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clearwater cadet

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Everything posted by clearwater cadet

  1. Did anyone notice J. Scott playing for Pittsburg on monday night. Holy sh*t talk about a turnstile, I'm glad the Bills FO didn't try to sell us on him, I guess theres only so much abuse the fans can take. I like the interior of the line, the tackles ?.
  2. Agreed I team is better off today, then they were a year ago today. Just wish a few of the high draft pick would have fallen into place.
  3. Merrimen's a football player. As long as gets paid, (which he should) he going to by thrilled to play in a real football stadium, with real weather, and real fans. Buffalo may not be the best place on the face of the earth, but it's not the worst either. I only people who knock buffalo are the one who have never been there for more then 10 min. The Bills are on the right track, if there no major shift with ownership/ relocation, there no reason why they shouldn't be able to compete in 2 years when this guys 28.
  4. Lets just not lose the first overall pick.
  5. As it is the guy is playing out of position. I don't have alot of love for Kelsay, but since he's here, and being 6'4" 261, with limited mobility won't he be more of an inside backer? A guy who takes on linemen and backs straight on, instead of trying to hold the edge and cover back and tightends out of the back field?
  6. Of all the post I've ever read, this is by further 100% truth, without southern Ont. there are no Buffalo Bills. I can't understand why most people can't get that through their head. 1 or 2 games in toronto, is better then 8 to 10 in LA. Thank you Russ for understanding what a million WNY can't.
  7. For the 3 million it would cost to sign him, they would sell 3 million in Merriman Jeresys by Sunday.
  8. The Bills don't even consider bring him in. The front office will act like they don't even know he's on out there. For the 3 million it would cost to sign him, they would sell 3 million in Merriman Jeresys by Sunday.
  9. Same thing, Russ and Ralph have their TV's on and their not says anything. Same end result.
  10. The shocking things is, the Bills will not bring him in, even those we have first choice, and no reason of why he was not brought in will be made. The Bills front office will act like it never happened.
  11. Agreed, I think that would be the only reason to pass on Gibson. What type of defense do the chargers play, and where would Merriman fit in for the bills? However now that I think about it, even if we bring Merriman in, why did they pass on Gibson?
  12. If it's ok to plug in Davis and Tober, I would be ok with Merriman. He is expected to be placed on waviers today.
  13. As a bills fan living in New England, nothing would give me greater pleasure. Trust me, no one (expect for maybe PTR) has any idea about how much Bills bashing goes on here.
  14. Sorry, please call the football poice and have me arrested.
  15. Notice what I said, he knows how to get off a block and get up the field, I didn't say anything about him being able to get up the field and turn the corner.
  16. Be Kind, don't slam me, just a thought to try to stimulate some conversation. It's been a long 10 years. It just seem like an aweful waste giving up on Maybin after 19 months. Think there's any chance of coverting this guy to a tight end? I know this will never happen, but it Monday after a Bills loss. There are worse things I could be doing. I never watched him in college, but from what I understand he a speed guy, pretty gifted as an athlete, knows how to get off a block and get up field. No stranger to playing in the trenches. Seems to be tall in that 245-250 range. We could use another tight end. Honestly, I have no idea what his hands are like, or how gifted of athlete he really is. I've heard of tights ends being covert to defensive ends, we all know the basketball player stories when it comes to tight end. Please be kind. Remember, I want what you want.
  17. Great Post, well thought out. This team is so screwed up it seems hopeless. I don't know if it was the players, past coaches, present coaches. The only thing for sure is that they need help, and a bit of luck.
  18. Ray is telling us the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me ralph.
  19. Yeah he looks great, so good he just let my fantasy football defense win the game for me this week. I was down by 13 going into tonight, and I just picked up 17 with the Titans defense. Thanks capt. checkdown. Does anyone know who the JAX plays next week so maybe I can pick up the opposing defense and rank up another 20 points with me fantasy football defense.
  20. If I had a big Dong, I would be a porn star, but I still like girls anyway. What's your point?
  21. Just for the record I'm a die hard bills fan living in another Big market NFL city. So I happen to get NFL news from a different point of view. The topic of Ralph Wilson's passing and relocation of the Bills does come up quiet frequently with all the new CBA talk. I really hope Jim Kelly is on to something, and it's always good to fight the good fight. Though in the end of the day does the league, TV, Media really want an NFL team in Buffalo. Look at how the NFL is changing. It completely different then when we were kids. PSL's, fee for being on a season ticket waiting list, band on tailgating so you to buy more stadium food, $10 hotdogs, etc. Next you will have to buy a bathroom pass, mortage the house if you have to flush twice. Lucky Bills fans haven't really been exposed to this yet. In my opinion, Bob Kraft, Jerry Jones, Dan Synder, etc don't want fans like us games any more, (certainly not anyone who crazy enough to waste time to express their opinion online), they want the business that don't care who the QB or running back are, just companies that buy the seats/ pay the PSL, buy the $100 pizzas (Dallas), leave at half time and figure it a tax write off, what the hell. I Think the only way the team has a chance to stay local is that if the powers that rule the NFL (not the commish) already have plans to use Buffalo to open up Canada. I'm not saying they want to move the team to Toronto, from what I understand it's would be more profitable to have the team based in the USA and tap into Cananda market, due to the antitrust laws, TV contracts/ regulations, and taxs. Not to mention if the exchange rate drops like it did 10 years ago. But really, I mean just image how big the TV contract is now, and how much bigger it will be if they could market a city like LA, instead of buffalo. The owners have been taking every possible cent from the fans as it is, I'm sure they have bigger plans if a team like LA is brought into the fold. Despite what Kelly says, I find it very hard to believe the owners want this to happen. Nobody wants the team in Buffalo more then me, but in my 35 years as a fan/ season ticket holder, I've always been let down in the end.
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