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Everything posted by SouthGeorgiaBillsFan

  1. I'm pretty sure sacks will still stop it. Just an absurd thought. Actually absurd isn't a strong enough word to describe it.
  2. lol. Stupidity. The Bills won't take Pettigrew for the same reason they haven't taken a TE with a high pick before - because they know TE is the lowest priority on the field. You might as well forget it, it's not going to happen. It sucks to waste a pick drafting a player that should have never been needed but that's the price of stupidly trading away your talent.
  3. Which is exactly why a substantial block of the Bills fan base was screaming for JP not to be traded. But oh no...he's worthless etc...well now all you Peters haters have to deal with the consequences that we get to waste a top pick drafting a tackle, but you might as well get over it because it has to be done. To simply sit there and pretend otherwise is ignorant and stupid.
  4. I don't see how anyone thinks the Bills have any choice but to go after a big time play maker at tackle. I'm not surprised at all. I really thought they may try to trade higher than that.
  5. I would be happy with that, or if they trade up to acquire one of the premier tackles in the draft. We have extra picks and could easily use them to make it happen. I feel like the Bills are in good position to move up on both of their first round picks if they so desire. If Curry is available at 11 its a no brainer to take him there. All that being said, I don't see any of this coming to pass, as I believe that the Bills are going to look at other needs first before trading up to get curry, and that he won't be there at 11.
  6. Sam Bradford sucks. He plays in a spread offense in a conference that doesn't know how to recruit defensive players because they think points sell tickets. It has been proven time and again that spread offense QBs can't hack it in the NFL. That is why Tim Tebow won't be the #1 pick next year. But Tebow is infinitely better than Sam Bradford in every way possible. So get you head out of your ass.
  7. No, it doesn't help offset losing Peters. You people claim we need a TE threat and then say that we should take Pettigrew because he can block, but that is brainless since you cannot block and receive at the same time. So basically you need to look at it like this - what is the greater need for the Bills right now between blocking and receiving? The obvious answer is blocking, and that being the case, how do you suggest the Bills are better off taking a TE than an OT with their highest pick? It doesn't make any sense.
  8. Because more than any other position in football, you absolutely DO NOT need a great TE to be successful. It's just icing on the cake to have one, and since the Bills cake still looks like raw eggs and flour, really can't afford to be trying to ice it just yet. You don't pick a TE at 11 because it is not an important position. Tackle is however.
  9. I don't think its fair to blame it on Dick Jauron. The Bills sucked before he arrived, and to be honest, when you look at the personnel he's had to work with since he's been here, 7-9 is not unimpressive. Give the man a roster that can compete before you judge him.
  10. Is this a serious thread or a late April fool's joke? You can't possibly be serious.
  11. It's because he cannot beat single coverage consistently, even though he is usually lined up against a #2 or #3 corner.
  12. You ever notice how punt returners are never big name players in any other positions? (The closest I can think of is Tim Dwight) It's because you can let scrubs return punts, especially w/ a good special teams unit. I like Roscoe a lot and I hate to piss in anyone's cornflakes but he is a scrub, and I can't read any more posts about how awesome he is. The guy is a scrub and to pretend otherwise is just silly...it would be kind of like pretending Jason Peters is a scrub. Oh wait. I think its a safe bet that T.O. is not a very happy camper right now, and I don't blame him. That being said, I think he will fulfill his contract to the best of his abilities and not open his yap about anything, because he knows he cannot afford to be an issue right now. Also, I think the Bills are still in win now mode and I look for at least one more blockbuster acquisition after they see what they can land in the draft.
  13. If anyone else compares Roscoe Parrish to Steve Tasker I'm gonna have to get really ugly on here...
  14. Mark Sanchez - San Fran Michael Crabtree - Oakland Brandon Pettigrew - Philly BJ Raji - Green Bay Brian Orakpo - Cleveland
  15. It would make better sense for me to trade up from the #28 to acquire him. It's too bad nobody else in the NFL thinks Roscoe Parrish is any good otherwise we could package him with our #28 and maybe land pettigrew =D. At 11, it would just be one more folly to add to the camel's broken, smashed into pieces, and partially decomposed back.
  16. Right. Since we have the AMAZING Roscoe Parrish to play LT for us, we can say !@#$ the line and draft a position that doesn't even take the field on every offensive play.
  17. I've got it! Let's draft Pettigrew and let him play tackle, since "molding" players into elite LTs is so easy to do! Better yet, let's just let Roscoe Parrish do it and kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Your mentality is all wrong here: the fact that the Bills turned JP into a freakish LT doesn't mean that anybody can be turned into a freakish LT. It means that the Bills turned a TE with freakish physical abilities into a LT. News flash: we don't have Jason Peters anymore, and we have to replace him, and since our offensive line officially sucks as bad as any in the league right now, we really need to do so with as talented a player as possible.
  18. For the first time ever I agree with Promo. You should only trade 1st round picks for established players or more/better picks, unless you believe you are 1 player away from the SB. There is not enough talent in this draft to adequately fill the Bills roster if they had 6 first rounders =/ It also stand to reason that the Bills 1st round pick next year is going to be substantially more valuable than it is this year. Looking at our schedule, if one or two teams happen to have a great game against the Bills, I can see us logging a fat 0-16.
  19. He's actually an !@#$ that should have been resigned, and would have been by any other NFL team in that situation.
  20. If I was the GM of another team, I wouldn't give up any draft picks for Roscoe Parrish. First of all, for years the Bills ST unit has been the cream of the league, and that is why Roscoe does well on punt returns. Any crackhead could return punts for the Bills. Secondly, no team pays $3 million + for a player who's only effectiveness comes on plays that happen maybe 5 times per game at the most. You couldn't get me to take his $3 million dollar cap hit for free, much less give up a draft pick for it. For this reason, I don't think you guys have to worry about him being traded anyway. Jason Peters sucks, but Roscoe Parrish is black gold eh? And we wonder why the rest of the nation says Buffalo doesn't deserve an NFL team... Interesting thought but I doubt it is the case. Even Roscoe must realize how overpaid he is in Buffalo, and especially how not open he was despite being single covered by teams' #2 cornerback or worse in every game.
  21. Once again you fail to give credit where it is due. If it was so easy to mold players into elite LTs teams wouldn't be paying 10+ million per year for them would they? It just points out once again how we squandered away a player with freakish natural abilities. And yea, I really wanted to use that #11 pick on a DE when we had 2 good tackles...but now that idea is just preposterous. But hey, it could be worse. At least you aren't suggesting we draft a TE at #11... Oh yea and I love how you guys throw around that 11.5 number like it actually means anything. You cannot just count the number of sacks accumulated by players who lined up across from JP, as defenses have been known to stunt. I know usually that stuff is reserved for peewee football but it turns out NFL teams actually do stunt. Also, JP would not have given up nearly as many sacks if he had gotten help the way that almost every other LT in the league does. But he was so good that the Bills coaching staff felt they could leave him isolated every play, so your 11.5 isn't factoring the sacks that were avoided because we had extra help across the line. Just stop pretending the guy wasn't good. Say it with me - we lost a great player because the Bills are CHEAP. Accept it and get over it, but stop pretending this was a brilliant move that makes the Bills better.
  22. What? I guess that *is* in line with my theory that most of your are stupid. Just because you want to pretend Jason Peters wasn't a good LT doesn't mean we don't have to address the super-massive black hole in our O line.
  23. You must like losing. Tono Romo, Eli Manning or Donovan McNabb != Tom Brady.
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