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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. One of those supply chain issues... still not sure I fully understand it other than even though available certain states have already set up testing roots and it may be difficult to bring in another vendor from a purchasing stand point and a facility connection point of contact. My guess is itll get resolved but may take a couple weeks.
  2. Origin yea. Rump has no idea about facts except what gets made up by Alex Jones... And the origin has nothing to do with his useage.
  3. Dont really care Rump uses the term anytime he doesnt like or have an answer to a question... whatever.
  4. Regardless of this... no idea what to make of it - and to what end... finally the two hospitals I work at in lower Westchester are slowing down on intakes. New Rochelle ER is much less overnite though the floors still have a lot of Covid the ICU is getting better. In Yonkers still have a lot of patients but the amount coming into the ER at one time is doable. 2 weeks ago at 4pm we had 135 pts in ER, outside tent, fast track... this monday only 39 and the only code was a standard heart attack... not covid... Lots of deaths though on the floors... our morgue and freezer trailer are full... had to get another... but pts who have been there since height are finally going home.
  5. Its not a blame deal, other than acting fast enough... China covered it up til too late, but viruses dont care about politics... they thrive on inaction and ignoring health science experts... and covering up info. Both China and US have done the above.
  6. Not gonna quote anyone on the politics of this... have a sense of both sides... whatever... problem with this is that it spreads easily... more than the flu... there are currently no anti virals to deal with it and those whose have immune or other issues such as cardiac or diabetes are at great risk. On a personal note, I am a CT tech and work closely with our ER in a hospital... we are short on wipes and masks... also my kids school just closed because a teacher was "exposed so they are cleaning the school" The deal with this is the virus is suspected of surviving on surfaces for a while up to 2 weeks though no one is sure. We have a nurse and a CT tech out because they treated the lawyer at another hospital in southern Westchester who was infected and a nurse and a respiratory tech out at the part-time pos at a hospital I work at who also worked at the other hospital and treated said lawyer. I say this to all wash your hands... three caps of bleach per gallon of water is an effective cleaner of surfaces... Soap does best to kill virus on hands... dont fist bump others and stay six feet away from those with a cough. Cough into your elbow if you need to.... All standard precautions. Regardless of politicians... this stuff is very contagious and can be be deadly for those who have issue... I am a recent cancer survivor having chemo this past fall and though my blood level immunity seems fine... I am not taking any untoward risks... Commonsense should be used and stay out of large crowds.
  7. Allen fumble that he was ruled down on... my wife looked at that vid of him on sideline and said he looked scared... no one came over to lift his spirits pick him up... coaches?, Vets where the hell were you... he lost some of his moxy after that...
  8. I work in a Hospital... no bueno... though a number of my coworkers do... I used CBD oil during my cancer chemo treatment this fall.... it really helped... the newer stuff is a lot stronger I am told, haven't tried the THC stuff so don't really know, but I agree... make it legal and tax it. My only problem with it is the idiots taking right hand turns at .5 miles per hour. I have a house in Amherst Mass that I rent and check up on once a month. Driving through the center of town is an effort in patience. I do love tailgating the stoners and making them paranoid though...
  9. PFF = PFF... who cares, stopped clicking on their site... just a regurgitation of other twitter verse already out there....
  10. Need to rewrite title... maybe choose words other than twitter speak.
  11. Must win... could be a downer for a few weeks after.
  12. Probably time to start considering moving on from Allen... or at least draft another QB this year and see where the chips fall... He is just not developing the way he needs to...
  13. They make those down at Hard Times Cafe in Alexandria Va call it a ChilliMac
  14. Needs to put a little more air under the ball, too much rocket, allow receiver to adjust.
  15. Baby eating / storm the castles make it look nasty time just squish the fish!
  16. Effects sometimes show up til a day or two later. Again hard to predict.
  17. Bills need to relax and keep it simple too jacked and making mistakes
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