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Everything posted by WellDressed

  1. Yea I guess, not quite what a 120" screen with a 3 chip dlp projector would give you, but at least you can watch it.
  2. Also, you don't "just miss" an ace. You either miss the flag the hole or the pin. An ace is a score.
  3. I have to admit, at the end of last week I was figuring on some sort of decision with the Lynch case. Now that friday has ended and I have thought about it this weekend, I think it is time for SOMEONE from the Lynch defense team, council or player, to get something in motion. The sunday article in the buffalo news was my personal tipping point. I am starting to get a little nervous about the games started number in Lynch's 09 stat column.
  4. Breathless Le Cercle Rouge L'Avventura L' Eclisse Le Samourai Eyes Without a Face
  5. Oh man, I just caught up to it now. Brokaw said he was "a true child of buffalo....in touch with the ethos of that community"
  6. If I actually did hit someone, and they flew over my windshield (I saw them) I'm feeling that I would be pulling over, since it's been 12 years since my last DUI.
  7. This cat sounds just like the judge who was hell bent at throwing Polanski in the pen for 50 years.
  8. Alright, I'm on the tee. Having had two DUI's in NJ and one in PA, never having to spend any time in jail for these offences, I highly doubt I would be pulling over or talking to the authorities any time soon. I escaped a third DUI in NJ after hitting a parked car due to severe fog and aided by 4-5 beers; when I fled the scene I hid the car and confessed the following day. I do not believe in God, do not fear death and am a die hard Bills fan since the white to red helmet change. I take prescription anxiety medications and rarely drink. I do have friends and a VERY small family. Read my posts and you might not find anything pleasant about me. I will continue to post here and have no anymosity towards anyone in particular. I am in a rather pissy mood right now, that's my story, and I am sticking with it.
  9. I think the biggest vehicle for starting this player incrimination is BADOLBILLS. From this thread: pg 1
  10. I think the wait and see approach was used quite well. Every day that goes by, people start to forget small details; possibly a witness, a piece of evidence or something else incriminating. The media will always beat every ounce out of a story to a point sometimes too far, which again might help the defense's strategy one way or another.
  11. QUOTE (Erik @ Jun 12 2008, 08:18 PM) Well, since we are all venting in here let me take the opportunity... If I were a defense attorney and I had a young african american client, I would not want a good portion of the posters on this board on the jury. Take from that comment what you want. Spike Lee?? Is that supposed ti be a joke?? I do not see anything funny there. All Sharpton would warrant a laugh, since he is constantly putting himself in situations where it/he is not warranted/wanted. I hold Spike Lee's character very high, he is a very well spoken man and a brilliant filmmaker. You use his name like he is a commidian or a menace to the black community, which I take offence to. Please use better judgment when picking and throwing names around.
  12. I live in the philadelphia area, and I have had directv since 2000 at this current address. I have had an HD NYC feed of the major networks since 2003 (?...somewhere around there I think.) I know it has been at least three years. Since the launch of the new satalite and the change-over of the newer receivers and the new 5-LNB wide body dishes I have the local philadelphia HD's as well.
  13. I am disappointed in your selection of Gretchen Mol, she's a poor man's Katherine Heigl Ana all day Ivanovic
  14. Hi Ana, you and your forehand. You played a great two weeks!! I must ask, you wore that outfit every match, does adidas think you color blind.
  15. What Humpy wants, Humpy gets. I am getting tired of driving on the highway for two hours and not making any turns at all.
  16. This has steve jackson's name written all over it; the #7(b) draft pick I know nothing about this guy, other than he is friends with Lynch from their old hoods. I just have a burning feeling in me gut that #13 was in the car and had: "LIQUOR ON THE MIND"
  17. It took almost a week before it made it on the cartoonish NFL Live. [no games suspended]
  18. Well the person that knows, is the jackass that got him into this mishap, that frickin 7th(b) round pick from Kentucky.
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