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sllib olaffub

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Everything posted by sllib olaffub

  1. If we're going to switch, this year, at least, there are some NT's becoming free agents. So, if one or two don't get franchised, then we can get one. Seymour, too, might be available. If we could take care of the D-line in F.A., and maybin goes to LB, then someone like McClain would round off our Defense and make it look pretty damn good for next year. I don't have the specifics at hand, but it seems like there are going to be a few D-linemen and outside linebackers available this year in F.A., and we're in a perfect spot to draft the best linebacker, too, or NT, for that matter. We'll see how serious Ralph is by summer. ...and, we might have some trade bait for 4-3 teams, too.
  2. Finally!!!! We know who our coordinator will be, and we know what scheme we're running (3-4). So, we also know that our present personnel taken into account, we'll need maybe two new DE's, at least one NT, and probably two linebackers, at a minimum. That's five new players on defense! Seymour will be availabe... then we've got all the guys on the steelers and chargers teams that our F.O. will know about, not to mention miami... , I'd think we'll have to be active in F.A. to even field a semblence of a competent defense. Denver did it quickly and was good, and I think our secondary is better. So, who will we be targeting in F.A.?
  3. I like the thinking. I wonder sometimes how much NFL scouts and evaluators look at potential, and how willing they are, specifically, to move guys into different spots. Peters was a no brainer - 370lb TE's just don't exist. Anyway, good thinking, although in this case it'd be tough to draft that early on a project. But, I'd give late picks or UDFA's that chance.
  4. Well, if Whitner asked PFT to run the advertisement, and only afterward changed the requirements, that's pretty cheap. Since, though, PFT is run by a lawyer, I would think he'd have some evidence of that before he started bad mouthing Whitner. If he didn't, he'd be in for a sure fire case of defamation... so, it should be pretty clear - if PFT is true, Whitner won't be pressing charges, and if Whitner is telling the truth, I can't see why he wouldn't.
  5. If today's the day of declaration for college, and if the Bills have been planning on hiring a college guy, wouldn't this clear it up to make the announcement? Seems like we should hear by tomorrow or Friday if he's coming from the college ranks.
  6. It isn't hard to understand - look at Buffalo as a city. There isn't a whole lot to do from a certain viewpoint - i.e., the young millionaire who would probably like nightclubs, parties, publicity, great weather, the playboy lifestyle. And yet, there is a flip side. How many teams have former players as loyal as Buffalo? The key is when Buffalo was successful the small market responded by giving their stars the star treatment. Favre would've been a God if he retired as a Packer. Kelly and Thomas can't get that kind of attention and respect anywhere else (and Thomas played in Miami), because, in those other cities there are so many other things besides football, and lots of other stars, too.
  7. First, obviously, we need to know what type of defense we'll be playing for the next three or more years. Our secondary looks good for the time, and, IMO linebackers are the easiest things to find in FA or draft - defensive equivalent to running backs. So, I'd say our D-line needs an infusion of youth more than any other area on D, especially if Maybin is OLB. But, if we were running a 4-3 and we could spend the money - I've thought since last year that Maybin looks alot like a young Peppers, and I'd imagine could use his mentoring. Think of Peppers, Maybin, Schobel, Stroud, and Williams line... not bad.
  8. I've been monitoring the draft class as they're rated by a bunch of football wizards, but, during the senior bowl there were a group of players that made huge impact that were rated third, fourth, even fifth at their respective positions. And, every year there are players that shine in the nfl, and who outperform guys drafted ahead of them. All that tells me a team has to have really good scouts, and has to know and trust their information above the media and fan pressure. That, to me, is what makes the draft so much fun - finding the jewels in the later rounds. On a related topic - it pisses me off to see how many picks the Patriots have in the first 60 picks this year. Crazy when you think of how much talent they'll be able to get their hands on.
  9. I don't follow college that much - wed being signing day would definitely qualify for a good reason they've been quiet, and, since Gailey's spent so much time in those ranks, it wouldn't be a surprise... so, if it is a college coach, who would be exciting and likely for the D.C. position? It'd have to be someone who's job is currently considered below a coordinator job in the nfl.
  10. When I think about the Bills Defensive Coordinator position being open, still, after all these hires on the defensive staff, and after the senior bowl, and now pro-bowl, I wonder if their silence isn't telling? Why would they keep quiet so long, because, it seems that they probably have their guy by now, which would mean that either he's working for another team still in contention, or, there is another advantage for their silence. Is there an approaching date - like free agency, or something, that would make keeping your future D.C. hidden a plus? Like, if we were going to 3-4 and were going to be going after those type players?
  11. I'd say no high end D.C. would want the job if he had to accept a staff already in place. That pretty much means the job has been filled. So, who fits the criteria of either not being available technically, yet, or, being otherwise tied up to this point? Cunningam knew, almost certainly, that he'd be out in K.C. awhile ago... who else is there, other than guys on the Super Bowl teams?
  12. Some people are going to pick apart every move this staff makes, which is easy to do, because if they're right then they can say "I told you", and if they're wrong, then they will love that the Bills are winning and, I'm guessing, not say much other than to jump on the bandwagon. It's a no lose situation. Sure, it's been so long it's easy to be pessimistic, but, we've got to give this staff a few years, at the least (2), to critique them, and I for one have a feeling we'll all be happy this time next year. Think about it: Buddy Nix isn't young. He's finally getting the job of his dreams, the one that will define his highest attempts at professionalism in the field he's spent his whole life in. He isn't going to piss this chance away. Precisely because he has this one chance, and only this chance, I believe we'll see his absolute best; and, he's got a good track record. Gailey, also, hasn't been too bad. He hasn't been the best, but, with all the factors - and, if you look at super bowl winning coaches previous history, I'm sure there will be a lengthy list of coaches with less promising careers. No matter, in the end we'll see when the next season is over how much we've improved or devolved, so to speak, but, I think the only thing that could help our Bills is to be supportive until we have reason to be otherwise. (Yeah, we've been down that road before - but, Nix deserves his chance!)
  13. In the draft, especially, it just depends on who's available. If the level of talent is about the same, relative to the position, I'd say elite talent - your going to have a harder time finding an elite QB, so you take QB, but, if it's just pretty good, then you're better off going LT, because a pretty good LT will go farther than a pretty good QB without a LT.
  14. I can't suggest I know how he'll turn out, or really evaluate his nfl potential, because I've never played in the NFL... I'm real curious, though about conflicting reports on Tebow. People like Joe D, and Jim Kelly love the kid, and then there is that former gm who teaches draft potentials how to talk to scouts - he said Tebow blew him away more than anyone he's ever met - including people such as Favre. Then there are the poeple - many of them like Kiper who don't play the game, saying he's got no potential as an nfl passer. Well, I do know that on draft day we'll see how the real GM's and coaches in the nfl feel about him, and I suspect he won't make it past the middle of the first round. Until we see how the teams really feel about him, it'll be back and forth. I'm all for bringing him in here, at whatever round, if someone like Kelly were to mentor him, or Indy's QB coach... we don't have one yet named, but, I believe that might be tied to the push that these former Bills greats are putting on the staff to get Tebow. Kelly has said he'd help out. I guess we'll see.
  15. I don't understand why the Bills would be adding assistant coaches to either side without a coordinator in place. It doesn't make sense to me, and it seems like it would make a potential candidate less attracted by having to accept people already on staff. Unless they are going after guys on these super bowl teams, I just don't understand why they haven't gotten their coordinators in here yet.
  16. I'm going to give this new staff a chance. When everyone bashed the Nix hire, I thought it could be good - I liked what our draft looked like last year, his first on the job, and his resume is good. If he wanted Gailey and if Cowher suggested him as his replacement, then I'm good with him, too (and, I liked how he sounded in his press conference). Now, I've wondered about how long it is taking to line up coordinators and coaches - but, I'm going to believe they're waiting for the guys they want, or, will assemble a cast of coaches who will teach the system in a unified way. Frankly, it's football, not rocket science. I've always hated how the Bills grabbed at other peoples cast offs in the past, and how they jumped into schemes (tampa 2) that were heading for decline, instead of being the innovators. So, I'm hoping we'll have an innovative coaching staff, and I'll wait until they put a team together before I get too worried. I'm excited about F.A. and the draft this year...
  17. I couldn't say personally who will be best in the long run, but, I also feel like we could see Tebow here, and this is why: We didn't go near Billick, and he seemed surprised by that. He was pretty clear on his disapproval of Tebow. Secondly, Tebow is as close to a legend as college players can get, AND he's highly endorsed by Jim Kelly. We should have a shot at him at #9. Also, people keep saying how Gailey might try to bring in Mike Vick, and that that would make sense due to the kind of offense he likes to run, and the Bills needs. Well, isn't Tebow likely to be as effective, if not more so, as a passer than Vick? Plus, he's mobile and without any baggage, and all the positives. I feel like Gailey might've sold himself on being able to build an offense, or mold one, around players specific strengths, not their weaknesses. Add it up, and I have a feeling that Tebow could go to us...
  18. I think our new G.M. and H.C. know what we're missing to be a competitive team. Sure, players will depend on system, but, in general terms, a good O-line and D-line and QB and LB corps, etc. are pretty easily evident. We've got a serious hole on our O-line, D-line, QB, maybe two at LB, and probably WR. That's four to six STARTERS we need to get with the draft and F.A. in order to field a competitive team next year, barring injury. Now, if we could get starters out of four draft picks - and that is a lot to ask of rookies in one year, then we'd still be looking at a few F.A.'s to come in and help. So, I ask myself which positions can come in as rookies and make an impact the easiest. In my mind it is LB, D-line, as far as our needs go. O-line third. So, unless there is a spectacular QB available in Rd 1 - who that would be I don't know - I could see us taking the best LB or DT in Rd 1, and trying to fill out the O-line and Qb through rounds 2-4. Get maybe a vet Qb in F.A., along with a wideout. That's how I see the needs and the likely places for their being met.
  19. He's way too young to be judged yet. Some guys take a little while. If, in a few years, he still isn't putting up numbers, then we can say he wasn't worth it. Let's just wait and see what a new scheme and another year of conditioning, weights, and training camp will do, not to mention having experience at this level. We might be able to consider him another 2010 draft pick, if the new team goes to a 3-4, he's the exact type we'd look for in an OLB. In a 4-3 he'd be a Peppers type. Either way, I think, after hearing his response to questions, he'll be alright.
  20. I don't remember who it was - but I think it was Billick, who in an interview recently, when discussing the potential to be the Bills next coach, mentioned how important it was to have a staff in place, or at least lined up, when going into an interview. Basically, the impression was that a candidate for an NFL head coaching position doesn't go into an interview without having guys lined up or in mind for all the various assistant jobs - unless they're so big named, like Shanahan or Cowher, that they don't need to plan that far ahead. That leads me to believe that Gailey has his staff lined up, and we should see them coming in quickly, or, that he was not "The Man" all along, and was only very recently brought into the field - maybe after a definitive "No" from Cowher, with the suggestion that they look into Chan. It did feel like the Bills were just waiting around for a response from Bill Cowher, and going through the motions with other candidates...
  21. I'm glad someone brought this up. I was wondering what we'd have to do to go from ours to a 3-4 unit. We could get that Cody DT in the draft. He'd be there at 9, I think. We probably have guys that could go to 3-4 ends - Sroud, maybe, and Williams, or Ellis... So, we'd have to draft a few guys for it, and pick up some F.A.'s, but the from seven is all we're really talking about having to change - and really, we'd only need to add two or three guys, right? A N.T., and two linebackers, and, maybe also another DE. Still, three or four guys in an offseason isn't unrealistic. The Broncos lit it up this year defensively after making quick changes. I wouldn't be surprised to see some hybrid defense installed. Who wants to be the team switching over to the trendy 3-4 right when teams are figuring out how to beat it (as the Bills usually do with football trends). Our new coach mentioned the need to know that defense on account of playing it in our division so much, but, he also mentioned fitting schemes with personell, and even a hybrid, kind of no name type scheme that just plain works with what we have. So, what do we need to do to make an effective switch? (I think Green Bay has a few capable F.A. available this coming year on the D-line, too.)
  22. I listened to the 550 broadcast of todays Gailey introduction. I am a Bills fan and have been for a long time, so my thoughts and feelings are certainly divided here. One part of me says there are some good things about the Bills. For instance, Russ Brandon - on a purely marketing basis, has done one hell of a job selling this team to the area. He is good at what he does. Now, you introduce Nix and the notion that football guys will get to finally control football things - like F.A. and the draft, and down to schemes and such. I don't know about how everyone feels and thinks, but I liked our first draft with a Nix influence. Those first four or five picks were good - with Maybin being the big question mark. Nevertheless, the lines are going to get better with more talent like this last years draft. With Gailey saying he and Nix would have control of football operations - I just think that these are some pretty accomplished guys who a lot of outsiders have overlooked, but who can now get together and build something that will forever be their highest attempt at greatness. They are each at their peak moment in their lives, and I like what they are saying. Replace Cowher or Shannahan or Marty and have them say what Gailey said today about fundamentals and toughness, and I think we'd all be o.k. with it, if not excited. Lets give these two accomplished men a chance to build something new and great, for us fans and for themselves.
  23. I'm willing to give Nix the benefit of doubt here, and wait and see what happens these next two years. Ultimately they'll either turn it around, or it'll continue sucking. Personally, I liked our last draft - except the Maybin pick (he needs too much time to develop), and that was Nix's first year here. Another draft like last years in regards the lines, and we might have a good young O-line ready to play for four or five years together, and hopefully more. Nix made a positive impact last year, and I'm sure he looked the operations up and down and knows where it needs to improve to be competitive. I'm thinking I'll like the coach they hire and I'll be looking forward to the draft and F.A. By next year we'll know what to think of Nix and whoever he hires as coach.
  24. I'll throw this out there for anyone who might have a better knowledge of the situation than I: If there is no salary cap next year, and we assume the Bills sell out at home and in Canada - or assume they bring in as much as they have in recent years - then my question is, how much could the Bills spend above the current salary cap before they lose money? I'm just thinking that as a business, if Ralph really wants to win, he could justify spending all the profit on players and coaches for a few years, and settle for breaking even, just to see a winner before he dies. So, basically, I'm wondering how much of a profit does this team see year in and out, on average? I am tempted to think Ralph might be a much bigger spender in the no cap year or two than other teams, simply on account of his certain impending death, and that he can't carry monetary wealth over into an afterlife... so why not?
  25. I'm new here, so please excuse me if this is redundant: Why hasn't Ralph Wilson done or said something to ensure that everyone knows the Bills will stay in Buffalo after he dies. Isn't that the main reason we're having trouble with big name coaches - the uncertainty of the Bills staying here? I guess it seems like it comes down to this: either Ralph can sell it now upon condition that the Bills stay put, or, he can hold onto the team until his passing, and it will then go to the highest bidder, unless he has something in place to keep the team here. I'm not saying those are the only options - there are probably many legalities I'm unaware of when it comes to a business this large. Nevertheless, shouldn't he do something now to let everyone know where the team stands for the forseeable future? He did tell a reporter that the Bills would be staying in New York. But, if he knows that for sure, couldn't he make the reasons public? It seems to me that would really help in landing a good coach, and FA's, and assistant coaches. etc. If the future of the Bills were dependant upon his staying alive, then it is no wonder we're having trouble bringing in legitimate coaches and players.
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