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Everything posted by fansince88

  1. Then did school teach him the wrong side of the ball?
  2. Saw alot of not so family friendly garb go on in this game. Come'on guys you are supposed to be pros. From this humping thing to the headphones thing to the mouth on Rex. Classless IMHO.
  3. He's a dirtbag and the last thing I to see is my coach be a sore looser like that at the end of a game.
  4. One step at a time Magic, One step at a time. Remember they promoted Fitz and gave him a week before They canned the other edwards? One step at a time. These guys are slick. I like it.
  5. Free Agent to replace Brohm and that is all. Get the lines fixed!
  6. cant find that but here is the wikipedia report on him. Not bad for a 7th rounder. Hey dont we have another 7th rounder? We should draft another backup in the late rounds and can Brian Brohm IMO! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryan_Fitzpatrick
  7. And that is what we draft here John. I see us taking a qb to take a chance on in the 5-7th rounds, no earlier.
  8. Does anybody notice how many QBs here are 1st year? Think just Sanchez and Big Ben were the only two that saw playoffs in their first year and I could be wrong about that.
  9. You forgot to put Q#8 in front of your comment.You actually could have made this 2 questions. So # 10 is next people.
  10. Not because of Fitz though. Brohm proved it is nessassary
  11. Unlike the Bills I think you are batting .500 Strongly Disagree with 3, 5 and 6. Slightly Disagree with 2 but will give you room on that one. Right on with the other 4.
  12. I too admit I wanted to see Brohm to see what we had. Now we know and it is time to cut him. We need to bring in another Fitz from another FA cut to shore up our backup slot and build the lines through draft and FA. Dont see this team improving much next year. Gailey needs to sit down with nix and say "these are the people I want to stay put and these are the people I want you to change now make it happen". Good luck with this one Front Office!
  13. And how many people on this site said the same type of things when he was drafted. Come on, Hind sight is 20/20. If you linked to the first blog on draft day 2009 and all the people here were against the pick I could see your point that we had the"right" to complain about their oppinions but I dont think we (I) have that right. That said on Jan 1st 2011 I have to say that it was a bad pick as im sure you would get that from all the people that you quoted. Also BillsGuy, I looked at your forums on Maybin in 2009 just before and after the draft and you hit it right on the head then. For that I give you thumbs up. Awesome job and you earn the right to critisize this pick!
  14. You still alive??? Big Cat are you there??? Hello!
  15. Jesus isnt a word its a name. I find it disrespectfull used in the way you did. But you probably dont know any better
  16. Please dont cry he is just on the practice squad
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