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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. Cole, Brown, Foster, Roberts McKenzie, Duke are your six wide receivers... Zay is either cut or traded... too many drops.
  2. Yeh I am guessing Zay… though not confident based on what I saw the last two games... too many drops. Croom could be odd man out do the Bills keep 4 TEs? Haus will be fine, just working out the kinks on the long ball...
  3. Finally, nuff said... Bodine next or is Oblique... injured reserve?
  4. Yeh I thought it was earlier, but thought the Bills scored more that game. Must have been '72 then and I would have been eight... Makes more sense... Yeh had to have been 72
  5. I think it must have been 1975, November 17 Bills lost 33-24, but I remember OJ running for a lot of yards and Denis Shaw was the QB. I was a relatively warm fall day at the old rock pile. I would have been 11 years old.
  6. Not sure use to go to a game year at the Ralph, I live outta town. Been to Old RFK, Ravens, Foxboro and San Fran... 1st game at old Rock Pile in 70s vs Cincinnati.... OJ ran for a lot of yards but Bills lost something like 42-38? Went to games during Knox's nuts years... maybe 30-40 over the years...
  7. Agreed was told I will need to take off from work during second round... Im relatively young 55 in 2 weeks and otherwise in good health. Work out four days a week and now am cutting way down on sugars, way up on veggies and and low acid fruits... cutting down on carbs as well. My wife is an OR nurse and former oncology nurse so she is cracking the whip. TY for all the good advice... reinforces everything I have been told.
  8. I start chemo and rad therapy in a week for a stage 3 bladder tumor that was removed. I had a diverticulum of my bladder where the tumor showed up and though it was encapsulated it perforated the out wall. No sign it has spread from its margins but because it extended outside the wall it is considered stage 3. Stats are iffy because where it is, just not a lot of cases. But CT scan showed no evidence of spread and lymph nodes appeared normal. So we are hoping for it to be cured... just going thru the go thru... Ill say my prayers for the above to be successful as well.
  9. Pay is close, benefits and health coverage unsure of. Just looked it up. Does FLA protect pre-existing conditions? Maybe after my kids get out of school... I married late and kids are still in High School
  10. I love the snow... btw tongue in cheek remark.. not into Fla but that is just me... and my thought is raising kids in NY for schools and work benefits... will probably retire in a warmer climate... or a little further north than Fla, though more likely out West... just my preference... to each his own. Understand wanting to be by the water. Also I still require a nearby ice rink... not sure about that in Fla.
  11. Yeh, I work in Yonkers and have the same kind of fun... So you root for Jersey teams.... ha ha ha....
  12. Where, grew up on Summitt Ave. Ah moved down to the bone factory state where people up North go to die... just kidding... but you have the heat and the hurricanes... I'll take the snow and higher taxes any day...
  13. He was targeted a ridiculous over 450 times in 3 years, never starting 16 games because of "ailments" and had only a 50 catch %, guy needs to learn to hold on to the ball, especially in crunch time he is severely not prime time. Watch BO throw Baker under the bus as soon as BO fails. Watched him too long in NYC... called him garbage time.
  14. I have found Bills bars in NYC, DC, Bastan, TX, Cali, Seattle and having driven across country 5 times... bumper stickers and people with shirts and hats... literally we are everywhere... even in Europe
  15. I grew up in Buffalo went to many Bills games and still occasionally visit the Ralph. Now in NYC area but have lived in DC and Massachusetts and been to games there as well.
  16. Same here, met him in Buffalo Airport walking by himself... got him to sign my Superman comic book... wonder if he was filming one of those Hertz commercials. Not sure I met any others... have a family deal... my Uncle was drafted by the Baltimore Colts as a defensive end... He won the Ivy League trophy his senior year as mvp of the league.... he joined the Marines instead... they paid more.
  17. Was at Grevey's in Falls Church VA an former shooting guard for Bullets originally fromBuffalo with a bunch of X Buffalonians, remember we went to nearby bookstore during halftime for something to do. Came back just in time to see last Oiler's interception and we were all resigned to acknowledge the end of the Bills run... the Frank Reich happened!
  18. Bruce use to skip these things toward the end of his time with the Bills... things were not changing and he could get up to speed as needed.
  19. Yeh but as a fan if that is what they think can generate revenue in Buffalo, I think they are over estimating the market. Jests are walking back their psls because of how many folks gave up their seats... NFL may have reached a tipping point where the revenue has been maximized. Viewership declines lately, over advertising I think is hurting the league. That can change and so can the Buffalo market... but now imo is not the time to make huge changes, especially in a small market. It is Pegulas choice of course, but changing the current scene may have economic consequences that may not be able to overcome. PSLs have that effect.
  20. So you want more muffy and chets at Bills games.. great more rich bastages not cheering. Yeh if they are going to build a new place, put it downtown, but not because Roger told Buffalo so... he need to turn in his Buffalo heritage card and screw pft
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