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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. The ref was going to throw a flag onto the field, but he got scared and checked down to a line judge
  2. I just watched a National Geographic documentary about eagles and they showed about 5 death spirals where both eagles died during mid-air mating ritual. I take that as an omen.
  3. The Raiders threw to his side all game and it was painfully obvious that Cincinnati did the same when they needed yards. It was like a guaranteed 1st down and possible long ball
  4. Sparano still can't get the hint? They publicly pursued Harbaugh. Thats like your wife placing an ad in the paper for a husband. I can't believe he didn't look for other coaching opportunities right then and there. Now he knows he might as well be the replacement janitor to Miami right now.
  5. You convinced me. Ralph isn't cheap. He also isn't old. He pleasures Bills fans. He has six pack abs. He smells great.
  6. I ordered an $80 Byrd jersey from the official website and it was MADE IN CHINA
  7. In fairness they shouldn't play the Sunday Night song, but in good taste they should burn the master recording and bury it in a corn field
  8. I find fault with the inequity. Breast cancer receives much more research funding and publicity than prostate cancer despite similar number of victims. In fiscal year 2009, breast cancer research received $872 million worth of federal funding, while prostate cancer received $390 million
  9. I can wear my jersey in public without getting laughed at. Life is good.
  10. I'm going to catch the rerun on VS but earlier on the NFL network's Sound FX they had some good sound bytes like Merriman's pre game speech and the crowd chanting "Freddy" to Fred Jackson.
  11. You, sir, are what I like to call a tool. Thanks so much for using your 55th post of all time to share that wealth of information. The last thing we need is less Bills fans. I imagine you're the guy who waits until the "speak now or forever hold your peace" to share you're feelings about the bride's bachelorette party.
  12. You would think that the talking heads would be less impressed by a QB who not only hasn't won a playoff game, but is single handedly responsible for blowing it
  13. I need them to be healthy the rest of the season
  14. Cowherd licks his finger and feels for the wind, takes a nationwide poll or two, then decides what popular opinion to make his "own" for the day.
  15. He calls out Ochocinco for NOTHING and lets Brady COMPLETELY off the hook. His analysis is overly biased and we gain nothing from it. He is a homer. At this point I can already guess his stance on every issue for the rest of the season: Brady and Belicheat can do no wrong. Wrong things can only happen to them.
  16. Awesome! Yet another reason to watch the replay over and over
  17. Bring all that intensity to one of Brady's knees
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