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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. Yeh I know who they are, just bustin, but the part in ( ) was what I felt when I read that stuff...
  2. Big northern cities and west coast cities are being villified because of politics right now... but Dallas is a truck stop... Fla is getting swamped by rising waters and Tampa is a bone factory... yeh polluted ocean... everywhere has its issues... Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... me I am a northern boy and don't do heat well...
  3. https://sports.yahoo.com/week-2-s-wild-variances-bills-look-primed-to-take-off-while-steelers-saints-come-back-down-to-earth-225216214.html Fun article... tables break easier...
  4. Nothing illegal... yeah pork barrel politics for projects favored in certain states... waste is in the eye of the beholder... not applicable to the title of the Bill... sure... but nothing new... line item veto was able to derail some of this, but Sup Ct said it was unconstitutional and both sides do this. Question, and I haven't looked it up... is this an authorizing bill or an appropriations bill. If authorizing... than it just means that the feds are allowed to spend the money... but if no money is appropriated it is DOA. Lots of things get in authorizing bills that are never allocated because no money is appropriated for it... just saying.
  5. Yeh but that doesn't fit their narrative and ps Tampa is a dump... and now a dying dump you are right though every state has its areas and others that are nice... The question I think to in the Post article the right wing misses is tying Trumpism to perpetuating anti-health measures solidifies the Democratic coalition the same as abortion solidifies and energizes the Republican coalition. Question for me is which one will be a bigger coalition. Obviously it will depend on the state.
  6. So this is my understanding from talking to docs who better understand the research and its implications... the RNA vax gives you better protection against variability or strains of the virus... while your antibodies do decrease over time... about 3% per Month you still have memory cells that know how to create T cells to fight an infection.. which is why people with break thru infections dont die... but they can still get infected... those that got infected and then got vaxed in very small studies so far have all been immune... it is not known how long that lasts..
  7. Im rocking both... but Im a hospital worker and dont go into large crowds... not taking any chances... again saw 11 people die a day a year and half ago including docs, nurses and kids... I have a family to protect... do both and be safe imo...
  8. Look for it yourself widely published about it when pfizer and moderna first came out... RNA mechanism was part of an NIH study to find an AIDS vax
  9. Actually its been worked on for much longer... came out AIDS vaccine effort that ran out of funds a number of years ago.
  10. Ill say my prayers this thing is no joke I watched 11 people die a day a year and a half ago at two hospital just outside NYC
  11. Yeh mine now 17 year old did that and now is 6'4" 230lbs
  12. AIDS cant be spread that way unless you are doing things at stadium im unaware of 😜
  13. Im an xray CT tech at two Hospitals and can confirm all hospitalizations in lower NY that I have xrayed or CT'd are unvaxed
  14. We went in to US Open with digital wallet no muss no fuss but then again my wife is a digital ninja... id have screwed it up.
  15. All a bunch of media noise... the rest of us are ignoring.... I know you are but what am I crap... more concerned with Docs burning out and antivax freedumbers
  16. Despite some issue like the trump created Afghanistan deal Biden has done ok... Against Anti vaxxer conspiracy freedumbers he has managed to slowly raise overall vax rate and states like TX and Fla continue to crap on their own people especially hospital workers
  17. Yeh lock downs have saved lives at height of pandemic but post psych is way up at the hospitals I work at in southern westchester Well unregulated states just means freedumb to be crapped and not paid for it.
  18. Lol bs yeh there are some yahoos in Staten Island but very few
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