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Everything posted by boyst

  1. Don't know the details. *yawn. Don't care. Your whatever reason of whatever reason is more than likely a noise disturbance or something as such. *Yawn You realize I will argue the stupidest finite point until you're exhausted right? Probably good to just ignore my disagreement. But if you want to tango, start the music. Edit. By the way. That's a terrible analogy. The police didn't call the police on themselves. The police were called and came. That's just ridiculous. You can try again but I advise not.
  2. De-escalation training. Tazers. More time at the gun range for police. Training the teenagers to STFU and realize they're in a losing situation with a gun drawn on them and it's not the time to argue or try to make world star. Attacking police, shouting at police, arguing with police or doing anything else but what they ask of you is stupid - you can disagree all you want. But that's not where you make your argument of right or wrong. Thinking I'm stupid is part of YOUR problem. The problem isn't the police. It's morons who don't listen to police and get what they deserve, a Darwin award delivered in a bullet. I feel this argument supercedes your ability to converse so, I tip the hat to your bonnet and wish you a good day. That's the worst analogy anthem kneelers make. It's a red herring and absolutely nothing to do with the argument. In your profession I know you can construct a better counter to that.
  3. Let's keep hyping this retarded them until we can give away millions and millions more to idiots like anquan boldin who will do so little in return for such a high price that it will continue to be a joke. People just want this to go away. Why can't we just forget it and it's bologna premise?
  4. Nope. Kill'm all and let God sort'm out. [Seriously, did you ask this question?]
  5. Original content points: 0 Retard points: 8 Grammar and style: 1 You suck at this. Try again
  6. Only if you're an idiot. So, it's true. That's the best you can do. Congratulations on a participation trophy.
  7. To avoid having one person be the face of the decision. The league is a decision of all teams and goodell is the lightning rod for good and bad. The owners love him for it.
  8. We have folks still thinking Joe webb and Logan Thomas are breakout stars Soo think it'll be an easy sell that dimarco is going to be a pro bowl pass catcher.
  9. The more you repeat a lie the more it becomes true. Because this is a lie. Yet, approval and support of the NFL is falling fast and the majority of the fans dislike the protests... You relish it because you're unaware of ramifications and that's understandable. So, reality: this. (Hint, it's not you)
  10. Nothing but good PR. It's a joke. Idiot NFL players on their knees means nothing. These half brain knuckle dragging cro mags aren't going to fund police training or work with inner city at risk youth to teach them to obey and be compliant with law officials and authority. That's not how it works. Sadly this will be nothing more the a level of nepotism inside of the NFL and the despot that will be the CEO of this fraudulent schtick.
  11. As a Vietnam veteran (Viet Kong army - 7 yrs) and a mother of 8 children, even I make fun of the air Force
  12. What amendment is that? Move to Canada you unpatriotic, freedom hating pole puffer.
  13. If I was tasked with the responsibility of his discipline than I would have no qualms. If I had to use lethal force to have stopped him, it'd be the same. But I would not actively looking to hurt the dude or wish I'll will upon him. C'est la vie
  14. Vegas didn't build it. Someone else did.
  15. Do they think impeaching Trump some how makes Hillary president?
  16. The way we play some times I would think muff would work. Bunch of candy ass pussies.
  17. Opinions vary, thanks for your 2¢. But, I really do have the right. I can vote, I can go anywhere, I can do anything, I'm a god damn American. I can judge any which way I want. I was a boy scout. What gives you the right to judge or determine this anyway? Kind of a ****ty person thing to do...
  18. But, he is CNN. So...he is an expert. Maybe he should scream racism or something? You're a joke, Fake News, a joke.
  19. Curious on what has you so passionate about this. I've been enjoying the back and forth by all...
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