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Everything posted by tonyjustbcuz

  1. He won't be drafted below #3 in the 1st rnd! Probably 1 or 2.....First off being 9 u got to be kidding...and second of all..our team's track record of drafting is filled with bonehead picks and we wouldn't be smart enough to pick him if he were there!!!
  2. Yeah, Sure just trying to stir the speculation pot! Have fun! I'm bored with this subject too as things aren't happening fast enough in this media intensive world we live in. If it were true what is one year going to do? Buffalo is a 2-3 year rebuilding job at best! If you are right, then my hat is off to you...but I'm not getting all warm & tingly with your rumor!
  3. I am also hoping that Bill Cowher will be our next coach, but I'm telling myself not to expect it and expect someone like B. Billick or Marty Shottenheimer which would also please me somewhat...but not like hiring Bill Cowher! He is just the best coaching prospect IMO...even better than Shananhan IMO. I sure wish they would make this happen soon as I am getting tired of all the speculation and conflicting reports!! All I wanted for Christmas was Bill Cowher as our new coach !! Please Santa better late than never!
  4. Finally a post that I totally agree with and think is a major key to our future success as a football team! Yes, a head coach is important but there are times where they appear to be more of a figurehead and the offensive and defensive coordinators, special teams coach are doing a lot of the thinking and hands on stuff in a game. It wouldn't surprise me if one or two assistant coaches are rehired by a new coach. Maybe the special teams coach or maybe Perry Fewell as a defensive coordinator. (I kind of hope not but it wouldn't surprise me). I want John Guy & Tom Modrak out of here though!! I hope that happens soon as the NFL Draft looms ahead and takes some planning and coordination.
  5. Awesome! can't wait!....When is this suppose to begin?? It sure hasn't started yet...2nd, 3rd, 4th year? Wait average career is 4-6 years so it would be nice if it STARTS to happen soon! B. Orakapo (using that logic) is suppose to become a bust...when I don't know...he is too busy sacking the QB and doing his Bruce Smith impression right now!
  6. based on what?? Who is your source-you? Wishful thinking? Sleepwalking and made a pitstop at the computer? Well anyways I would be happy is all heck if it were true...but everything I have read, or listened to is saying that no way is Cowher coming here...Please leave some supporting documentation if it exists...but I think your just playing with our balls....
  7. I'd be thrilled with Cowher...Pretty Happy with Billick...not quite sure about B. Shottenheimer? One thing about Brian Billick..is that it is fitting that his initials are the same as the Buffalo Bills... BB !! So speaking from Bills logic at OBD the hiring of BB is inevitable!!-(just a hint of sarcasm I suppose). I think what assistant coaches and coordinators a potential coach can line up is probably the most important factor in selecting the right coach! DOES ANYONE KNOW..If Brian Billick were to coach the Bills who would be logical selections for his Offensive & Defensive Coordinators?? Who did he have in Baltimore and our they currently employed?? I would like to see someone put together the best possible combination of a Coach, O/Coord & D/Coord, and maybe QB, RB, WR, OL, DL Coaches if you want to get that specific....Maybe the dream team in coaching!! Have to think BIG if it is to be possible!! An Idea has to start somewhere...then (build it and they will come)..lol....smack it on a billboard...twitter...etc...blogs...and get the best set of coaches in place and go after what us deprived Buffalo Bills fans once had in a team & organization..(It was fun in the early 90's !!!) Like Rocky said "Go for It" !
  8. I like it overall, but I don't like the camera angles of the game itself that much...Seems like they concentrate the camera more from above the action angles to include the stadium or ballpark. It is displayed more as an event which it is than a game. I just find it hard to follow the action compared to a typical game.
  9. Let's expand this even further for the fun of it! Doug Flutie (he can coach & have his band do the half-time show and save Ralph some money!! , Coach Chuck Dickerson (could coach the games & then analyze his team and smelly jockstraps on a sports show on the radio, WGR's Jerry Sullivan (seems to have all the answers and knows everything!), Mike Ditka (since we're going w/NFL Commentators..he used to hate the Bills by the way), and Tony Dungy (no sarcasm here: best damm African American coach out there who is rarely mentioned as a candidate and if we have to stick with the Tampa cover 2 defensive scheme what better coach out there??? He may be able to steal some of his past assistants away from Indy too.. so maybe then the Bills can develop a QB !..), What About George W. Bush (former president who will be good at taken the opponents weapons out of the game..even imaginary one's that they don't really have..) Maybe even Jim Carey as at least he could entertain otherwise bored fans with his funny faces he makes!! Oh yeah, My daughter would love the Bills to line up Susan Boyle to sing our National Anthem for one of our home games ( in this country...not Canada!)
  10. Yeah, and I'll be watching that trash woops...I mean the Bills (same difference)...lmao..too!!! Don't know why I still watch them? I guess it relaxes me enough to make me drowsy enough to where I can dose off and take a nap...One good feature about the past decade is I'm more relaxed as I used to get so mad when they lose, but now I rationalize that the Bills will hire someone worthwhile outside of their good ole boy network in their organization and take advantage of some of their early draft picks! Introducing the Bills new GM !! Dah ta Dah..... woop they nixed that one up too!! Look at some of their picks...(sarcasm to follow)....Aaron Maybe, Donte Whiner, Paul Palzy, Marshawn Inch, Chris L-least, Leodis Mcfumble, Geez...we r the bad news bears of football!! Maybe I won't watch this last one afterall!
  11. That was awesome...I turn on wgr550 am almost like I'm scratching off a scratch off instant lottery ticket...hoping I break into a press conference announcing the hiring of Bill Cowher !!! He's a northeast type of gritty coach..with the chin...the attitude...he's not the laid back Tampa kinda guy...that's more Tony Dungy's persona. Even though Pittsburgh may be better off economically than Buffalo...They are more similar and Buffalo is in need of a fiery, fire-spitting coach like Bill Cowher. He would light a fire under the a%$#s of MANY of the players that need it. I'd bet they be at least 8-8 or better next year even with the players they currently have...but there needs to be some purging and good drafting..and hopefully Buddy Nix will fix this problem! So where does Tom Modrak fit in now?? Is he still in the organization?? Maybe he needs to walk away ( or run if he can). Please give me a late xmas present Mr. Wilson, Hire Bill Cowher!!
  12. I like a lot of what you wrote, but the main flaw I see with trading up to 1b in the draft is that you are giving up several draft picks...not only this year but next year as well including your first round pick in '11. A team that is in a full rebuilding stage who needs a QB, DT, LB, OT and more cannot afford to sacrifice multiple picks when they need each and everyone of them to rebuild. You also have to be careful with free agents...and if their numbers are not there it's probably because they are not as good as they used to be...ie: T.O., Dockery, etc....Look at the Redskins: each year they get some of the highest priced free agents available and each year they are almost as bad as the Bills are even though they have an open end spending account. I think as far as their personnel moves goes..the first thing their (Bills) organization has to do once it's settled on the GM, Scouting, Head Coach, and assistants situation is...is to evaluate their talent (or lack of) level of each individual player...determine who is desirable, underachieving, on the downside, shows potential etc....get rid of deadweight with cuts or trade if their is a market for the player..ie: IMO Marshawn Lynch who probably has 2 healthy years left. (he plays a bruising style which normally is a shortened playing career...Terell Davis, Earl Campbell are examples) average runninng back probably 4-5 year shelf life. I think you could still get a third round for him maybe a second from a team that really is desperate for a RB. Anyways, go ahead and get Cowher and his assistant coaches I'm very very good with that idea, but use prudence with our draft picks since this is your virtual solution to which ails the bills. I appreciate the detail, and dedication to your plan...I agree with part of it and would take it as is vice hiring some no name coach or Jim Haslett or something like that.
  13. You lost me with Lynch...Just a golden tooth punk who is good for 2-3 yards a carry! Vick wasn't developed as a passer at his best, but significant jail time, being a convict that killed mans best friend isn't welcome here in most people's book. So now that their is a controversy with Leach for unethical treatment of a player he sounds like a good idea? Well then you got the manicure specialist T.O. who don't like to chase the difficult balls or prevent a preventable interception? Trying to remember the name of it...something to do with Green Machine...oh shucks...Burt Reynolds movie...and then a remake with Adam Sandler....about the prisoners playing the guards...Anyways your lineup would make the perfect cast for that movie!! whatever it is called...hmmm But your post must be a joke or sarcasm??
  14. Some very good points!! I'd really like to see a major shakeup in the player personnel dept as well...Modrak & Guy needs to go and they need to break up this good ole boy network that exists...I would have (most bills fans would) done better in the past few drafts than the Bills did! Even if you just followed the draft junkies and Mel Kiper you would have hit and missed on some players. I researched (as I don't follow College football too heavily) the best I could many prospects, read all the draft mags I could find...and concluded that Bryan Orkapo DE would have been our best selection last year...I had a war room scenario set-up in my kitchen w/NFL Network on the computer and ESPN on two tv's...Charts, graphs, best player available the whole works...so when they passed on Orakpo I was furious! They also passed on Everette Brown DE in the 2nd, 3rd, and an excellent bargain in the 4th round! The year before I was envious of the W. Redskins draft as their were 3 players that were on my radar that they drafted (that we could have) including pro bowler Deshean Jackson WR...Each year seems to go that way...with these inept personnel people of our team. This organization always seems to play cutsie anymore and go against the grain of the general opinion of the other teams in the leaugue and stray away from the opinions of most draft experts. Aaron Maybin wasn't the right pick for the right position at the right time! doesn't mean he won't become a good player but he just doesn't fit our immediate needs and they wasted a pick. Corner, Byrd, Wood, and maybe Levitre seem like solid picks. Nelson is yet to be determined but shows some promise. Anyways, getting back to the boneheads that direct this team...they need to all go away before we should beg for a A-list coach to sign on with our Bills. I would trade Lynch in a heartbeat! (maybe not popular opinion)..keep F.Jackson at all cost, same with Byrd, Wood, Corner, Evans,Levitre, Moorman, Lyndell,Mclelvin, Mcgee... Bye Bye Edwards, Hamdan, Fitzpatrick, Kelsay, Schobel, Denny,T.O.! Just one guys opinion!
  15. I agree with this post more than the others! I was so upset last draft we had! I had my charts and mini-war room ...lol...sad but true...and was all ready to take Bryan Orakapo DE !! I couldn't believe they took an undersized Aaron Maybin! Then they had 3 opportunities to take Everette Brown DE who was projected as a solid DE...We could have got him in the 4th round even though most projections had him gone in the 1st or 2nd round! I just never agree with the personnel moves these guys make. This is why I agree with you about the changes having to start at the top rather than to hire a coach first and then consider a GM! The longer Russ & Ralph take to hire a GM or President the less time the new football boss will have to evaluate the Bills talent and available college talent in the 2010 draft. It will also effect what coaches are left to hire as the other teams hire their coach. TIME TO GET CRACKIN GUY'S...C'MON !!!
  16. As long as we don't accidentally win against Indy...lol.....then we should pick no worse than 9th. It helped us that Chicago won against Minn. on MNF as they were 5-9 and tied with us and a couple other teams for draft purposes. I think we remain tie w/two other 5-9 teams for the 7th, 8th, and 9th spot in the draft. I am not sure of the determining factor to decide where we would pick but I think it is based on strength of schedule if we didn't play that opponent head to head. (I don't think we did either). I would just guess that we'll draft ahead of one and behind one which would put us at the 8th position in the 2010 NFL Draft.
  17. I'd prefer Bill Cowher, but I could live with Charlie Weis being hired as a coach as long as we also get a GM with football smarts instead of leaving Russ Brandon with football duties. Russ should stick to marketing & sales. That is his fortay! I think it would be wiser to hire your GM first and allow the GM to select the coach, Modraks replacement (hopefully), and those type of decisions. I think it would be a serious error in decision to hire Charlie Weis and not make a change at GM. Even with all the injuries if our offense was just average we would have likely won 8 or 9 games this year...we lost several close games. We need to find a FA QB this offseason and draft a highly rated QB early in the draft for development. Just drafting a QB won't be enough with a lackluster O-Line. A veteran may be more equipped to deal with the pressure, but a rookie QB may never regain his composure again...Look at just about every QB we had since Kelly...The only ones that come to mind that had occasional success were D.Blesdoe & D. Flutie....Van Pelt (so-so)..Todd Collins was a mess, Kelly Holcomb, Trent Edwards, JP Lossman, and a couple of others as well. Build up your Offensive & Defensive lines and find a QB !! That's what the Bills should focus on besides a GM & Coach. So getting back to the issue get GM & Then get Weis and I can deal with that!
  18. All losers!!!!!!! See what Brohm can do....Draft a QB as high as you can and go with the consensus of the NFL draftniks as to who is the best available instead of trying to trick someone and think you are going to steal someone in the third round who is going to be the next Joe Montana because he is booksmart and Bill Walsh approves! Trent Edwards didn't even tear it up in College so what were they thinking when they put him out there with a subpar offensive line?? I don't get management of our Bills! They consistently make bonehead moves or lack of when needed. Clean house as far as management goes! Keepers: Brian Moorman, Fred Jackson, Jairus Byrd, I'm starting to struggle to name many more? Lynch?? I'm not impressed with him! Schobel? Houdini doesn't have much on him! Poluzny? I can't even remember how to spell his name anymore! Maybe Maybin? Oh yeah him and Hardy, and Steve Johnson are still on the team...okay you can keep Mckelvin, Mcgee....T.O. for maybe for 2-3 million but not 6 million! Team dietician, and Strength & conditioning coach need to be replaced. We're so bad even the waterboy needs to go! Start over from ownership down, draft QB & Your Offensive & Defensive lines and bring in some quality Free Agents that aren't that free! Practice outdoors! Accept the ball if you win the coin toss, Get Bill Cowher,etc.....
  19. Couldn't agree more! This guy wasn't all that great before prison when he was a good runner and in good shape..It wouldn't shock me if the Bills did make a play for him as they make many poor decisions as an organization. Just get us a good+ GM and a good coach for xmas and things may get better!
  20. There are no sure things in the draft! We have had to learn that lesson with the #3 pick Mike Williams and others as well..Many teams have picked the sure pick to be very disappointed in the end ie: Ryan Leaf. I think he is close to being a sure thing...but things happen such as injuries and some players gain weight, go mental ie: Ricky Williams and some have broken the law and ended up in jail...even Marshawn Lynch was encroaching that avenue. I would not pay too much to move up in the draft...I would trade Marshawn Lynch and our first to move to #1 but that's because I don't care for Lynch much at all. I just read the latter part of your post about trading Lynch after I typed the same thing so I agree with that example wholeheartedly!!! Good Job// and I was so mad when they passed on Orakpo...I sat here with my own little NFL Draft Central and I was furious...and they passed on Everett Brown 3 times who was projected to go a lot higher than he did....I would have drafted both of them personally! Good Post..I enjoyed it
  21. Yeah what a joke...for s&^% & giggles I voted for Trent Ewards! I voted for Byrd 25x, but I couldn't vote for that punk Lynch even once as he would have the audacity to think he deserved it or something! I did give Favre his respect and voted for him as well!
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