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Everything posted by BigBuff423

  1. Given that the two players on different sides of the ball, I think their intention was always to sign Meachem and then sign Anderson, although it demonstrates their self-control not to overpay for a player they had no intention of paying above a certain value threshold....Nix knows they still need WR help, but he will be smart about the value of the money spent....had Meachem signed a deal the BILLS believed was reasonable I still think Anderson was on the list of players to get
  2. I agree that numbers CAN lie, and that productivity is what SHOULD count....I immediately thought of Drew Brees when you began your opinion and explanation of Russell Wilson. Personally, I would take Russell Wilson over Tyler Thigpen any day of the week, given the sheer potential of Russell Wilson and the possibility of what he might do a year or two behind Fitzpatrick. I don't think he should be drafted before the 4th Round though, and not because of his height but b/c the BILLS have other holes to fill, those same positions discussed her ad nauseum, but would like to see Russell Wilson in a BILLS uniform if for nothing else to truly explore if they could catch lightning in a bottle....a somewhat small bottle, but lightning nonetheless....(and also thought of Flutie while you were discussing his height) and bottom line, these same Offensive lineman at NC State and Wisconsin are the same lineman who will be holding the line in the NFL, if he can do it at the highest level of college competition, he can most likely do it in the NFL assuming height is his only limitation
  3. Not that I have a problem with those positions being Drafted, but to say it MUST be in that order without knowing how the Draft develops, IMO, would present a myopic view at best....truthfully, WR is probably the best value at 10 unless Claiborne is still there, then LB in 2nd and CB thereafter...
  4. Martin's showing is problematic for the BILLS...I agree with that poor performance, Martin should be scratched from consideration in the top 15, but Glenn is a Guard and DiCastro is a Guard and Nix went on record saying he would Draft a Tackle as it's easier to convert Tackles to Guards than the reverse....as for Floyd, I'm not a fan of drafting a WR so high, but it may come down to necessity meeting opportunity....a value at 10 may be WR if other LT players are exhausted at that value point and now we know DE is legitimately out of the picture, as it was Nix said he didn't think DE was in the elite category this year but deep and evidenced by his opinion are two FA DE signings, and I don't see Nix spending a high pick on a LB, IMO...that means WR or CB is most likely the choice and we CAN'T say CB is out of the running considering this team needs another good CB and the value may very well be there....this team needs another good to great 2nd WR on the outside with speed which is why it probably vaults that position to the 10 spot since Claiborne will most likely be gone, but if not, I wouldn't be shocked to see the BILLS jump on that value pick....
  5. Yes.....not that I have any aversion to keeping the BILLS schedule to 1:00 p.m. on Sundays, as I love Sunday football more than any other....but this is once again, BILLS fans wanting to relevant again and take one step forward toward this Franchise being taken seriously
  6. If I can re-state in my own words your basic thought, and I apologize if it is inaccurate, but what it sounds like you're saying is: "If Bell gets stronger and stays healthy he can be a very good LT"....if that's true, I don't know that many of us would dispute this fact and I would be one to generally concur with this general opinion.....However, the problem has been he has yet to do just that. So, that's why I am in favor of bringing him back if possible, but would like to see us 2 to 3 good Tackles deep on the BILLS roster thereby my reasoning for drafting a true LT at 10....but I suppose, this may all be moot if Bell signs somewhere else...
  7. I'm not opposed to seeing Bell in a BILLS uniform next year, but based upon previous performance history, I would rather we spend our 10th pick on a LT, if in fact we stay put in the 10 spot....I understand what you mean in that you can then have even more flexibility in the Draft, and I'm all for Bell coming back due to the need for depth at the Tackle position, but even if he did/does come back, if we stay at 10th, I would like to see us Draft a true LT...but, we're still a long way off from that, so I guess we'll see...
  8. Glad to see the FO addressing our most glaring need in spades....and, hope that it will pay dividends come game time...but the depth of this team has only gotten better since the season ended....even with the addition of Clowney and Jauron Gilbert, whom many forget about, we were taking small steps toward being deeper in the Defense....for those who may not remember, Gilbert was a guy talked about a great deal on this message board before the Draft, he jumped out of the pool flat footed - a Youtube video was posted showing it....either way, I'm fan of Gilbert being added to the mix for depth
  9. Personally, I think giving Jauron credit for anything is borderline insanity....let alone credit for a team that went 7-9....sometimes, it's not just the win/loss, but the manner in which those wins/losses came....I'm not ready to put a crown on Nix and say he was God's gift to Buffalo, but I'am also very far from throwing him under the proverbial bus stating he hasn't done "anything" or enough to get Buffalo to the place where talent meets execution and we start to see wins.... Simply put, IMO this team is much farther along in two seasons, along with a shortened FA season last year, than they were in 3 years under Jauron/Levy/Brandon as GM....and I don't know how Troup will work out or Easley, as both have been hampered by nagging injuries, but in many other ways, I believe the Draft has yielded better overall results than in the Jauron/Levy/Brandon as GM years did....and yes, there's Wood and Levitre, Byrd and KW, but beyond that, I don't think Jauron/Levy get credit for anything...yes SJ, but he didn't see playing time until Chan got here, so kudos to Levy for seeing talent, and Chan for actually giving him the chance to play....kudos to Fewell for seeing Fitz as a good QB, and kudos to Chan for letting there be a competition between Trent and Fitz and then pulling plug quickly into their 1st season when it became apparent that Trent was a practice stud and a game time queen....and yes, there are not many starters from the 2010 cmapaign in Draft/FA, but again the BILLS were trying to move to a 3-4, so that meant drafting and signing FAs from a different talent structure than before and now, we're moving back....we can go round and round with this, but why not simply say, we're a team in motion...hopefully progressing toward being a relevant team for the playoffs, but only 2012 will truly tell us....and yes, 2012 is a year when we NEED to see drastic improvement, playoffs or bust or Chan/Nix will be considered unsuccessful and I'll be one of the first to admit it...but until then, let's take a breath and give them the benefit of a full off-season without work stoppage interruptions to see how they can build this team.....ok??
  10. This is Buddy's vindication. After the CJ pick in his first draft many people were ready to run him out of town and then after the lack of FA last year people were getting even angrier, despite the fact that he was working with strigent limitations due to the work stoppage, and now he brings in arguably the biggest and most important FA in Buffalo BILLS' history. I can't say I've always understood his logic when it comes to the Draft, namely the Troup and CJ pick, but I will say I gave him a wider berth than many on this board. That's not to my credit, it's just that I believed a wiser and older gentleman was needed to restore this franchise to football glory....and I truly believed his resume with San Diego, once I got to know more about him, bought him a few years and now I'm glad to see his "plan" coming together. He did say they wouldn't go out and buy high priced FA and that they would pay their own players and build through the Draft, but he has done that except he did just get a high priced FA....although I think Buddy saw the need and how close we "can" be to becoming legitimate contenders and jumped at the opportunity to make a true difference on this team....also, he did say during his initial presser when he was introduced that you can't necessarily listen to fans, but I do believe (as evidenced by his statements recently) that he pays attention to the fan base, important to listen but not necessarily react....seems that's what Buddy is doing....kudos to him and the FO and let's hope the Draft and maybe another FA will yield great results and a good year for 2012!!!!
  11. This whole QB debate becomes quite tiring....I know we all want a QB we love to see take the field and becomes the "face" of the franchise, but I agree with the other posters, QB is a very important part - but still just ONE part of the team concept. While I'm not the biggest Fitz fan, it was apparent to me this team did NOT lose due to Fitz's play, but rather a larger dysfunction on the team as a whole, namely the Defense. I can't understand why Gailey didn't run the ball more often later in the season when it seemed CJ got his legs underneath him but that aside, due to some key Offensive injuries and very poor play by the Defense that was our lackluster season in a nutshell. Fitz is not great, but he CAN be good...and until you maintain a healthy Offensive line and consistency at the WR position along with a Defense that does not stay on the field for more than half the game, I don't believe the BILLS really know if Fitz is the long-term answer. I don't believe he is, but I also don't think he's the reason for our dismal season in 2011. I would like to see the BILLS draft a guy in the 3rd Round and allow him to be groomed and learn the Offense and gain experience and insight by riding the pine, growing in training and practice, and getting a few opportunities in mop up duty and then allowing him to progress to the the point of taking over the Offense by year 3...that would still make this team Fitz's team and really give him an opportunity to prove his mettle and hopefully manage the Offense the place where the BILLS can string together enough wins to be in the playoffs and then who knows from there....but, I also realize "elite" QBs are "elite" for a reason, because they rise above the average to a place where they set the standard and everyone else is chasing them...the Bradys, Mannings', and Brees' of the NFL do not come along often and are not always 1st Round talent, ala Brady and Brees, but as others have pointed out, some very good "teams" have made it to and won the Super Bowl by average QBs who have a solid or good season.....count me in the category who wants to build a team winning concept and make the most of the QB we have now and look to groom the next QB to really add talent and guide the BILLS for ten years afterward...
  12. These kinds of redundant posts are just mind-numbing and draining....I'm not saying there isn't a comment that hasn't already been made about every single subject surrounding the NFL, but I'm sick of listening to things like this...to Spartacus, dude, I know you're frustrated....I know it was hard to watch and I know the whole, "it shouldn't take three years to build a team" mantra, but let's re-frame history in the proper perspective. First, George Edwards had ALREADY agreed to be the Defensive Coordinator for the Championship Florida Gators when he left that team to come to Buffalo, so calling him a "buffoon" is not only basely and personal, it is factually inaccurate and quite frankly, just mean....I realize we all hold serious personal opinions about the BILLS, if we weren't rabid fans - we wouldn't be spending our time writing things like these, so I get it...but there's no need to make your professional opinion of George Edwards so malicious....save those kinds of comments for individuals who have earned it based upon their behavior and point it to their behavior, ala Ben Rothelisberger and rape accusations or clubbing it and causing problems with women, or the dunce that was arrested for dealing cocaine who was with the Bears last year and the Cowboys previously, those gentlemen and their behavior deserve your disdain....as for the facts about his time here, is it possible that Chan and Nix brought Dave W in to try and right the ship with the Defense by "assisting" George and allowing Dave a year to build some rapport with the players with the understanding that if the Defense did not improve,let alone somewhat regress, Dave would take over and at THAT POINT he would already have a professional relationship with the players and most likely, their respect and more importantly he would KNOW his players along with their attributes and deficiencies???? Before we burn Edwards in effigy due to the failure of the Defense and then crucify Chan for hiring Edwards and then not firing him, let's just take a step backwards and try and see this in perspective....
  13. I dont' know if it truly is Buddy's plan as the title insinuates, but I will say that given the talent and our true NEED at LT, I would like to see the BILLS draft a LT if in fact they stay in the #10 spot. As for Glenn, he's built extremely well for the LT position, but the problem I see is that all I've read (which isn't much) is that his projection is far better as a Guard in the NFL than a tackle. If in fact Nix believes Glenn can play LT and do it well, not only for the physical attributes but for an understanding of his role in the Offense also, then I'm good with it. I think LT is going to be the pick merely because of where we stand in the "Need" department and where the talent level lies at the #10 spot....others have mentioned WR, such as Floyd, but I don't believe we "Need" a WR as much in the #10 spot. That's not to say I don't think we NEED another WR, I just don't believe it's value belies the 10th overall pick. That being said, CB,WR, and LB are also all definite necessities in one form or another.
  14. Valid argument....but let's not jump on the bandwagon of crazy and call Jay Cutler "elite"...good or above average yes, "elite", um...no.
  15. I agree with points 1,3, & 4, all good points and all reasonable arguments for the ancillary benefits to MW signing with the BILLS. However, while I understand your logic regarding point #2, I respectfully disagree. The truth is, those Tornoto games didn't sell out because the reach of BILLS football for ticket sales doesn't go quite that far. I'm sure there are many Toronto fans of the Buffalo BILLS, but getting in and out of Canada is no longer as easy as it once was and for many people they can get less hassle at a cheaper price to watch it either on cable or via satellite. Plus, I think with this team, ready to take the locker room today - let alone after FA is done and the Draft is completed - will draw a sell out crowd at that ONE Toronto game, and we wouldn't be sacrificing the home game advantage. Now, the benefit to the Toronto series in hindsight might be phenomenal. Take away the privielge of seeing some good football live and in person, such as when the BILLS played the Jets and the Dolphins, and when this team is competitive again, as we should be this year, and the fans will appreciate what they lost....another chance to inflict upon opposing teams our rabid support of a great team and organization.
  16. If we didn't truly NEED a good LT, I would be on board with this pick...but throwing to Floyd (or anyone else for that matter) will be difficult when Fitz is laid out ten yards behind the line of scrimmage and the docs are checking for a concussion....that's NOT an indictment against the rest of the line, but as of right now there's a big, gaping hole protecting Fitz's blindside....and while I like Hairston, I think he's better suited for a RT and then there's the lack of depth issue. So, if Floyd is there in the 2nd round (which he won't be) AND we draft a LT at 10 or trade back in the 1st and draft a LT, then I'm good with that, but otherwise, unfortunately LT is just too much of a need at this point and it fits with the value of the 10th pick or anywhere in the top 15
  17. I agree with your needs, just not who is available - as mentioned by previous posters.....Manny Lawson would be my pick for LB and getting a CB would be good....I don't know if he's still out there, but Aaron Ross was available as of yesterday morning and he would be a good compliment....I would STILL draft a CB in the middle rounds if/when we get another CB via FA, if not we need to draft a couple, seriously, we don't have good talent at that position when it comes to depth....let me put it this way: if Drayton Florence can even still be a consideration for this team.....we're seriously lacking talent. Sorry Florence, but dude you were horrific for the most part the last couple years...you've had some highs, but far too many lows for my taste
  18. I know depth is always an issue in the NFL...but why?? Why would you want to spend such a high value pick on an area that is clearly NOT a need at this point AND the DE position, in Buddy's words are not elite but very deep?? I agree we need to draft another DE, just not in the first two rounds....3rd round I'm good with, depending on the rest of FA, as the BILLS NEED a second WR and LB, and could really use another good CB....IMO
  19. In other posts I've mentioned this same thing....Carrington is a great physical specimen and was the DE in college and I think he's got great strength and a quick step. I've been a proponent of letting Carrington man one side since the switch to 4-3 b/c I think he could be a good guy against the run and a decent pass rusher, put him opposite MW and along side KW and Dareus, and I believe that's the line to go with and let Kelsey and Merriman be the pass rush specialist...
  20. It's hard to believe that one player, Mr. Mario Williams, could have such a dramatic effect on this organization and by default - it's fan base...but he does. A healthy Kyle Williams, a second year Dareus, and MW along with a developing Offense and healthy O-line will continue to bring about the next phase this franchise needs to take: the playoffs, and what Williams does, in addition to legitimazing the Defensive line, is provide a source of strength what was a place of weakness last year. Does the D-line need to continue to get deeper? Absolutely!! But, MW is a tremendous start!! I would like to see the BILLS add another Vet DT, draft a DT & DE somewhere in the middle rounds, get a VET LB AND draft a LB, get a VET WR AND draft a WR, and of course do the same with the CB position and THEN we'll be in a position to withstand the rigors of a full season....and BTW, Draft a Left OT with the 10th pick....but, one giant step forward today!!
  21. I'm seriously hoping this is sarcasm....after Ralph just spent $100 million on ONE player!!! Don't get me wrong, I know he fills a need and I'm happy to see him in Buffalo ready to be an important cog in the wheel of change, but you CANNOT call Ralph cheap after this signing!!!
  22. It's very true....I wonder what all the Nix haters are saying this morning?? For many, they believed Nix wouldn't even attempt to get Mario, others believed "Ralph is cheap" and wouldn't pay him even if Nix wanted him, and then there were others that simply chose to believe what Nix said in public. You cannot blame Nix for this, you can only blame the history prior to Nix's arrival: Mario may not want to come here due to the difficulty in getting over that hump to a team in contention for the playoffs and Super Bowl year-in and year-out, but at least Nix is showing the world that for the right player who can drastically improve their team, the BILLS are willing to pay a player....and that's something this FO hasn't done in a very long time
  23. There's a tiny limb you climb out on....and then there's that toothpick you're sticking a 400 lb guerilla on! Not for anything, but to be so confident about anything at this point seems to shade toward hubrus....that's not to say you're wrong, but to be so adamantly sure of yourself is a bit telling as to your general perspective. Just sayin dude...
  24. I agree the premise of your post....Nix said they'd be aggressive, and they have been. Bringing in Mario from the very start and in fact to be the very first team to host him and willing to pay the money shows Nix is a man of his word. As you stated, you can't force MW to sign the contract, all you can do is put your best foot forward and hope he sees the value in both the money and the organization. What the alternative plan would be from here, only the BILLS FO truly knows but kudos to them for really making an effort, not just going through the motions to placate the public. As for WR, as others said Doucet and Manningham are good talented players and would add depth to the roster. That's not to say the BILLS wouldn't still draft a good, promising WR but I think with Parrish most likely leaving, adding another WR via FA is necessary.
  25. FA: Manny Lawson would be nice and Brandon Carr or John Carlson would also be nice... Draft: 1st round, OT; 2nd round, another DE/DT; 3rd round, CB and then B.P.A. each pick thereafter.....but hey, that's me
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