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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. Its the off season, time to dispense with negative waves.. who cares at this point and a little good news on the Bills is nice as I grind thru my summer work schedule... there will be plenty of time during the season to go negative if need be.
  2. Cunningham was an unconventional freak... Overall athlete I think he compares best to Elway in his ability to scramble, arm strength and pure physical strength. Elway's biggest problem was as a former baseball player he left cross hairs early on in his receivers chest... but he developed touch and became a great QB... Joe Ferguson had that kind of arm strength from what I remember as a rookie and Archie Manning had a big arm. Guys with touch but not as much athletic ability were Fouts and Marino... Jim Kelly had an underrated arm and though not much of a runner, was a pretty good athlete as well... played Linebacker in high school and never forget one of his hits I think on Bubba McDowell after he threw an interception.
  3. Never been anywhere near 315 closer to 215 but not back when I was riding regularly... did a bike trip in France in my mid 20s. Buds and I did 700 miles in 11 days, two days over 100 miles... including 120 one day, the last 30 miles behind farm trucks doing 35 to 40 mph... I was done after that, spent a week on the beach.
  4. Do the Bills need more talent at DE, and WR... the jury is out on TE and LB... sure... but are they probably better than last year... O line will be a work in progress but appears the talent is there.
  5. Cool, I live in Westchester, just south of Beacon, so Nate and I are going. Havent bought tickets yet, Nate was going to get them. Where is the tailgate party or just look?
  6. Me and my goalie from our beer league team plan to go Bills Giants
  7. You would think so... didnt Mercury Morris and Dexter Manley start something or were invloved?
  8. There isnt anything different and many dont get a second chance or more... sometimes it takes more than 1, but you dont give up on them and as difficult as it is you dont enable either. No easy answers to while some get it and stay abstained and most do not. Watching my brother get help, do well for a time and then see his demons revisit him and ultimately result in his demise was heart breaking. Have a number of friends and people I know who are no longer with us and some who have stuck with it... but for the grace of God there go I. Could be true... but you never know... lets hope he already has...
  9. Those programs also talk about taking an honest self assessment of one's self daily, helping out others with no strings attached and not judging others, doing the next right thing, and turning the results over to a higher power and having faith. Religions often promise too much and judge too much and it is easy to get sucked into all that and be manipulated and lose perspective. Tough for someone new to abstaining to make those distinctions while developing a faith that works to keep them from giving up and going back to the pain they know. Keeping busy while buying time to gain perspective is really important. My brother never got there despite numerous attempts.
  10. He needs some good people around him true and to be kept busy... but he needs to do the work and take the bull by the horns when he feels an itch and ask for help. Unfortunately, no amount of babysitting can prevent him from choosing the wrong path... I and my parents know... we tried and it doesn't work. I just hope for his sake that he hangs in there when he feels it and takes action to reach out to the right people to keep himself out of trouble. He needs to find those people in Buffalo.
  11. One day at a time, he just has to remember non carbarudum illigitimus…. "don't let the bastages get you down" and nothing is so important that another drug will make a whole lot worse. My brother died in his 30s due to his addiction... my prayers are with him.
  12. Interesting analysis on GMs and coaches should be making these decisions: Don’t overlook the importance of the month of May for NFL GMs https://theathletic.com/968240/2019/05/08/nfl-gms-rookie-minicamps/
  13. Lighten up Francis... its a term of endearment of two guys on the same page rarely seen in sports
  14. Yeh we need to get off some high horses... I remember Jim Haslet stepping on Bradshaw's head in a playoff game. Cost Bills the game
  15. it was all on feet of Clay... come back for the ball, catch the ball first, then score the touchdown... had time to do both.
  16. I remember John Elway having a similar issue, took him a few years to take some speed off his fastball so guys could catch it. When he did, his numbers went
  17. Bleu or nothing... just suffer... Yeh, sorry Reed was a figure head... always thought he would make a good coach... wondered what happened especially since I remember the secondary singing his praises. Wrecks was a disaster.
  18. I could see doing this if Beane et al felt that the Bills were close and just needed a player or two at key spots... as others have said, let's see how the QB develops, how the O line gels and what about the recievers and D line. Yes there is talent there and I expect progress, but no the Bills are at least a year from even talking about SB, this is not hockey where a hot goalie and a couple key additions can get you to the SC final. The O and D lines are too critical to success and with the Bills they are still unknowns. I hope for the playoffs this year... and Brady to break both legs... but we shall see...
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