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Everything posted by SouthGeorgiaBillsFan

  1. I hate to say this, but you only feel that way because you are a loser Bills fan who doesn't mind losing. You are partially correct however, it was certainly the best situation for the Eagles and JP. Now the Eagles should dominate the NFC east and be a clear SB favorite, while JP gets to play for a contender instead of pissing his career away for a team with no interest in being competitive.
  2. Unfortunately Mr. Rhodes estimation of what it takes to win a superbowl is just a little watered down here. And I think he is referring to adding Peyton Manning while getting rid of whatever sap played QB before Peyton Manning (Jeff George? - I don't remember).
  3. People just because the Bills are blowing smoke up your asses about Demetrius Bell doesn't mean they believe they can actually not address the gaping black hole that is the left side of their line in the first round of the draft.
  4. Hmm let's see....acquire an elite LT at the cost of hurt feelings for a player who has no recourse whatsoever...seems like a no brainer to me. I don't hear Donovan McNabb complaining.
  5. He won't drop to 11. Somebody will trade up to get him if he drops past 3. Might as well forget about it.
  6. Considering Curry is a rookie and has never stepped foot on an NFL field it's really impossible to say how he compares to pro players.
  7. Look at the Eagles offensive line. Do you think they give a sh-- about a whiny defensive back? Their comments indicate they clearly don't, and they don't need to. And what's with the double standard? You guys pissed and moaned about Jason Peters not fulfilling his contract, but its ok for other players to do the same thing? Get real.
  8. That's what happens when you continuously trade away your talent.
  9. Yea the rest of their offensive line wasn't a laughing stock either. Ours is.
  10. I don't mind the idea of drafting two defensive players first round, but we would have to trade for some help on the OL in that case. To think our offense is gonna be "fine" is absurd in the extreme. We *would* have been good...ahem.
  11. Don't you think the fact that Philly didn't give up that pick kind of indicates their intentions here? The only way I see the Bills landing Pettigrew is by taking him at 11 or trading up ahead of the Eagles. Either way I think the bills need to forget about drafting an early TE. We have no tackle and no guard. We also are one or two good players away from a solid looking defense. TE is just not a position that impacts a game nearly as much as a DE or OT, because DEs and OTs play on every down, regardless of formation. We also have enough threat on the outside and in our backfield that if we can keep Trent on his feet he is going to move the ball. Let's see a couple of big hogs in the first round. In the unlikely event that Pettigrew falls to #28, it becomes a no brainer for the the Bills to draft him there. But you guys need to seriously stop pretending like losing Jason Peters didn't put a #11 or even #3 pick sized hole in our line.
  12. This is just dumb. What do you expect the coaching staff to say? "Yea, it's true. We are so fuct now its unbelievable."? Good effing grief man. And I hate to break it to you, but Jason Peters for one did not give up as many sacks as you puppets keep trying to insinuate...in the NFL they actually have BLOCKING SCHEMES and defensive stunts so you cannot just count of the number of times the guy across from him got a sack. At one point I would have thought that no fan could be stupid enough not to realize this, but after following this board this off-season I no longer underestimate common stupidity, especially amongst Buffalo Bills fans. Secondly, the Bills knew Jason Peters was so good they could let him block and never worry about giving him any help. No other team in the league does this every play like the Bills do, because no other team in the league has a tackle who can pull it off. But then again, you anti-peters idiots are too stupid to realize any of this so i don't know why i even bother. Just stop trying to pretend you can replace him with Langston Walker and I won't have to call you names any more.
  13. Usually guards tend to be slightly smaller and quicker than tackles.
  14. Because now the Bills have massive holes to fill at positions that are infinitely more important than a punt returner, and don't have the means to do so. It's pretty simple and obvious, really.
  15. Can somebody explain to me what Roscoe Parrish has proven as a wide receiver other than he is not a threat that defenses have to respect?
  16. @OP No, screw you, for starting this thread and for being dumb.
  17. I am just wondering where was this sentiment when the Bills were about to trade away their most talented player at football's second most critical position? You guys think our pro-bowl left tackle is expendable but that our wildly inconsistent WR/punt returner isn't? WTF?? (BTW - its the Bills punt return team that sets up those great returns, not Roscoe Parrish)
  18. The Bills could be planning to trade whatever pick they acquire for Roscoe to move up in the draft. With an abundance of picks now they do have that luxury. But I don't personally believe that is what's going on here. I am inclined to think after the Peters deal that the Bills are positioning themselves to acquire more veteran talent - possibly a TE or DE/OLB via a trade for some of their abundant draft picks. After losing Peters we obviously need to expend a high draft pick to fill the void, and thus it would make sense for the Bills to move to fill one of their defensive holes via a trade or free agent. I think they have their eyes on Jason Taylor, and a move like that might give me back some hope of a successful season. But unlike with the Peters trade, in this case I have to agree that paying Roscoe Parrish 3.5 mil is absolutely insane. Good punt returns are set up by good blocking by the punt return team and nothing else. Granted, a good returner can turn a solid return into a touchdown, but nobody on Earth can return punts without blocking, and the Bills will continue to have that regardless of Parrish. I think trading Parrish and using the picks to acquire far more desperately needed talent is a great idea. I'm not sure what makes people think he is so awesome, but at 3.5 mil he is exorbitantly priced for what minimal contributions he provides. Basically, Roscoe Parrish, at best, is a career role player. He is not above average NFL talent (and I'm really not sure he could be considered even average talent), despite his good speed, which is why he returns punts in the first place. It's the easiest way to utilize his speed, because they don't have to rely on him getting open or catching the ball in coverage. Another small speedy player will always be available to return punts - it is not a position you spend 3.5 mil on.
  19. The Patriots also have the best offensive line in the league. The Bills have JACK sh--.
  20. The last time I was *this* happy was after the Bills lost 4 super bowls...
  21. Not only do we lose our most elite player at the 2nd most critical position in football, but we send the message ringing loud and clear to the rest of the league: if you are top tier talent, STAY AWAY FROM BUFFALO, because you WILL NOT GET PAID. The ramifications of this brainless trade are unimaginable. You !@#$ing tools sit there are spout your nonsense about drafting a replacement, but even *if* we happen to beat the incredibly long odds and find a pro-bowl caliber player with the 28th pick, its a moot point because we all already KNOW that the Bills will NOT PAY HIM and he will go to another team that will as soon as he reaches that level. I wouldn't be such a fool as to post my support of this deal anywhere on the internet, because you couldn't possibly look more stupid if you had it tattooed across your forehead.... What makes you rooster-spasms think that the Bills are going to pay anybody what the LT position is worth? If we had got both the Eagles first round picks we would have been on the losing end of the trade...now we are just a laughing stock. God I'd love to pound every one of your whiny, incompetent, front office blowing asses into oblivion. But alas, since this is the internet, I'll have to settle for repeatedly pointing out how !@#$ing stupid you are.
  22. So following the current Bills logic we should just trade Lee Evans and Leodis McKelvin for a couple of low first-second rounders. Why even bother paying any veterans? Since we can replace any position with elite next level talent via the draft, there is no sense in paying anybody top $$. In fact we should just trade anybody on our team making more than 4 million for draft picks and fill out our roster on draft day. I hope the Eagles win it all and JP makes 6 more pro bowls in his career. You brainless anti-Peters idiots deserve to root for a losing team. Congratulations for letting the Bills FO convince you that this is a prudent move, like a bunch of unthinking marionettes. You people make me !@#$ing sick.
  23. You see the Eagles, who actually know how to get to the playoffs, understand that an elite LT is a valuable commodity and should be compensated as such. The Eagles understand that the guy was worth the contract they gave him, and that is the difference between a perennial playoff team and superbowl contender and the AFC east whipping boys who like to give second tier players prime time contracts while spurning their true talent and pretending there is justification for not paying the guy. The Bills deserve the 3-5 years of losing that this move will perpetuate.
  24. Good-bye season. On the bright side, in 3-5 years we will have a comparably decent chance at competing. :|
  25. Seems to me that it is always up to those fans whether or not the team represents them. If the Bills move to Toronto but you drive down Buffalo St. in Jamestown NY and see Bills helmets still plastered all over the sides of houses, then I would say the team definitely represents those fans, regardless of where they live. And I suspect that though the Bills may lose some of those fans, a majority of them will still be there.
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