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Everything posted by fansince88

  1. Im telling you it is his hair in his eyes
  2. I agree wholeheartedly on the Jets game. I think Sanchez is way overrated. He showed it in the middle of last season when they started to slide. I agree with you somewhat on the Pats. I would love for you to be right but have to see a few games first. Bellicheat always seams to pull a rabit out of his hat that supprises us all. And as far as the Bills go, they will be alot better this year than the "experts" say. Every other team that gets a new coach all you hear is watch out for the "whoever" because they got a new coach. I think they have a chance to be a scoring machine. As much as I liked Reed I like Parrish all the more. And Spiller/Jackson/Lynch is going to be explosive. You will see alot of two of them in the backfield this year. We had two great backs last year and the dorkas that we had for a coach barely ever used a two back set. Bills win this one by 12.
  3. Boy if I didnt know any better I would think you were a masochist
  4. Henni throws to Byrd. touchdown Bills. As you can see I sucked in English Thats all I got
  5. Nobody! They are all going to run the other way and all hope to intercept the ball.
  6. Right on the money! And with those dorks running the show before this team showed better grades than Ben gives them credit for now. Last year they were a few coaching blunders from winning 3 more games. Lets give them more credit untill they prove otherwise. I think the Bills supprise people that grade them this low by being a contender.
  7. Are you a Dolphin's fan? These grades are way too low. IMO
  8. NO! WE DONT WANT OTHER WANNABE'S We got enough of our own
  9. You need a starter, someone to hold the clipboard, and someone to sharpen the pencils.
  10. Edwards, Brohm, Brown. Fitz gets traded or cut because of his age . Unless this game was Brohms final essay. then bye bye
  11. Good points. I think its good to see Parrish become part of this offence again.....or finally
  12. I say show us what you got Chan! Time to let your mind shine.
  13. I do agree and will go one further. I think it is Trents Job to loose. I also think that the new coaches have worked enough with him to give him his swager back. I was amased with his play. Looking one way but going another. That alone is something he didnt do before.
  14. Im telling ya youve got to get a DRV if you dont have one yet they are awesome! They even make CNN great So What Coach Chan needs to do is whatch the game on the DVR then he will know what plays worked the day before the game and what plays didnt work. Then he can fool the other team. OR he can be like Belecheat and just .... Oh you know
  15. Not so sure that Sanchez isnt a one year wonder
  16. No need to argue with Vabills. He's always right. Besides he is in bed with Edwards or something. The whole point is it is the preseason. Play the best of the players and see who has it. If they dont fire them. If they show promise put a fire under them. If they are on fire start them. This is what this coach will do. I will talk QB in week four. Then we will know the answer to the question,"who should and shouldnt start"
  17. New signing. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=ap-bills-moves
  18. It blew my mind last tear when they fired Jauron and then they started practicing in pads. Had to be the only team in NFL history to practice without pads. The new Regime is much more impressive. This should toughen them all up pretty good. Maybe now they will not be like glass dolls in the reg season.
  19. That is what I remember. This whole Jauron's daughter thing makes sense. The anouncers kept calling him out in preseason about the tremendous play he was making. Must have been the Daughter.
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