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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. In that vein I guess we should declare this National Clorox Day..
  2. Look, I had cancer last year... so far clean went back to work and contracted the virus... because I work in a Hospital just outside on NYC... so I am not surprised he contracted the virus given his anti-mask wearing agenda and am surprised it took this long for one of his staff to give it to him. Shows you how much distance he has been given to people except those who are close to him. PS I tested negative twice and a week and a half after symptoms tested positive for the anti-bodies. I went to a hotel room as soon as I spiked a fever and my family did not get it. I had a fever for 11 days 4 of which were a bit scary as my heart was racing, bad head aches, lower abdominal pain and chest tightness. TG I got through it. I don't like Trump more for his personality, only policy some things like his stance on China I like... other things like his leadership on Covid and how he has dealt with race nope... On the economy he is mixed for me. If he would be such an angry putz... I believe he would be re-elected in a heart beat... I hope in this case he feels symptoms like I did, but survives... I also hope it doesn't get into his lungs... at that point there can be permanent damage... also the weird clotting this thing does to people is a big risk for heart attacks, PEs and aneurysms. If it is fake... grr... and twitter is awash with conspiracy theories that it is a campaign stunt. Who knows. Really check twitter... this stuff is all over the place including shots of him injecting clorox...
  3. At this point I don't the debates matter a whole lot except to reinforce the support for either side's opinion and candidate. Gotta think undecideds at this point are minimal and it is all about GOTV in the final month.
  4. Sigh.... reduce viral load... reduce spread keep NFL season going
  5. How Vincent doesnt suspend some players for not following the rules is beyond me. Raiders as a team doesnt sound like a team sponsored event so maybe not but if coaches attended then yes.
  6. Slim you ever go to Grevy's in Falls Church during the early 90s? Place used to rock during game day... Charlie the Butcher carve us beef for beef on wick...
  7. Oh a guy called into FAN last week as the announcers were commiserating about the Jests and Ants and said at least a NY team was winning. They hung up on him promptly but I loved it
  8. Haven't watched the Raiders much only highlights. Their o-line was terrible last year... so if it is better Bills D line needs to show up. Rams have a very good D-line and Bills d-line was a no show against them. Hope the Bills are looking at the waiver wire for a good young linebacker who is stashed on another team... unless there is handshake agreement between teams right now not to sign another teams practice squad guys.
  9. They were talking about the D line I thought, but maybe both and could be the one week of layoff after only playing one week and not having time to fully get in game shape. But linebackers need to be so many things against these offenses. PS The Rams looked gassed on the last drive by the Bills. May have been a bit about the heat and not having pre-season and an aborted training camp. This RPO stuff off 3 and 4 wide receiver sets appears to be driving defenses up a wall for those teams that can run it well.
  10. In addition is the current RPO stuff driving defenses up a wall and do? new defenses need to be 2 deep at linebacker or at least have one capable of starting and rotate them regularly... it seems the Bills linebackers were gassed by the end of the game. Not sure it was so much the D line but the fact that the linebackers were a step slow filing in and still needing to be able to cover. Does every team need a Jamal Adams type safety/linebacker that can cover and thump depending on the play?
  11. So basically what you are saying is next Sunday will be a Lamb Roast.
  12. Again more about High School, Juco and late bloomer stuff. He keeps going up in his improvement so there has to be something to this... when he starts plateauing we will know more about his development... Reminds me of Elway a bit.
  13. Because he went to juco and then Wyoming... hard to say but if he had better coaching... dont think he was referring to time with the Bills... other than he had to play too soon.
  14. Yeh and by that point Fla and Tx should have learned..., Also given death rates in March and April above the norm in FLA and TX and lack of testing who knows how bad it was down there. But betting deaths if actually tested would be a lot closer to NYs. Heart attacks etc would have been directly attributable to covid. Also If they could efficiently test for t cell responses betting a lot more immunity out there show greater wide spread of disease. Also gonna see more long term issues show up. People under estimate this virus are the problem... doesnt care about ppolitics.
  15. Exactly, TX and Fla have way more cases then NY. NY got hit first and had to figure out best treatments and protocols from scratch with little coherent leadership from feds. Death rates have gone way down because of NY experience and figuring it out, yet infections in Fla and TX far exceed NY and death eventually will surpass NY. Sad because you would think would have learned. But Red states have called it a conspiracy despite the science and continue to have high numbers of infections. NY is down to a dull roar though still idiots not following basic infection protocols and being spreaders.
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