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clearwater cadet

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Everything posted by clearwater cadet

  1. It a good signing, we shouldn't be worried about sending a message to a bunch of 4-10 type players. It maybe the wrong message today, but come opening day next September and Merriman come out of the tunnel at the Ralph doing his little dance and the 74,000 go ape sh#t it will be the right message.
  2. while STOPPING his PASSING motion and/or bringing the ball back to ones body, hence tucking it, IT IS STILL CONSIDERED A FORWARD PASS If this is the case, why don't all Qb's just perform a throwing type motion once they receive the snap so they care never fumble in the pocket?
  3. If the game is really meaningless to the Jets, I would want to lose. That would likely knock the Bills out of the top 5 in the draft, and I've heard some senerio it could even put them at like 9 or 10. For years I always wanted to them to win no matter what, but now looking back at all those meaningless wins which build team confidents, the funny thing is 60% of those players are not even here anymore, and a bunch more are not likely to return. I think we should try to position our selfs for whats best for the future. Chan and buddy can figure out what that is.
  4. Sorry for talking about Bills related stuff, my next post will be about health care reform, and changes to medicare.
  5. If so they were not in their seats, i've seen bigger crowds at the Buffalo Stallions game.
  6. It looked like a pretty small crowd yesterday. Does anyone know the attendances? Reminded me of the mid 80's.
  7. Well if San Diego is such a great football town, they should have no problem saving their team. If it makes you feel better i'll change my view. Better the Chargers, Jacksonville, Oakland, St. Louis then the Bills.
  8. I was joking about the flying part, why would any charger fan with no ties to the Bills or buffalo want to fly to see the Bills? All I'm trying to say is a bad day at the ralph is better then no day at all, and if Ralph gets rich more power to him.
  9. True, but I do fly in 2 or 3 times a year, and I rather have a bad Bills team, then no Bills team.
  10. Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Better the Chargers then the Bills. Won't give me that What a Shame BS, They won't be saying that about the Bills if we were the team moving. With all the nice wheather in southern calf. i'm sure they will have plenty to do on Sunday. If not, all those Charger fans can fly to Buff and take in a game. We would be more then happy to have them at the Ralph. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I praise you 24/7!!! And this how you do me!!! You let Metzelaar_lives post here!!! You expect me to learn from this???How??? I'll never forget this!! Ever!! Thx Tho
  12. I would of loved to win yesterday, but I'll be happy when draft time rolls around.
  13. Who cares, they paid him 1.7 million in a non capped year. That nothing for an NFL team. Maybe it's the bills who are not clearing him to play? They might figure the less snaps he gets the less likely he is to generate attention in the open market. This talk about OTA, etc does mean much because if he is not under contract, he won't be at any OTA's or mini camps. It nice we own the rights to him, but who knows what the new CBA will bring.
  14. I think it was a nice win for an up and coming Bills team which is still several pieces away. With all the injuries we have had the past few seasons, i'm sure other teams have taken advantage of us in the past. It nice to see we finally have a coaching staff that made some adjustments and put the team in a position to win, when the chance presented it's self. The steelers are going to be tough they have a big time pass rush, and can run the ball well. I think those are the two main things that hurt the bills.
  15. Forget Marv as GM, I wasn't talking about that. He was so terrible as a GM I don't have to comment, but that what I said as a coach, great at keeping the team together, sh#ty at the coaching part. The 90's Bills either rolled you from the start or not. Maybe you don't know who Chuck Knox was?
  16. Sorry, but I was thinking, only on passing downs, and coming from the left side. I try to make the point that J. Scott should be a favorable matchup for some one like Maybin, and at the very least he should suit up. It not a reflection on how anyone else has been playing expect J. Scott. I give Kelsay credit, he has played good the last two weeks, but I think he plays the right side. Might also be a good spot for Merriman to come in and play if he's healthy.
  17. Point well made, I'm just happy we finally have a coach who was able to see that and made the proper adjustment to put the team in a position to win. How many times in the Jauron era with all the players we had on IR, did teams do that to us. I don't remember a Bills coach ever making any game winning adjustments since Chuck Knox. I know all the Marv fans will bash me, but Marv had a great team, and kept the ego's in check. When it came to the x's and o's Marv wasn't that good.
  18. If Maybin is ever going to get into a game, and get his career started this has to be the week. I remember left tackle J. Scott from last year. I saw him two weeks ago VS the Pats, he gave up 3 sacks and multiple pressures. He has struggled against speed type rushers. Maybin knows this guy, he's practiced against him, this is got be his spot to play and gain some confidents. I don't think he starts, but he should be able to get things going. If he can't get on the field this week I think all hope with his guy is lost.
  19. I'm torn between, winning and draft pick, but remember all those years of constant 3 and out from the offense, when 3 and 8 seemed like a mile and half. That seems like it went on for years. Despite being 2-8, the games are 100 times better to watch. Hats off to Chan for making some adjustment to put the team in a position to win.
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