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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. Agree the testing and its consistency is problematic. That being said, this is not a case of increased testing for the increase in positives.... more related to few infected persons going into a large gathering of irresponsible young folks not practicing social distancing and standard precautions. The disease causes heart attacks, long term vascular issues, PEs and aneurysms even in asymptomatic otherwise healthy people. Those with other issues are at even greater risk regardless of testing. Please be safe people. Just not worth it. PS I work in a hospital just outside NYC, saw the worst of it and though down to a dull roar... 1 dying a week v 11 a day at its height... it is still around and know a few nurses still experiencing issues since April infection.
  2. Wrong... man people have a lot of incorrect info. It can take up to 14 days for exposure to manifest itself. Up to, it can happen before. Asymptomatic people can spread disease... In addition its all about viral load and proximity to an infected person as to whether or not you catch it. Jeez there is a lot of misunderstanding out there about the disease. The 14 day quarantine from potential exposure is generally the most it takes for you to have the disease symptomatic or asymptomatic and spread it to others. Generally means you are safe... and wash your hands regularly while there and dont touch anything and then yourself ...
  3. Now Tre White but at a hockey rink bar... past Tony Greene was my favorite Bill growing up...
  4. Someone go cough down at our opponents hotel the first week or the last week of preseason... ?
  5. Just to be clear you work without safety equipment?... because I do and yet still was exposed... got sick... recovered and tested positive for the antibodies... ps I survived cancerous tumor last year... just a little bit scary.
  6. Generally speaking true, but it varies so much... healthy people die and compromised people have barely felt symptoms... blood type is one factor and they are discovering others, but it is a weird virus... Also reports of long term lung and heart issues is some people even without symptoms.. again the randomness of the virus is tough to deal with.
  7. Oh Docs do, but overall its a wash... should have come to my hospital in early April where we had 11 dying a day due to covid
  8. Oh stop we are in the multi millions now and covid for you deniers causes heart attacks... pulmonary embolisms brain aneurysms and national testing facilities have been screwing up results. This disease is no joke... take a ride to a Fla Hospital right now.
  9. Yeh NYT times has gone the way of Fox News I dont read or watch either. I check a variety of news sources to see what might be credible. WSJ has some credible stuff though not always, Bloomberg seems ok but still has meh stuff. Journal of Econ pretty good. The Hill reports both sides stuff so take with a grain of salt.
  10. Cant find much but he did so during 2016 campaign. He is FOS He is reportedly most watched commentator in US
  11. Think you are splitting hairs... tacit or active doxxing results in same thing... its an excuse... though NYT should know better... Tucker and his ilk I expect this shiite from...
  12. During last Presidential campaign he did it at least once if my memory serves. Found one example https://www.peacock-panache.com/2018/11/the-blazing-hypocrisy-of-the-tucker-carlson-harassment-incident-35097.html Again I dont agree with doxxing but guy is FOS
  13. He has practiced it himself, again I dont support it but the guy lives by the sword... biggest hypocrite going.
  14. At this point everyone is being doxxed.., Tucker has done it himself... no I dont do it nor approve of it... but if anyone deserves it... not saying doxxing is right... Deserves yes... should be no... doxxing is abhorrent but you live by the sword...
  15. Oh common Trump is nuts get over it... the question is, is his narcissistic corrupt Constitution violating, China hating (fine by me), deal cutting demand for ring kissing bent etc better for this country better than a Biden's stuttering, Obama rehash, wide ranging coalition that is impossible to keep together, health care for everyone btw wear a mask, Russia hating etc better for our country. I dont know... the racist shiite and covid denial hurts Trump in the burbs... the looting in cities hurts Biden... not the protests. China stuff helps Trump... anti Russia mixed for Biden... we will see... polls mean little at this point and Trump could do better with media he doesnt know how to work them and still hasnt figured them out. The biggest concern is his disrespect for our military. They keep turning on him he is done imo. Tucker deserves to be doxxed... he is an arrogant prick among arrogant pricks... not saying he is wrong but common guy used to be smart on fights he picks.
  16. Sorry but most of what you posted are not symptoms.... fever maybe stomach flu nope. PS I had it, it sucked, high fever, head aches, heart palpitations, abdominal pain, weakness... tested pos for antibodies... and yes I work in a hospital in southern NY where we saw up to 11 people die a day... still see people dying of it though more like 2-3 a week. It causes heart attacks, PEs, and aneurysms. Treatments have gotten better and there is some trial stuff out there that is very promising. That being said... this is not a joke... it causes longterm lung scaring in younger asymptomatic people...
  17. Looks like it might work... wonder if hockey uses the lower part in its full shield. Nice
  18. Dumb question, what do the new masks look like... are they like full hockey shields? Just havent seen them. Based on concepts probably gonna need some cloth filters over cut out openings in the shields and maybe put some cut outs up near top of shield imo to lessen droplet exposure
  19. Jimbo you need to have another conversation with that idiot nephew of your's
  20. Happy 4th cheers to social never mind big booms
  21. Todd answered your questions pretty succinctly. I would add that the incubation period for covid is longer... up to 14 days and many people have it and spreading it for longer without knowing it (pre-symptomatic) or even having symptoms at all for those 14 days.
  22. Actually because I work in a hospital I do wear a mask. It sucks people die from the flu... But this isn't the flu, it is much worse, more virulent and your deaths due to flu are inflated, about half that.... 55,000 of covid cases reported yesterday alone. 128,000 deaths in 4 months... Flu has treatments such as tamaflu.. and a known epidomology. Not saying shut down everything but if folks can't follow instructions for safety then yes... I saw 11 deaths in 1 day at my hospital. Again, ignoring these precautions results in crap like Chappaqua. Avoidable... wait til there is an outbreak at a game and they shut down the NFL for the whole season... that will really suck. We in the US don't take virus infections seriously enough... non is a acceptable number.
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