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sllib olaffub

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Everything posted by sllib olaffub

  1. I think a good way to go about this season - especially considering our AFC East opponents - would be to spend the first three or four picks fixing our offensive line and defensive front seven. We really need a starting calibre tackle and a space eating NT. If we could add a good OLB and a #2 wide receiver - making our take from the draft a starting LT, a run stuffing NT, a force at OLB, and a capable #2 wideout, then I think we could have a competitive team. Our defense is going to be decent - it will be much bigger and more aggressive up front, and our secondary is pretty good. I think between 10 and 15 ranking overall is where we'll end up. Offensively, I think we'll still be in the wrong end of the league, but that depends a great deal on the production at QB. A poster here mentioned the difference in Trent Edwards before and after Jason Peters. I think he feared getting hit too much, but Peters' abilities and his trade didn't help matters - nor the circus that was our offensive staff and personnel last year. So, Edwards should look better with a competent coach, and a better line. The problem, as I see it, is we always seem to do o.k., and not in a long time have we been good, but nor have we been that bad, on a win/loss basis, to merit the top few picks in the draft. If we can't get the QB this year, and we end up with another pick next year around 8-12, then we might not get the chance, again, to get the real player we need. But, to be optimistic, lets hope that if the guy is there that will give Buffalo a leader at QB that our F.O. will do whatever it needs to to get it.
  2. I was just reading about Clausen's small hands, and how at his pro-day he took a moment after each snap to ensure he had a good grip on the ball. If that is true and hand size means as much in Buffalo as the article suggested, then I'd be more than happy to go LT with our 1st pick and go after Tebow with our 2nd. Tebow is supposed to have really big hands, is tough and mobile, and looks like the kind of QB that can handle Buffalo weather.
  3. We can only hope that OLB is perfect for him. Also, even if he turns it on this year, he'll have a long career - he's only 21? I think? So, he could still fulfill our expectations. I'd like to see another beast of a linebacker opposite him.
  4. I think that about answers my question: we just don't know what kind of offense we'll be running, what kind of personnel he's looking for to fill it, nor, specifically, what kind of QB he would like. As much as it makes prognosticating the draft difficult on us fans, I guess it also makes it a pain in the --- for other teams, too, when it comes to what we'll be going after come draft weekend. As little as I know about the pistol offense, it does interest me. I like the idea of being able to run and pass equally effectively out of that formation. McCoy does seem like a pretty good consolation pick, too, if we can't get Bradford or Clausen. He's fast, accurate, and has that winning record/history.
  5. If the Bills can be a contender by next year's playoffs, then I think the F.O. has done it's job. I'd love to see a Rex Ryan type of turn around here - in one season (and, I think we could make our defense that good this year - but, I can't see us doing that and fixing our O-line and getting a QB). I think they can either fix our offense or fix our defense, or add to both and try to put them both together next year. Personally, I'd be fine with fixing the offense this year and waiting for next year to sure up the defense. Or vice versa.
  6. Maybe that's it: writers are mistaking what Gailey was left to deal with as opposed to what he'd actually want. That sounds better to me. If they do want Clausen I think they'll have to trade up to 4, or 5 at the latest to get him for sure. Otherwise, if we want Tebow we'll have to trade up into the bottom of the first - and that will be on a team to team basis until he's there and we could get him, because he won't be there for us at our 2nd round pick. It looks like the top four QB's in the draft will take some wheeling and dealing to get. I'd be happy with Clausen, Tebow, or Lefevour. We walk away from this draft with any of them and I'll be happy. Jarrett Brown, too, looks like a candidate.
  7. I know there is no guaranteed way to win in the NFL. I'm intruiged by this: if I'm a G.M. and coach looking at what the Bills have - a good secondary capable of lots of picks, solid 3-4 DE's, solid linebackers save for maybe another OLB. On defense we need a NT to pair with K. Williams and another good OLB. If we had that and they stayed healthy, we should have a really solid defense. Now, ever since the Giants beat N.E. in the superbowl, and I remember us beating N.E. at home once - and what we had in common were constant QB pressure. For that matter, most teams offenses can be shut down with a dominant performance by the opposition's D-line. Now, you look at our O-line. We've got potential in our interior, and a potential in backup tackles. We've got solid RB's. If we could pick up two good tackles, or one really good one and another decent one, and maybe another really good guard - say we picked up a star LT in the 1st, one of the best Guards in the 2nd, and a very capable RT in the 3rd; then, we could plug in the tackles and the guard, move Wood to center and have, potentially, one of the best lines in the NFL. What I'm thinking is: we've seen how a really good offense or defense can take over a game. We've seen how important good running games and good defenses are in the postseason, and especially in Western New York in the winter. Theoretically, we could spend our first for or five picks - maybe trade up once or twice, and really solidify at least our Defense, and maybe both... So, why not just go crazy drafting as many people to finally put together a really nasty 1. Defense, or 2. Offensive line, and either try shutting people down and winning like Baltimore did that year with Dilfer, or by running it down people's throats and letting Edwards or Brohm dink and dunk it - it's not as if our Defense will be the worst in the league if we don't grab a NT with the 9 pick. So, I'm here agreeing that if we spent this season just solidifying our lines, then we could do some damage and at least have that taken care of so next year we can fill the QB and WR positions as needed.
  8. If Clausen has the physical tools to win in the NFL, there isn't a team in need of a QB that wouldn't go for him. Questions about attitude and maturity don't mean a thing. The kid played tough, on a hurt foot, and led his team to come from behind victories, and ran for his life at times. On the field he has shown he's as mature and intelligent as he needs be. Now, it isn't for me to say whether those skills he possesses are good enough to win in the NFL. There is a guy who would know, though, better than anyone. As I see it, K.C. doesn't have a legitimate franchise QB. Why would they pass on Clausen if he is as good as advertised? Not to mention Seattle, Cleveland, Oakland... I just can't see Clausen being available to us at 9, and if he were to drop past K.C., and past the other teams, then to me that screams bust, or not as good as advertised. Because, you don't pass on a QB capable of being a franchise player - because there is no guarantee you'll get another shot - just look at how long we've needed one!
  9. I was really wondering, off hand, if anyone was familiar with what Gailey really wanted in a QB. I'd take a really good pocket passer like Brady or Manning any day. I just have read lately - and it could be smokescreen - that Gailey prefers a different kind of QB. Well, what kind of QB does he want? If he could make a guy to suit his style of offense, who would it look like? I was just wondering if there is a perfect fit out there in F.A. or the draft. After writing that, I guess they'd have gone for a F.A. or trade - and they did, being McNabb. I'm not real familiar with college ball, but Tebow does seem like a McNabb kind of player - they're both thick, like a linebacker, and pretty mobile. Jarrett Brown also looked to be in that mold. Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone was all that familiar with what Gailey was looking for.
  10. I am at the same time very critical of Buffalo and always optimistic for their upcoming season. For instance, I really thought when they brought the Tampa 2 defense in that we were merely jumping on a trend at the wrong time - when teams were starting to figure out how to deal with it consistently. It really felt like we were trying to imitate someone else's success, rather than create our own with our own creative ideas. Now, the 3-4 is becoming popular. Is it a better defense? N.E. seems like they've been experimenting with moving to a hybrid 4-3/3-4. The Saints beat Indy with a 3-3-5 defense? My point is, albeit rather general, I am always hopeful that we get it right - whether it takes a year or two or three - and I am again hopeful and it again seems like our F.O. is taking us in the right direction. I JUST HOPE OUR SCHEMES ARE OUR OWN, BASED ON A SOUND PHILOSOPHY, AND THAT OUR TEAM DEVELOPS AN IDENTITY AGAIN, AND THAT IT IS A TOUGH ONE! I really like hearing Gailey say he wants to make the Ralph Wilson stadium a place people fear to come to again:) I hope Edwards makes this defense nasty and capable and that it fits our talent, and that we know what that is - because when Jauron had years to put it together, even when he had it all it still looked impotent. Look at what the Jets defense turned into in one year - and I really believe that is 75% attitude and discipline.
  11. I just finished reading a brief post on Buffalo Rumblings suggesting that some teams around the NFL are convinced that the Bills aren't interested in Clausen - because Gailey likes more athletic QB's; the piece recalls Gailey not having interest in Drew Brees when he came out for similar reasons (although I always thought Brees was considered pretty athletic and quick). My question for anyone who might know his history, tendencies, or maybe the kinds of QB's coming out that might fit his "mold", so to speak. Is there a college QB coming out that is perfect for his system? How about a tradeable vet? Furthermore, what would his perfect QB look like? Because, I just don't see why anyone would pass on people like Payton Manning, Drew Brees, Tom Brady - because they aren't mobile... and it seems you never know how good a QB will be until you give them a chance. Could it just be a smokescreen?
  12. It would be nice to know how many 6th, 7th, and college free agents have made it in the NFL over the last five years or so. I'd guess there are players at each position that end up being solid starters - if not pro-bowlers, from those spots. So, if our guys could identify that talent and take them a round earlier than anyone else, then we'd be getting steals, if they could perform. I know what people mean when they say our previous GM's would more or less waste the picks after round 4 or 5. Well, this last year we got 5 potential starters. If we could get 5-6 good starters this year, then we will be in good shape - because as I see it we are a NT, OLB, LT, QB, and WR away from fielding a competitive team. If we could get LT, NT, and QB in our first 4 rounds, I don't see why we couldn't find a decent OLB, WR, and maybe a RT in the last 3-4 rounds and free agency. If the Marshawn trade goes through, as rumored, for a player, we might be one less need away from filling our roster, too.
  13. When you're looking for a guy as large as a NT has to be - usually around 325 or more - then almost every time you are going to have a fat guy with concerns about being able to play every down. I'd say to find a sure thing - guaranteed star at nose - you probably are going to find that less than any other position - even QB. But, because the size of these guys is so ridiculous, sometimes the later round picks end up being better than the early ones. So, I say we grab a couple and just keep grabbing them next year and on and on until we find the right ones. We might get it right this year in the 3rd, 4th rounds - we might end up playing a more hybrid 3-4 and use K. Williams as a quick NT, in the mold of Dallas. It seems to me if you are looking for a huge guy that can move and stay energized all game and can be an every down player at NT, you might be looking for 4 or 5 years before one perfect specimen comes available. I think we'd be better off just getting some talented guys and playing a scheme that works best for what we have. All that being said - I think we're lucky to have as many quality guys on the D-line draft eligible this year. We could get starting rotational talent in the 3rd and 4th rounds at NT and DE, if we do it right.
  14. I think if Clausen falls to us at 9 it is a serious indication that he isn't the QB he's been cracked up to be. First, K.C. now has his mentor as the O.C., and if he were a franchise caliber QB why wouldn't they take him - it's not as if Cassell is a lock. Then, you've got Seattle, Cleveland, and Oakland - all also in need of a franchise QB. If every one of those teams pass on him then I would - from the point of view of a fan - really doubt his abilities. It's one of those situations where if he is as good as the media says then we'd almost have to trade up to get him. I was talking with my son today while throwing the football around. He's only ten years old and he's got a good perspective - if you can get to the QB a lot, then you can create some opportunities for our secondary. If we beefed up our front seven on D and our O-line, we'd theoretically be capable of competing this year in the fashion of the Ravens or the Jets, leaving next year to pick up the skill positions. I'd be fine with that approach. I really would like to see us get real good at one or two things this year - like turn the defense into a nasty, fierce unit with a decent run game... that'd keep us in enough games to make the season interesting. I'd think we could do that easier than trying to fix everything in one draft. I guess we'll have to wait it out and see.
  15. I was just reading a post on Campbell to Buffalo, basically saying why bring in Campbell? They were saying that McNabb went to five NFC Championship games without any talent around him - and, now imagine what he'll do in Washington with their weapons and Shanny... and I'm thinking - what weapons? Since their new coach they've picked up a few older running backs and what? - maybe they'll add Flozell and T.O.? At least we've got two very capable runners already, and Lee Evans, and a promising young T.E.. My thought is: Shanahan could have come here and spent the offseason adding some linemen, maybe a wideout, and got McNabb and his situation - talent wise - wouldn't be looking much different. So, if the owners would be willing to spend the same - I know, that isn't the case - but, I'm thinking that having the coaches in our division - N.E.'s, Parcells in Miami, and now the Jets being as solid as they are - that those other team's talent level and coaching level is a much bigger deterrent than what Buffalo did or didn't have player-wise. I just think he could have put together just as effective of an offense here as there - but the competition is what scared him away.
  16. Alright - I've read enough posts and articles on the Bills to know we all more or less think we're 2-3 years away from really being competitive. Now, my question is, is there a way we could be competing for the division title This Year? What would we need to get, positionally, to do this? Could it happen - that we're in the fight this year? Conversly, if you're thinking - no way! Then, what makes us capable of competing in a few years? The Jets and Miami have new coaches that seem top shelf, and good, solid teams. And, New England is New England - and has 4 picks in the first 2 rounds this year! These other teams aren't seeming to be getting worse, by any means, any time soon. So, what do we need to do This Year, to give our team a chance...? We've got, I think, 9 picks.
  17. There are some things to be excited about! Looking at our team - if you envision it healthy, and you add good starting depth at LT, OLB, and NT, then all of a sudden, on our O-line, what were starters last year at OT could be back-ups, or, if Bell is improving enough, he could move to RT...either way, it should be nice to see our previous starters at tackle being back-ups. Our secondary is set for awhile. If we can solidify our defensive front seven and our O-line in this years draft, then next year all we'll have to fix is QB and maybe WR... we'll potentially be putting in the finishing touches on a good roster that can compete for awhile - which is what Nix and Gailey have said they've wanted to do all along; like a young Chargers or Eagles team. So, we've got a few years to wait, probably, but if they do it right at least we can be in it on a game to game basis again - which is all any fan can hope for.
  18. If I were drafting I'd ask "how often will a player at these positions come available that is this good - and that fits what we'd like to do?" By pick 9 we're probably looking at 3rd best OT, 1st OG, 1st NT, 1st OLB or ILB, 1st WR, 1 RB, 2nd or 3rd QB, and probably 1st DE. Now, guys like Williams at NT go mid to late 1st round every year, as an example. Is there a guy at 9 who is a potential pro-bowl player year in and out? Because that is what we should be getting that high. So, I'd rather have that pro-bowl OLB or OG or DE than a slightly above average LT, QB, or NT. Still, I think our priority this year must be the lines, if we cannot get a potential franchise QB in the first few rounds, in which case that would take priority.
  19. It's tough to see our needs and to try and be realistic about filling them, but here's my wish draft: 1. Clausen/Tebow QB 2. Tony Washington OT 3. Linval Joseph, Torrell Troup, or Arthur Jones NT 4. Kyle Calloway, Selvish Capers OT 5. Hope someone like Eric Norwood is still available, if not, Brandon Sharpe or Arthur Moats at OLB 6. Deji Karim RB (5-9, 210lbs, ran 4.37 forty, almost 1,700 yards 18 touchdowns, and a 7.1 ypc average.) 7. Danny Batten DE/OLB, Scott Long WR, Donald Jones WR Now, a draft like this would make me feel pretty good going into this season, potentially picking up three to five starters, filling need areas. I think we can nail a few contributors in rookie FA, too. So, I hope it goes something like that.
  20. By the looks of it, there are people in the nfl who think Clausen will be better than Bradford. I have a hard time believing Clausen will fall to us at 9 - just look at the teams ahead of us who also need franchise QB's: Oakland, Cleveland (their moves might have been smoke screens to stop a team from trading into the 4 spot), Seattle, K.C. - remember their new O.C. was Clausen's coach. To me there are just way too many likely destinations for him to fall to us at nine. If we think he's a franchise quality QB, then we have to move up to get him for sure. Otherwise, we wait till next year or try and land maybe Garrett, Lefevour, Tebow, or McCoy and let them learn for a few years - and still maybe not solve our QB problem. And that, to me, makes me think we should just move up to get one. If we miss and spend a middle round pick on one, we probably will end up spending a higher round pick next year or the year after anyway. If Clausen is good enough, do it now, and let him get his experience now, so when the team is put together better in two years we can win then, and not have to wait even longer.
  21. I have to disagree that there are no qb's in this draft with nfl potential other than the top 3. There are enough instances in the league where later round qb's have been good to think it is possible that the right coach could groom or plug the right college qb into the right scheme to make it work. I believe a lot of success in the nfl is matching the right players with the right coaches and the right teams. So, if Gailey has a talent for designing offenses that help qb's succeed, then I'd bet he can make something work. Guys like Jarrett Brown, Colt McCoy, and Dan LeFevour could be asked to do minimal things, in the right system, and be successful.
  22. When the Redskins announced the pick-up of McNabb I thought, the Bills should now get a shot at Clausen, but, when I looked at the teams between Buffalo and Washington, every one of them could stand to pick up a franchise QB. Sure, they have veterans who might be o.k., but, none of them have sure fire winners at the QB position. I'd say it'd be astounding if Clausen lasted from picks 5-9 with all those teams needing QB just as much as we do.
  23. A while ago I thought the Bills might really go for Tebow. Now, after considering a few things, I don't think they will. For one, if he isn't ready to play for a year or two, whichever team drafts him will have to pay probably 2nd round, or even late 1st round money to a guy who isn't going to do much but learn for a few years. I can't see Buffalo spending a million on a guy who isn't going to play for a few years, especially considering they'd have to give up the chance of drafting someone who would play at another position, or a QB like McCoy... another thing - if the Bills wanted to draft Tebow, they'd probably be keeping their interest as quiet as possible. Having Jim Kelly take him out to dinner screams a ploy to make it look like they're interested. If they want a guy, they aren't going to want anyone to know they like him - so, I'm more inclined to think of players that few people are aware that they brought in, or went to look at; guys like Terrance Cody or Skelton. Just giving my reasons for thinking he won't be targeted by us.
  24. It's amazing to me how differently people can look at the same weight. Some guys can be built like a bull-dozer at 180 and the same guy might be lean, lanky. The way muscle and mass is distributed really contributes to a player. In Roscoe's case, I think he's fast but weak. You can probably find a guy his relative size that can take hits, break tackles, etc. Maybe a McCluster or Spiller type. I think I recall shouting at Roscoe during games last year when he handled the ball - and he never covered it up, I mean he was practically handing it to the opposition - and it seemed like whenever he had the ball the opposition was coached to try and swat it out of his hands... I don't like him as a runner in traffic.
  25. I've read a few articles suggesting what the draft might look like and where Gaither might go. Two scenerios come to mind - and in this I'm a bit envious of the Redskins: They draft Clausen with their 1, and get Gaither with their 2. They walk away from the first two rounds with a starter at QB and LT for perhaps another six years or more...and they've got the rest of the rounds for the rest of the positions. Now, I see the Bills topping that Redskin offer with a swap of first round picks and and another pick for Gaither, and then using the low 1st on Tebow. Or, if they could pick up, say, Gaither, Cody or Dan Williams as NT, and then a Lefavour or Skelton or some other potential QB in a later round - walking away from the draft with a starting caliber LT and either QB or NT... I just don't think we can be as effective with those positions purely drafting.... because Gaither equates to a high first round talent.
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