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sllib olaffub

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Everything posted by sllib olaffub

  1. I like our O-line of Wood, Levitre, Incognito (hope they sign him to a three or four year deal!), Hangartner, & Bell. I think we're a good LT away from having a nice young, solid O-line for years to come, with another tackle and guard as developmental and backup purposes. Our D-front seven, though, is misfit and aging for the 3-4. We need two NT, and an OLB, and that is if Maybin is good at OLB. But, the DE prospects we have aren't guaranteed to work there, and they aren't young. So, if you want to have a front seven that is good and in place for four to six years, you're looking at two ends, two NT's, and two linebackers. So, considering backups, rotational players, etc., I think we're looking at adding two guys to our O-line this year, and we need like four to six guys in the front seven on D. Considering the lopsided nature of our needs, I still think if we stay at 9 we go LT, because there is more quality depth on the D-line in this years draft. You could hopefully fix our O-line with one pick, whereas the D is going to take a bunch, and some FA's. That being said, if we trade down to the teens I think we grab the best NT and use our earliest next pick on a LT. Either way, I see us addressing the LT early, but gong D most of the rest of the way. Optimistically, it's not unrealistic to think we can walk away with four starters from the draft and two to four starters via free agency, which, if they're the right positions, could field us a competitive team this year.
  2. I've got a question for you guys - don't know if this has been brought up yet... if the Bills pick up or plan to have a left handed QB, then would that mean the RT has to be the stereotypical LT, and vice versa? I guess we need both, so it might not matter too much, but, if we were to go with a Left handed QB, then would we be just moving someone like Okung to RT, or would we still try and have someone like Okung at LT, and have a standard RT? Just wondering, because, just for shock value, I think it was Tebow who was left handed - one of the QB's coming out is, and I was wondering if our F.O. could try and mastermind some kind easier draft plan if they didn't have to worry as much about LT - if, for instance, their LT was going to be a RT? Sorry if it's confusing, just looking for a little info on that scenario.
  3. I know I'm just an armchair QB/coach, but I've always thought that if I were in charge of a football team, first thing I'd do is bring in a bunch of coaches. Really well coached players of average talent will succeed more often than poorly coached players of great talent. Ideally, you want both, but, I think we can look to New England as a recent example of a team coached in such a way that the scheme dominates, and players can be subbed to an extent. I'd like to think we'll be a young, well coached team now that will hit a high peak in a few years and last - which is something the coaches have said they're interested in - long term success.
  4. I'd say absolutely! When looking at the Bills we currently have 3 QB's that are, based on past achievements, not NFL caliber QB's. Maybe with the right coaching one or two of them can be good. That is a big BUT, though. Going into 2010 we need someone who has done it before, and who can do it - not necessarily at a pro-bowl level, but at least capable of hitting 15yrd slants, something other than a screen pass. So we bring in Daunte. He's not a long term answer, but he is at the least capable, and potentially could be good. Then we draft a QB who needs a little time to develop - someone in the mid rounds so we can take care of other needs early, yet who could be good, like Tebow or Lefevour? - and we let him develop for a year. Doing it like that would give us one proven starter, a future to build on, and we still would have the possibility of Trent or Brohm being held onto and competing. We'd go from having a black hole at the QB position to having some promise. That's my take. And, it wouldn't have to be Culpepper - although I think he's the best option - any good vet that could fill in for a year or two, show leadership, make the average NFL caliber throws. Other possibilities - Plummer (as listed on PFT), Garcia, Thigpen...
  5. I'm thinking the Bills will be bringing in some FA's, and I'm hoping that at 12:01 on FA day the Bills will be looking to land a few guys in particular that other teams aren't looking at. I mean, when the time comes I think the Bills will spend, and spend what they have to to get a few guys - but, I'm hoping that where some teams are looking to nab a WR, or DE, or something, we'll have zeroed in on a few guys with talent but that don't play positions a lot of other teams will be fighting to add... anyway, with all the college coaching minds we've brought in, each one of their lists of college draft eligibles should have some unknowns on there - maybe we'll get lucky with Undrafted college FA's this year, or in the later rounds, when it comes to rebuilding.
  6. If either of the Big two or three NT candidates fell to us in the second we'd be lucky and should grab them up. I say we'd be lucky to be able to trade up five or ten spots to land Williams - if he made it into the second at all. Most mocks have him going in the 10 - 20 range. Cody, in the second, would be worth the risk. He'll at least clog up the middle for you.
  7. If this is true, then it looks like Bell would most likely move to RT - and, if they thought he could be a real good LT, then he ought to have what it takes to be a good RT. Consequently, though, I'd think that would make drafting a LT that much higher of a priority, unless the coaches think Bell really is ready to be a good LT, in which case they could probably settle for drafting a RT candidate in the middle rounds, or F.A...
  8. I like the moves, and the way our coaching staff has been assembled. I like that we have a lot of coaches - something that'll pay off, I think. They're cheaper than players, and if you're going to spend X amount of dollars, why not put a little more into the coaching? Also, people make a lot of Nix's age, but he's only like 2 years older than the Tuna. Another thing - there are only so many coaches in the NFL right now. If you're looking for proven coaching ability, there's a relatively limited pool. However, the college coaching ranks are vast in comparison. Why not look there for fresh talent? It's not like the players (and our team is young) are that much older than when in college - they are, many of them, still young men. We've got a good mix of age in the coaching ranks, and maybe these guys who don't have as much NFL experience will bring something new to our team - something I'd rather see than copycat B.S. - it seems every time over the last ten years we've jumped on a trend it's been on the down side. We'll see with the wins and losses, but I'm optimistic.
  9. I think there are a few important things to note here: We've got a running back to unload - and should, I think, for a second rounder. I know he's good, and could be one of the best in the league - but it is easier to find good running backs than most other positions, and with another second rounder we could get a NT or QB, or trade up... we do have Freddy for another few years. And, Nix is very familiar with San Diego and how they value trades, etc. If the Bills are at all considering trading Lynch, this is the opportunity to do so. He's from Cal, he's a mistake away from a year long suspension... If he stays fine, but nows the time if we want to unload him.
  10. Look for Washington to pick up a few of these guys...I was surprised a little by the DT - he was supposed to be the only guy on this roster with the prototypical NT build.
  11. I'd love to see the Bills "do whatever it takes" to go and get a rookie franchise QB - as long as he's actually a really good and franchise caliber QB! I'd be o.k. with them taking Tebow in the 2nd, or Lefevour?, as long as they were convinced the guy they are going after is going to be good. Basically, all I'm saying is that I'm sick of the Bills being o.k. with mediocrity! I want to see them going after people they think are the BEST choice. So, if they think Bradford is the best QB, then do whatever it takes to get him. Likewise with the LT and NT positions. Between F.A. and the draft, the Bills should be able to walk away with a really good LT, QB, NT, and DE. Do whatever it takes. Trade a future pick, trade some expendable players (we should have some from the 4-3)! I mean, if Hampton hits the F.A. market, or Seymour, then go and get them! Or, trade up to get Cody or Dan Williams! Find some combo of LT and QB in the first three rounds that will work... and I'm hoping this new front office will know how to get it done.
  12. Actually, I would much prefer to see Garcia given a chance. He played well in all of his recent playing years. He's athletic, which, to me, indicates that he's the kind of older QB that could play at a high level for another year or two, on account of his mobility and athleticism. Anyway, I'd like to see him brought in as a mentor to a rookie this year, and let them compete in camp along with Brohm and maybe even Edwards (although with Edwards I'd be hesitant to see him play good in practice and then fold under pressure.)
  13. I think he's just saying that Edwards might get another shot - and, if the coaches and staff would rather build up the lines this year and evaluate Trent and Brohm behind a good O-line, then thats o.k. with me. Physically our QB's have enough. So much of the game is mental, though. Can we teach Edwards back to where he's playing good? I'll leave that to the experts. I think, though, that if there were a true franchise type QB available to Buffalo then they'd jump at getting him. If they stay with Edwards or Brohm this year it is because they don't want to reach on a guy that might not be any better. In that case, I've got to agree.
  14. When our team came out saying it was making the switch to the 3-4, and considering the hires they made, I wouldn't be the least surprised to see Hampton, Porter, Seymour, and Foote come in, or any combination of them. All of them have connectons with our new staff, and, the draft is considered pretty deep in defensive front seven.. so, I'd say they definately had a F.A. & draft plan, albeit rough, figured out going into the move. Anyway, if they do land Hampton (I'd love it) I agree that we should still draft a high end NT as insurance, rotation, and for replacement. See Packers and Steelers last year, they both grabbed 1st rd NT's and both had good ones, and, no coincidence, both were top 5 defenses.
  15. This is absolute speculation - but, I have had a hunch for awhile now that the Bills are going to go after Tim Tebow. If Bradford falls to them at nine, they probably would grab him, though. I don't think they expect Bradford to be available, and I think they believe they'll have a chance to steal a franchise QB in round 2. I've mentioned this once before, but, the pistol offense would be ideal for Tebow's strengths. He's got work to do no matter where he goes, but, Gailey's entire offense staff, as mentioned by the post-er, seems designed for Tebow. Throw in Nix's desire for a track record of success at high school and college levels, Gailey's statement that he'll design an offense to fit his players strenghts (pistol would be nice here, especially for our O-line), Tebow's huge following, he does have a strong arm, (F.O. splash) and Kelly has dropped his name, and he is close enough to Ralph to offer suggestions. I'd look forward to seeing Tebow in Buffalo merely because of his potential.
  16. So much of the draft will depend on what we do in free agency. We know a few things that make speculation easier, though. We know the Bills have to bring in a LT, NT, DE, QB, and LB depth (at the least). Now, if they get a NT in FA, or a QB, then those positions might not be addressed eary in the draft. However, without knowing who we'll get, and by considering the depth of the coming draft class, I'd say LT 1st, NT 2nd, QB 3rd, LB/DE next few, and then stockpile defense front seven and OL. My reasoning is Defensive front seven is deep this year, so we could find talent in rounds 3 and on. O-line, especially LT will be picked through by the second round, when it comes to sure fire starters. And, there will be a few QB's (Tebow and Lefavour?) in the late 2nd to mid 3rd that we'll be able to grab, who at that spot would be good value for potential franchise callers.
  17. I'd guess they have Bradford rated quite a bit higher and would like to have a shot at him first. But, if you consider they lose out on their first one or two qb's that they think can really be franchise guys, then I wouldn't be shocked they went for Tebow - and this depends on how high they know other teams are for him - with as low a pick as they can to ensure they get him - a 2nd, or 3rd. My reasons are that he has many upside qualities, he's proven he can win at all levels, and he has the right character. All they'd have to do is teach him. And, Gailey has said, along with Nix, that they'll build an offense around personnel. In fact, that was Gailey's strong point, and one of the reasons they said they hired him. All that points, to me anyway, of them going after Tebow by the third round, if they don't get Bradford in the first.
  18. Only the Front Office and H.C. know how they want to rebuild this team, but, rebuild they must. We need to aquire at least six or seven new starters for this coming season. Now, if they showed some courage and real determination in making a move like the one it would take to land Suh, then I'd probably be impressed with it, as long as they still had an answer for the QB position, the DT, the OLB's, and the LT. I wouldn't want to see them go nuts for one guy and not address the other positions...so, if it were three or four quality starters or one superstar, then I think we need the numbers more right now. I would like to see them make some moves to show that as an entire organization they are ready to do whatever it takes to field a good team.
  19. I surely understand when people are critical of this staff, and, ultimately, everyone will wait and see, because if they are successful, then we'll all be happy. I'm o.k. with things for a few reasons: I like Buddy Nix, I think he's got a proven track record with talent evaluation - and we need an influx of talent. I trust in all his years of football he knows football guys when he sees them. Plus, he brings in Whaley as his eventual replacement - and that guy has a lot of respect around the league, and is himself a good talent evaluator. Another thing - when I've discussed what I'd do in the past if I had a shot at coaching, I've always said I'd put more money in coaches and have more of them, because good coaching can win with less talent than a poorly run team with a lot of talent. New England and Washington are examples of each, respectively. Now, this staff has hired a lot of coaches. I think if they are good teachers, then we're off to a good start, because the team is young and can still be molded. Additionally, the offensive side and defensive side are in agreement on making the focus on players strengths, and not trying to implement a system that doesn't fit. There are enough positives for me to wait and see without being too quick to judge. I'm excited about the draft and F.A.
  20. I wouldn't want to trade 9 for McNabb. I'd trade down and pick up another 2nd or 3rd and then trade a mid to late 1st rounder for him. I think we should also keep in mind that switching to a 3-4 means we'll be getting rid of at least a handfull of defensive guys. There are still around, if not more than, half the teams in the nfl playing 4-3, so, we've got some trade potential there... especially with teams like Chicago, Texans, Indy - to name a few. I'd throw Marshawn and a 3rd at Philly for McNabb. I'm saying we should be able to get him without giving up 9. The Eagles need to get better to win a Super Bowl. They need players. With their new OL, how would a back like Lynch look there?
  21. I think the issue most people here have with the decision to transition to a 3-4 is that our personnel might not fit it, and that it just adds maybe four or five new starters necessary on defensive to run it effectively, which, coupled with our offensive needs puts us at need of maybe nine new starters to be competitive. However, there's no denying that by running a 3-4 our offense should be better equipped to compete in our division, and that the Bills recent (albeit 10 years ago and more) success on defensive came in a 3-4. It would be a huge bonus for our team if we had starters for all the linebacker spots already on the team, and if Schobel stays, that's a situational 5th rusher. We could theoretically be in need, then, of only a DE and NT to fill out the team, and to have it look good on D. I still think, though, if Rolando McClain is available at nine he'd be worth adding.
  22. I guess it depends on what the coaching staff has planned schematically, and if Schobel is capable of filling whatever OLB role full time (because he makes too much to be part time), and if he's willing. I'd think he'd be like Kampman in G.B. Now, it'd be fair to him to trade him to a winner for a third rounder, and to then pick up a younger, more suitable player at a lower price, and if the Bills did that I would respect it.
  23. If Merriman appears to be capable of returning to health, then I'd not be surprised to see Buffalo go after him. But, I'd think they'd go after a few lesser name, capable guys like Larry Foote and Keith Bullock, maybe two for the price of one Merriman.
  24. As for FA's, the Steelers, Packers, and 49rs all have NT potentially available, and all three teams were in the top five for rushing yards allowed last year. If Stroud can contribute as an end, we should be able to pick up starting NT and DE in FA this year. Not to mention, people like Larry Foote expect to be gone... there are other FA OLB's, and the draft is deep on em. So, if we wanted to put together a good starting D this year, we can - it's whether or not they spend the money, and on the right guys.
  25. Does anyone know if Seymour will even be available? Couldn't the Raiders Franchise him? I'm pretty sure Wilfork will get franchised. Our coaching staff still has ties to Pittsburgh, and they have a replacement for Hampton in a high draft pick last year. I'd think we'd go after him, who at 32 would mix in good with maybe a second or third round draft pick at the NT position. I'd think NT and QB are positions we'd try to get in FA, and maybe draft OLB and LT...
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