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Everything posted by SouthGeorgiaBillsFan

  1. Look I moved away from the Buffalo Area more than 10 years ago, and I haven't lost an ounce of passion toward the Bills. As much as I'd hate to see them move to Toronto, and I mean the thought makes me sick to my stomach, I have to say that I would still be a die hard Bills fan. I grew up watching them play in (and lose) four superbowls. Despite the heartache those are some of my fondest childhood memories, and I the only reason NFL football is appealing to me is because I know that some day my Bills will rise up and win the SB. Football is such an important game to me, as it represents everything I believe in: hard work, mental sharpness and toughness, unity, physical prowess and intelligence, and it would be too great a part of my life to simply stop watching. And it could be worse - how would you feel about rooting for the Los Angeles Bills? I don't think the Bills will move to Toronto. I believe this is a prudent move by Mr. Wilson to ensure that no other team tries to relocate there and suck up much of the Bills desperately needed Toronto market share. I believe that Mr. Wilson earnestly wants to keep the team in Buffalo, and is taking actions to that effect as much as possible. If that simply is not possible, then he will have positioned the Bills to move to as nearby a city as possible. You people who spew your venomous "Buffalo First" hatred jargon should be ashamed, as you are only providing fuel to the arguments of those who would like to convince Mr. Wilson to get the !@#$ outta dodge while the getting is still good. But if the worse comes to pass and the Bills do move to Toronto, I will remain a fan, a true fan, and will cheer them on as fervently as ever. At least when the Bills finally gain redemption and win that SB that has for so long eluded and devastated us all, I'll be one of the few who can rest in ultimate satisfaction, knowing I have been here through it all.
  2. Um no. I've got a great idea: let's not even have a left tackle. We will save tons of cap room and wouldn't have to worry about any greedy elitist screwing up our team chemistry.
  3. And you aren't worth half the time I wasted reading that post.
  4. You are exactly right. Most other teams would have had him in the slot to begin with.
  5. lol. Let me guess, you want to trade Jason Peters too, right?
  6. Why? What did Matt Cassel prove except that any NFL quarterback can win with the Patriots? I'm so tired of people wanting to blow this guy because he stood behind the best O-line in football and threw to one of the best receiving corps in football.
  7. Which for the record is why we can't put 2 rookies protecting his blind side...
  8. You are one stupid son of a B word. Ever actually watch TE's Stanford team? I didn't think so. But if you had, you would realize he had all of about 2.3 seconds per play to get rid of the ball before he was hit, in the pond water PAC-10. Dan Marino couldn't have won at Stanford. Just keep your ignorant yap quiet already.
  9. They get paid to play football. What they do during their free time is really none of our !@#$ing business.
  10. "I do not think that word means what you think it means." I think you meant "lucid". Sorry to be a language nazi. =]
  11. Cue the "but he's not good" comments. Then cue retrieving the vomit bags as I get sick at the level of utter stupidity of those who perpetuate said comments.
  12. Vic Carucci is also the guy who speculated that the Pats trading for Julius Peppers was all but a forgone conclusion, a statement that was immediately recanted by another analyst at NFL.com the following day. Why are so many Bills fans so stupid? If you want to trade Peters, just go root for the Detroit Lions. They are in desperate need of fans who don't care whether their team wins or not.
  13. If Crabtree is available I think the Bills trade down 11 spots to the Vikings where they can add another pick and get better value for TE brandon pettigrew.
  14. I'm not saying he necessarily deserves it. I'm saying the Bills cannot afford to lose the guy whether he deserves it or not. The Bills do not have this guy by the balls, its the other way around. He is important to our success because you simply cannot expect to have a legitimate passing attack without a solid left tackle, and especially considering the current pond water state of our O line, we have no leverage in dealing with this guy. He and his agent realize this and are taking full advantage, which does piss me off. My point is that if the Bills want to win, they need to make sure he remains a Bill. To suggest a rookie can step in and play effectively, while possible, is highly unlikely and exceedingly foolish. I'm not saying having a high caliber left tackle translates into making the playoffs. I'm saying that having a weak offensive line translates into not making the playoffs, and really our tackles are the only thing we have going for us up there, so I don't see how you think we can afford to trade one of them away. My opinion is not the only one that matters - but then again I am not the only Bills fan who holds this opinion. But in this specific situation I am absolutely correct, and I apologize that you lack the capacity to understand the dynamics of football necessary to be able to realize that. But the fact remains that you are advocating a coarse of action that is not in the best interest of the Bills. Perhaps trading him away for picks would be better in the long run, but the problem with that is it is uncertain how much of a long run the Bills are working with here. How many more losing seasons can we suffer before our team moves away (and I was born and raised in Jamestown so I really do care what happens to the Bills)? That is why what you are suggesting is foolery, and you can blow ESPN analysts all day long but it doesn't change the fact. You just remember how many of those ESPN people are pro-patriots. Of course they want us to trade him away - they are worried the Bills could topple the Pats this year. But continue perpetuating their biased jargon to the detriment of the Bills. The sad thing is you are too stupid to realize when you are being played like a fiddle.
  15. Correct. The Bills will not draft Crabtree at #11. To even suggest it doesn't make sense. We have arguably the best receiving tandem in the NFL right now, especially if Anquan Boldin get his wish of being traded, and a plethora of glaring holes that need to be addressed. I'm not sure what makes anyone think the Bills would do this. Also, the fact that he has Mark Sanchez being drafted before Matthew Stafford pretty much destroys his credibility. Stafford, in virtually every way possible, appears to be a better pick than Mark Sanchez.
  16. God...Jason Peters is a chump and now Jabari Greer is a shutdown corner? Do they still have secondary school western NY or what?
  17. So they think the Bills are going to end up with 4 first round picks? LOL. Seriously I wouldn't even repeat this stuff.
  18. First of all, Atlanta is not in south Georgia, so there goes yet another example of your flaming ignorance. Secondly, you are absolutely correct: the Bills definitely would sign him if they thought he was worth the money. After all, that's how they've managed to accumulate such a talented roster already! (because I'm uncertain that you would be able to recognize what seems to me blatantly obvious, that was sarcasm). I think the Bills would give him everything he is asking for if he would simply show up and do his job, because they realize what a valuable commodity he is. That being said, given his piss poor attitude and the Bills history of dealing with players like that, I think its pretty much a no brainer that he would be gone if they thought they could win without him. Also, seeing as the Bills have NOT traded him as of yet, then it would appear that their position is that they do not want to trade him. As far as I can tell, your position is that you want him to be traded, so don't sit their and pretend your opinion is in line with the Bills front office. You don't have to sit there and get mad because I pointed out how stupid and fallible your logic is. I can only make one assumption regarding anyone who advocates a course of action that will almost certainly lead to another losing season: you are a loser. So don't worry about my job and get back to inhaling asbestos for $12 an hour. Also, I read your first post, the one in which you initially started spewing out stupidity like you were choking on it, and it was unnecessary to repeat what was said. The point is your opinion of JP is utterly irrelevant, if the Bills FO thought they could win without him, he would be gone, and I am saying that this logic CANNOT be denied. After two posts in which you simply regurgitated the same bull-sh1t content you have failed to debunk my logic. And I am not asking you to debunk it, I am saying it can't be done. You can list you special-ed poster boy logic all day long - my point is that there is no argument that can debunk my logic, and you sir certainly aren't going to be the visionary philosopher who can find one that does.
  19. Oh yea..and "Let's dump JP and sign Julius Peppers" Brilliant. Just brilliant. You think spending 13 mil on an aged veteran who wants to play in a defensive system we don't run at a position he has never played is a better move than paying your pro bowl left tackle to play left tackle? My God, do you realize how stupid that sounds? Do you realize there is a reason neither pundits nor the Bills organization are not talking about doing this at all? We can win with our defense the way it is - i know we need help in the pass rush but the bottom line is that if our offense can consistently move the ball the way they did early last year the Bills will win games as is. Example: the first 6 games last year. I mean we held the mighty Patriots to 13 freaking points in the last game against them - if that isn't enough to win the problem can hardly be considered the D. Where teams beat the Bills was by double teaming Lee and stacking the box with 8 players, which we had no answer for. Now we do, and you idiots want to jeopardize that by trading away our best O-lineman and putting two rookies over there? My God, is there lead in the water where you live or what? I just can't understand how so many people can be so stupid...oh wait a minute...you formulate you opinions by watching ESPN. Explains everything.
  20. Glad to see you know how to perpetuate the argument, but you didn't respond to my statement. I stated that if the Bills thought they could adequately replace JP he would be long gone, and that the trade advocates have no response to that reasoning, which you have also failed to provide. And to state that JP has more ?s than a rookie is preposterous. Seriously, do you people put even an ounce of critical thought into your posts before you make them?
  21. This Bills won't draft a cornerback. Worry about it if you want to.
  22. That would be great if it happened. But it wouldn't make us Peters supporters wrong, it would just make the Bills exceedingly lucky. Personally, I don't care to see the Bills wager an entire season on getting lucky when there is far less than a 50% chance that it would even come to pass. Let me ask you this, do you think that if anyone in the Bills organization felt like they could win without Jason Peters, don't you think he would be old news by now? I certainly wouldn't keep him on the roster if I felt like I could replace him adequately, and I doubt the Bills front office would either. You trade Peters advocates have no response to this simple truth.
  23. The point is that last year teams starting shutting us down by double teaming Lee Evans and loading 8 guys in the box. Trent had no place to go with the ball, and Lynch was unable to really dictate a game despite his impressive season like he would be able to against an honest defense. With no options to throw to, Trent did the smart thing and ate sacks rather than throw picks, and his 10 ints is testament to that. It's not that he didn't have comparably good time to throw, its that nobody could get open, and that's the dynamic of the game I'm referring to that doesn't show up on the stat line. The point is with TO on the field, nobody will be able to load up the box, and defenses will have to pretty much give single coverage to either TO or Lee, or drop more defenders into coverage, thus lessening the pressure on the QB. Either way, Trent is going to have options. But you take Jason Peters out of there and put two rookies on Trent's blind side and our quarterback is going to be injured before the season reaches the half way point. That's my point you brainless waste of bandwidth.
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