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sllib olaffub

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Everything posted by sllib olaffub

  1. Jim Kelly has been all for Tebow all year. If he could persuade or if some of the other F.O. people are on board with this train of thought - then I can see them taking him at 9 and saying they've got their franchise QB - the one they wanted all along. Tebow's Dad is convinced, for some reason, that Tim will be drafted in the top half of round 1 - no later than 15... If Jim Kelly has seen Tebow throw and the trainers and coaches think he can win with his skill set, I'd love to see Gailey grab him and put a system in place for him to succeed. Build around Tebow with two solid RB's, maybe a scat back, a good TE in Nelso, Evans, and Hardy for a big wideout... we could see something work, and if that is their plan, I'm all for it. Just have a plan and do it so we can get behind it.
  2. If the Front Office is looking at building a team for a good number of years, and you're sitting at nine and there might be the third rated OT, the third rated DT, the thrid rated QB, or the first rated RB, LB, and NT, then what to do? If they could fix the O-line and grab Spiller, and add a WR and QB by next year, then it could be a nice offense - eventually. Still, I like the looks of Jahvid Best - same body size and speed, and could be had in second, if that is the type of player they're looking for, and they could still get a good NT or LB.
  3. I haven't heard much of anything on Jahvid Best. This kid looks almost like Spiller in size and speed, he just has a history of concussions - and will drop to maybe the second round... but, the scouting reports look identical, as do the stats.
  4. If I'm totally honest I don't know how I'd approach being the GM of a team like Buffalo. Does anything short of a Super Bowl victory really count for much? The Colts streak of wins, the Patriots undefeated regular season... both overshadowed by the loss at the end, and both having to begin anew the following year. What I'm getting at is if you aren't going to compete realistically for a championship, then don't you secretly want to suck? The one thing I hate about the Bills over the last decade is finishing just short of playoff contention at the end of the year - winning enough to hope until close to the end of the year, and then not being near enough the top of the order come draft time to get the players that will help us get better. Really, nothing is as bad as being eternally average. To me, anyway. So, if these Bills are not going to be good enough to compete this year for the post-season, then I'd rather they just suck altogether so they can pick up the best of the best next year - which is how we got Bruce Smith... or at least be close enough to where we can trade to get who we need.
  5. I have often wondered what might have been for some of the great quarterbacks, had they been drafted or gone to different teams. How many QB's could be good in the right situation? Protection is a must, but, I'd say certain systems are better fits for certain guys, so, if our Head Coach recognizes this, and I think he does, then he could probably design an offense for any of them. That being said, I believe Fitzpatrick showed his limitations last year (accuracy is terrible, consistency also), and Edwards is just too scared - it's in his head. If he could overcome that he could be good - as we've seen. But Brohm, well, I don't think he's really had that chance yet, and now he's got a new system that might be molded to fit his strengths... I hope it works out.
  6. If we can manage to get a big run stuffing NT in the draft and maybe another rushing OLB to push Maybin and whoever else is there, then I think we stand to have a surprising unit. Remember how well Green Bay did last year in the transition. That's not to say we'll be that good, but, it is possible. What I believe our strength would be - if we get that big NT - is personnel wise, we could have a big front seven on the first two downs, and have the left-overs from the 4-3 in there on passing downs, giving us a penetrating NT in Kyle Williams, and quicker LB's in Harris and Ellison... if we can manage to substitute effectively, then I think we can put together some nasty packages. Here's to hoping... and it does depend on that aquisition of NT (I think we've got to get it in the first or trade back up because San Diego jumped ahead of us in the 2nd and I'd be shocked if they didn't grab Cody if he were still available).
  7. I have to agree; we have a few younger wideouts that should get some looks. Adding another young guy would be nice, too - if we can turn our offense around performance-wise, it's young and could be together for a good four plus years without a whole lot of turnover.
  8. I think if they had a reasonable shot at Clausen or Bradford, then they'd take em' with the 1st. If not, they'll go NT, or trade down enough spots to get Cody NT...unless there is a stud Tackle available, in which case they'd grab him. Tebow would be a consideration in the second. Now that they've picked up a few defensive FA's, it frees up their draft strategy. They'll want to get a dominant NT, a good LT, a QB, an OLB, another Tackle, and a reciever, maybe a running back and TE, probably somewhat in that order. Now, with the FA pickups, a solid NT and an OLB could give us the makings of a solid defense right out the gate, good enough to win us some games, shut some teams down - with a NT and OLB. Now, on offense we need a LT, another Tackle, a QB, an extra TE and Reciever. But, with a good defense, we add a good LT, decent RT, and a blocking TE, and we could run a simple run first offense, having Edwards or maybe Brohm not have to do much more than throw seven to ten yard quick passes for first downs. It's beginning to look like this Front Office can put together a competitive team next year if they have a good draft. And our team will have an identity, and its what we've been wanting to see for almost two decades; tough, big guys mauling running lanes for our backs. and shutting down the run on the opponent. I'll take our secondary against a lot of teams passing. If Maybin can BURST around the tackle and pressure the QB we might get used to seeing picks.... yeah, it's getting interesting.
  9. I think we'll see a team with a direction, with an idendity starting to emerge. We'll see young guys getting a chance to gain experience. We'll see - probably - a lot of losses, but with every game we'll be able more and more to accurately say, "this is where we need to go to get better." Next offseason we use the draft and, maybe a few F.A.'s. This year is sacrificed to seeing what the youth can do. Next year will be putting it together. And then we'll have a couple of years of climbing, battling it out. There are more than a few teams that have "put it together" this way and still don't make the Super Bowl, year in and out. One thing is certain: the Jets seemed poised to be a tough, tough team for years to come. New England looks like it's going to be on top for another few years, and Miami is a well coached, improving team. Today I wondered, are we going to try to become dominant enough to take these two powerhouses out (the Jets, the Patriots), or are we going to wait a few years for them to lose players and hopefully catch them on the decline? I'd rather try our damndest to meet them at the top.
  10. I was venting - what is bothersome is that if as a fan we could know they had a plan in place, the goal of which is to return to dominance, then I'd be happy. When it appears they are going to take the slow approach, inching towards the top in three, four years, I'd like to think they'll take some shot, some move to get what we need to be great. I just want them to go for greatness instead of average, I'd love to see some trades - maybe up to get Bradford, or pick up Dan Williams and another good D-end, just put together something that stands to be dominant. The mentality should be "we have to field a dominant team soon for the fans who've been through too much suffering." They should do whatever needs done. We deserve it, for following this team for as long as we have.
  11. If the Front Office is convinced that they'll need a few years to be competitive, then I'd have no problem - and would prefer it - if they just focused on fixing one side of the ball, offense or defense. I could see us fielding a really good offense if we took a couple high drafted OLinemen, maybe Lefevour or Tebow type QB in the 2nd or 3rd, and another wideout... it seems like they could field a strong offense or defense if they tried to fix one or the other, but by going one here, one there they might have an average offense and defense for a few years before we see any success. I can recall really strong defensive teams winning it all, and even a few powerhouse offenses without much for defense winning, but I can never recall a team with average offense and defense making it to the superbowl.
  12. I've read numerous complaints that other teams are getting better in our division, and that the Bills are doing nothing. I get the distinct impression that the people running the show at One Bills Drive are totally willing to fail in 2010. I really believe they will draft to fill out as many positions as possible, and then play who we have, regardless of whether or not we're missing starting caliber guys at various positions - they'll just pick them up in next year's draft, and if we have one of the worst teams this year, then that much better pick in next year's draft. O.k., here are my issues with the approach they seem to be taking. Since when is the nfl about sacrificing this year for next? How many people are going to pay those prices to go and watch a team that deliberately isn't doing everything it can to succeed? Miami showed, as did Atlanta - the Jets, that a team can turn around a lot in one off-season with the right guys running the show. Now, there is a lot of time between now and the regular season; maybe there is a real plan in place for the draft. Maybe they think they can fill our holes merely with college guys. But, it's beginning to look, especially with free agents coming and then going and signing elsewhere - that the team isn't serious about competing in 2010, that they'll be content waiting to see if there is football next year and then going the draft route. One other thing. If your plan is to rebuild through the draft, why not trade some future picks and some odd-fitting personnel to get as many guys from college this year, so that they can develop together?
  13. What we should fear more than his "bust" potential is that some locals vandalized his property because he messed up a play. Can you see him in a few years, after proving how good he can be, and then moving to another team, remembering how the people in Buffalo are crazy? Give him time, he's young and talented, and I'm glad we've got three capable corners.
  14. I haven't been on this board for more than a year or two, tops. Also, I've only been a fan of the Bills for twenty years, so I haven't lived through all the dry decades. I think what makes it hard on fans now is that the ownership is certainly going to pass over in the near future, in recent years we've seen free agents come in and leave without contracts, followed by talk that players don't really want to come here, sprinkled in with a T.O. signing last year without any plan on how to get this high priced talent the ball - the franchise as of last year was a total mess, and now we've got guys that could potentially turn it around but they seem to want to do it the old fashioned way (i.e. a few years of drafting), but, many fans wonder if it isn't Ralph being reluctant to spend on F.A.'s. The hard part is we just don't have a clue as to what we have, and we haven't had a team identity in almost a decade. That's gotta make dishing out season ticket money difficult, when the F.O. - which has apparently been o.k. with mediocrity for the last four years or so, at least, doesn't seem to be making attempts to get any better. Teams like N.E. and the Jets are trying to get better - and yet they're close to winning a Super Bowl, and a free agent or two might make the difference... at least, that would be one line of reasoning. Another would be Rex Ryan went to the Jets last year and turned around a team in a year, and the dolphins did it a year earlier. What's hard for fans to accept with positivity is that the Bills are apparently poised and ready to sit back and see what they've got, play out the coming year with uncertain roster spots, and go from there in 2011. I guess the real question is, is there a way we could have gone from what we had last year to a super bowl contender in one year, if we were willing to spend and wheel and deal?
  15. It'd be a lot easier to say "no, don't bother with this guy" if we knew that the F.O. had a real plan for the draft - in the sense that they believe they can fill their holes with it. If they did believe that, then I'd understand not pursuing any of these options, but, if they are thinking that they'll just let the holes remain until next year - whatever they can't fill this year in the draft - basically saying we'll be o.k. with losing this year because we'll have next years draft, too - kinda like counting two drafts and forgetting about this year - then forget it, they should be looking to add some playmakers at need spots. As a fan, I'm not feeling good about the prospects of sitting through a miserable, uncompetitive year so they can have another draft to "rebuild". Hopefully they plan on fielding a competitive team this year.
  16. Smart free agency is all about adding players that fit your system and, ideally, that will cost the right amount of money and have at least a full contract to offer a team. The catch for us as fans is that we really don't know what the system we're playing in is - some might say 3-4 defense and that's easy enough, BUT we tendered Keith Ellison. How does he fit into any 3-4 system? Free Agents should fit into the image of the team the coach wants to have and we don't really know what that is yet. Still, I for one will be baffled if they don't sign at least five or six free agents this offseason. We've just got too many holes to fill - unless they plan on bringing in like ten or twenty college free agents...
  17. I had this thought the other day and it still seems like a good one: if you were all of a sudden the Bills GM and you had a new coach - you usually get a two to four year plan for a new coaching staff; well, if that is the case and if this year is deep in talent and positions of need, why not try to trade up as much as possible to secure like four or five high picks at positions of need, trading away similar picks a year or two down the road. My reasoning is that if you can stock up on talent now, then you'll have more of those two to four years as a coach to coach that talent, as opposed to dribbling it in over three or four years. Load up quick if the talent is worth trading for and let it mature together as a team. How about it?
  18. We're a team with a lot of needs - if there is a run at any position(s) as your mock 10 indicates, then we'll be benefiting from some other position leaders being left available, like Clausen, McClain, Williams - NT, it's not like there is only 8 studs in this draft which many believe to be one of the deepest in the last ten years.
  19. I think a key to our future success on the o-line will be getting enough quality guys that they can play one position and learn that, and build chemistry on the line at that position. I'm weary of saying we can put wood at LG on a good day, and then ask him to switch as soon as another guy gets hurt, for example. We're going to see injuries, but that shouldn't mean shuffling the line everytime a guy gets injured. It seems better if we have legitimate back-ups in place, that practice in position, so that if a guy goes down we can plug another in and not skip a beat, so to speak. As I understand our depth, that would mean given a new LT and RT, we'd have Bell and Meridith as backups, respectively, and then Levitre, Hangartner, and Wood with Incognito as backup to the Guards... so we bring in another C/G backup. That's adding three O-linemen this spring... I preferred Incognito to Hangartner last year, so I might try LT, Levitre, Wood, Incognito, RT. Maybe this new staff can get Bell to play solid enough for RT - he didn't look too bad last year.
  20. We need two OT, QB, two NT, probably two DE and at least two OLB, along with another WR and backup help at LB, at the least. I think we need to find a way to get a starting LT, QB, and NT in our first three picks - because I just don't see starting material after early third round for any of those three positions. It's guys like Cody, Lefevour, who could probably start but won't make it into the third, that make me think we should trade something to have an extra pick in the second, get those three positions taken care of, and then I think we can find quality LB and WR later in the draft, along with RT and D-line reserves in the later rounds.
  21. I just watched the QB podium talks - Bradford, Clausen, Tebow, Lefavour... and Bradford really stood out when it comes to confidence, command, intelligence, size. He seems like he's head and shoulders above the other guys in terms of maturity and professionalism. Lafevour - spelling? looked pretty confident and had a presence, too.
  22. When I look at F.A. and the draft this year, with the Bills in mind, I end up thinking that we need somewhere around seven to ten starters brought in, and more for depth. I believe Nix and Gailey will draft and bring in F.A.'s with the mentality that they're building for prolonged success and stability (which seems like they'd be taking best available talent -other than secondary - in the early rounds)... anyway, I think they could solidify one thing, maybe two this year, or, they could throw guys everywhere - I mean, they could pretty surely fix the offense or defense this year, but it looks like if they try to add significantly to both, they'll end up lacking in both areas. So, my question is, should they try to field a really good offense or defense, and hope that the other side is just good enough - either outscore opponents or shut them down, or, should they take a scattered approach and give it a few years to come together? Unless anyone thinks we could fix it all this year?
  23. I'm no expert, and watching games you've got to be impressed with both QB's - they looked pretty good. It's transplanting the talent around them to that of the NFL and then predicting how good they'll be. And then that depends on where they go, too. How many talented QB's sunk into oblivion because they went to a team with a bad coaching staff or terrible talent? I guess you want the QB's who will make everyone around them better, one not willing to accept excuses. That is why I'd love to see Tebow get snagged up by the Bills. I think he will just keep trying and working until he gets it, and make everyone around him better for it. But, back to the top 2, just watching them, I am reminded of Tom Brady when I watch Bradford. His movements are similar, his release... that can't be a bad thing.
  24. I'd be fine with the Bills trading for Kolb. As opposed to QB's in this years draft he's proven he can play well in the NFL, and in a bad weather city, and he looks to be tough. If they had to give up a first rounder for him I wouldn't think badly of it, although I'd like it to be next year's, so they could add a LT this year and give him a decent line to play behind.
  25. I just looked it up and, besides Tebow, Mike Vick is also a Lefty...agian, just wondering if it could help make building the line easier.
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