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Everything posted by BillyBaroo

  1. Did we think we needed a small receiver because Roscoe is gone?
  2. Hahaha -- definitely true - in Kentucky she would be less than avg
  3. Hahaha - can't believe anyone would pick us other than 4th in AFC East
  4. I want one of those - but this sunday Jerry Butler
  5. I'm hoping to have the same good feeling when we finally get over our "Patriots Curse" and actually beat them
  6. I agree - I don't think you have to have a huge city with a lot of cultural attractions. You just need a solid organization where players think they will be rewarded and not waste their short careers.
  7. Wasn't that Chambers I saw standing on Detroit's sideline for preseason game?
  8. I saw someone was called Jamie Nails on this site - and with so much preoccupation with O-Line - I was trying to think of O-Linemen from the past even obscure ones and thought we could compile a list. I will start us with 3= John Fina, Jerry Crafts, Corbin Lacina
  9. My kids say "Crannies" - so his name could be I eat Crannies
  10. Yes! Was that when Robb Riddick was playing too?
  11. Just don't read Marv's self serving memoir - I forget the title. After I read that I was reminded that it is often better to be "lucky than good" and then it was confirmed to me after Marv's disaster at GM
  12. Merriman is going to remind Chiefs fans of Derrick Thomas on Sunday!
  13. Dareus and Merriman alone make it better - they seem to me to be the only 2 in the last couple of years that will be considered "great players" and get some respect
  14. I still don't see him as an elite NFL receiver - maybe it's God's fault?
  15. Wrotto and Howard really looked bad against Detroit 2nd Stringers. There has to be somebody better than those 2 on waivers. I agree with your completely - Thigpen is just not going to work if we need someone to come in for Fitz. I guess the one positive is that there at least can't be a quarterback controversy as Fitz won't be looking over his shoulder at all
  16. Corto can play CFL - he would be a nice fit - I would drive up to watch him!
  17. is it going to take a ton of $ to lock up Parrish?? or even Johnson?? I hope we are saving it because they know we have a high draft pick to sign next year and might be able to make a good move in Free Agency with more time due to no lockout.
  18. 0-4 against those 2 teams. we will be lucky to sneak 1 win out of AFC East
  19. this ain't the preseason! I will take the Bills' 3 wins this year any way we can take them!
  20. 1) We beat Philly at home and Desean Jackson Blames God 2) Merriman wins Defensive Player of the year 3) Tebow runs over Kelsay at the 1 yard line on Christmas Eve to keep us out of the playoffs.
  21. finally someone who makes sense - Wood would be wasted at Center
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