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Everything posted by NickelCity

  1. Wow. Did we hear whether or not we distributed them?
  2. I think he'll be back. Buddy said some words that make me think so, and probably reassured flo as well.
  3. If we add wilson or reed with our next pick i'll be ecstatic. Bowers intrigues me, but i heard that his knee wasn't a matter or if, but 'when' (about re-injury)
  4. Wilson or Reed. Hopefully Stocker lasts until our 3rd round pick.
  5. yeah i don't like that he said 'first team' either haha. Oh well he seems like a good kid
  6. I agree with every single thing said by Phil, although I don't want newton.
  7. I am going to be so nervous tomorrow. I like Green, but please give me Dareus or Miller.
  8. Wow, to each their own I guess. I absolutely love the blue pants on the away jerseys, and prefer the grey facemask to blue any day. I think they made every attempt to study what the fan base loves most. Hence, we have jerseys that are returning to an older, more classic look (throwback, if you will) - which is what looks best in the NFL today. Of course, this is all just opinion, and we're all entitled to our own. I'd LOVE to see our 90s unis as our throwbacks btw. Go Bills!
  9. +1 I'd also like to know if they prefer Miller or Green. Please let it be Miller...
  10. +1 I think Brewer would be a good pickup. Immediate plug-in at RT
  11. Taking Green would be so rough. Stevie, Lee, Roscoe, Jones, Nelson, Easley etc. Oh well. Thursday can't come soon enough.
  12. I think this echoes many of our sentiments. Let's hope Carolina takes Newton. Thanks again NGU
  13. My motivation for starting this poll goes like this: I categorize possible picks in these four categories (Thrilled with, Okay with, Rather not, and Disastrous) in my head, and was curious as to whether other TBD posters do the same. Due to technical constraints, I had to decrease the categories from four to three (Thrilled with, Ambivalent about, and Disastrous) - I hope this doesn't take away from the poll too much. Anyway, if other people don't really use mental categories, I imagine this thread will disappear pretty soon, so no worries there. If I have missed a poll that is way too similar, apologies, and please feel free to delete this mods. Go Bills!
  14. While I'm thrilled about our new uniforms, I don't think that the red helmets were "FAIL" For most of my life we have had red helmets, and I had no problem with them - only our horrible '02-'10 uniforms. That being said, when I see the new jerseys, they just feel like the Bills, if that makes sense. That classic style that our 'new' jerseys/helmets have just looks like what the Bills were meant to wear. The blue/white (and vice versa) jersey and pants look great. EDIT: I would have also been thrilled with a switch back to our 90s uniform.
  15. That's my avatar I did choose a shot where numbers/nameplates weren't involved, for what it's worth.
  16. Man those away jerseys look great, the blue pants are awesome - who would complain about them? Man, those look great. No more CFL style jerseys!
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