a fios line coming into your house and you only use it for broadband?? I would be so tempted to use their HD and somehow $$ keep directv just for NFL.
  4. Goran Ivanisevic after a tough Wimbledon.
  5. So...I doubt anyone watched the men's finals this morning...........The Rafa show........
  6. I'm just hoping Federer upsets Rafa & Ms. Ochoa wins her 3rd major in a row.
  7. That prick had better get some good mileage in Baltimore this year. I want to sell his trading cards that I collected.
  8. Two cheers for Onterio Smith, who got caugt in the airport with the "wizzinator" in his suitcase No one knows when the drug test is due. It's kind of like the grim reaper if you get high!!!
  9. On IR This is a screen capture from some insiders. Not yet available
  10. I would stand in line for a signing.
  11. Are those your teeth?? Have you been doing meth??
  12. Hands Down: Judgment at Nuremberg Spencer Tracy Burt Lancaster Richard Widmark Judy Garland Montgomery Clift Marlene Dietrich William Shatner Maximillian Schell Werner Klemperer
  13. So are Lorena Ochoa's Rick Steeves............lol That guy throws a gay fastball!!!
  14. Dallas is up next for "Hard Knocks" on HBO in Aug.
  15. It was staged. Acting is hard. I remember when Clements gave his first interview. That was more twisted than this ML saga. It takes a while for some people to relax in front of a camera.
  16. Federal, for hit and and run?? He could hope and pray, but as they say "hell's no" way. Fumble shiftin' DC Tom would be chillin' in an overcrowded county prison with warm cheese sandwiches and a room temp. half pint carton of lemon aide.
  17. I am guessing your age here. Try losing 15 years; things could have been a lot different....
  18. Hey, people on here seem to get hit in parking lots on what seems to be a fairly frequent basis????; which to my dismay has never happened to me.
  19. A wee off nevertheless, I am a victim of a double standard on this board. I replied to a poster named .....ans4e64..... who displays an avatar of a penis in the Patsies logo's mouth. I was reprimanded for making a comment about it and that furthered the removal of that post. Now, ze person who rezidez in zat avatar iz ztill fronting hiz "Patriot Penis"
  20. Nice vid, thanks. Looks like Stroud has a wad of chew under his lower lip.
  21. It's the algae growing in his swamp mouth. The plaque has nowhere to hide......wants to get out......help!!
  22. Right.....Dexter and CBS. Thanks for the help.
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