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Everything posted by boyst

  1. This is true in most respects but it doesn't make it easier on him, his family, and the few people that have compassion for him. Suicide is ugly and terrible. And gug - suicide on the internet is called an hero. Know your meme, brah.
  2. Uh. Do you know how to Internet? Google "an hero". And yes, I God damn do have the right to speak about nobility and morale fiber. God. You get your panties in a was over nothing. I was being sincere in complimenting you and you're butthurt. I don't get it. A screw must be loose.
  3. Amazing that the same !@#$s who come down to PPP and B word about insensitivity are the same wanting this kid to an hero. Gotta give it to @Gugny, though, he is Noble and has morale fiber beyond most - a great quality among all people. Just sucks because this kid has been bullied and treated like **** then does the worst thing possible only to be considering something tragic like suicide. We, as a species, kind of suck.
  4. He can't be put to death, even in Texas. Wishing him to kill himself is tragic. It's not hard to kill yourself. You just need patience and time. He will do it if he wants to do so but no one should encourage it.
  5. Maybe my next shirt that I buy says MS-13 or a bunch of cowardly animals I already have one that says" Trump, !@#$ your feelings. "And a pink one that says" nasty woman"
  6. I think because of his age will take a contract offered to him, and his gentle disposition he will play at a high level. I could see him returning the Pro Bowl form just because he is that competitive and good at his job. But I don't see him being work the headache you would have been here with us in Buffalo, and I truly see him checked out. All indications I've heard are just that, he is frustrated about not complacent
  7. Sure, because someone is going to offer him a contract
  8. Played this for a friend. I've heard both at different times First 2 times I heard yanny And next 3 time Laurel Took no time between plays
  9. My And researched educated "guess" is this. Ritchie wants to play football. He is also getting older and knows he needs to cash out. But he wants to play football and Hates the other bull **** that comes with playing in the NFL. His time away will potentially get him to refocus and maybe try a comeback again Those that knew him knew when he was away last time the biggest reason he came back so strong was she was hungry and could focus on the game and playing the kids sport he loved. 4 years in this go round he is tired of the same BS that makes football not fun.
  10. It's because the B word that is @Real News and a few others fags got butthurt that I drug their political comments to the out of hell from other boards to their rightful place. Anyway, I was involved in what happened and will say this. @Hapless Bills Fan is awesome. I have chatted with her over the years now many, many times. The decision was made as a whole, with mods and admins, that the approach should be we submit reports of those who interject political posts on the regular boards and let the mods deal with them. As I said, I'm willing to let that happen and hope it does. Too many kids think it's cool to crack a low hanging Obama or Trump joke, or other political nonsense comment. So, if you see something retarded flag it. The thread went exactly as I had planned to have the issues addressed knowing the folks I quoted would be upset I waited them in PPP. Those pussies caused attention to what they're saying to begin with and hopefully balance out the political bull **** And if you're flagging something in PPP you are a mentally feeble, insufficient man who needs kicked in your ladyballs.
  11. Dude, yes. @Deranged Rhino, you need to work for Chris Hansen or John Stossel or Lou Dobbs!
  12. The FBI is a federal police for this country and has no business: 1) overseas affairs 2) state affairs 3) origami The FBI should: 1) assist with training for all levels of police forces when requested 2) maintain federal law 3) work out interstate jurisdictional squabbles 4) keep Roscoe, Ennis and Flash under control.
  13. Any updates from the OP? Or is his tail tucked between his legs? @26CornerBlitz, come little buddy, it's been a while since you pasted something on the topic. !@#$.
  14. The mafia thing is the gayest thing ever. Gayer than a soccer playing Justin Bieber.
  15. I know next to none of the bands anyone is mentioning. Y'all like old people music.
  16. Oh, ok. It was normal then l so it's normal now. Except.that situation was entirely different and not at all related to this. It's amazing what the media is trying to sell and the retards rooster guzzling it down like it's Kool aid.
  17. brennan will an hero before he is able to face the wrath of his coming and deserved punishment.
  18. and houston is one of the fattest cities in the world, too. i have to wonder if this kid simply moved to a more tolerant new england state or a more physically fit california town maybe he would not have had to deal with such fascism and hatred.
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