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Everything posted by SouthGeorgiaBillsFan

  1. Why do some people think you can replace elite NFL talent in the draft? I'm tired of losing, and if the Bills trade Jason Peters, I don't think there is any way they will be able to assemble a good enough line to allow Trent to utilize his new weaponry. You just cannot replace Jason Peters right now, and those of you who think he "sucked" last year quite obviously are ignorant to the fact that football is a game with many dynamics and that a stat line doesn't ever tell the whole story. If the Bills trade Peters we will lose, plain and simple. No Peters, no playoffs. Period. This doesn't look bad to you? Look we aren't trying to win an ACC championship here pal. WTF are you smoking? Let's see, we would have two rookies who aren't even top flight or a career backup protecting Trent's blind side. And you think that's good? Not to mention Butler is pretty much minimum starting caliber and Langston walker is by no means a superstar. Thanks for inadvertently proving my point. Take a good look at this guy's suggested starting O-line all you people who want to trade Jason Peters away and ask yourself if this is really going to lead us to the playoffs.
  2. I love Fred Jackson as a back-up just because of situations like these. I have every confidence he can adequately handle the load while Marshawn is out. That being said, while I believe he could be a legit starter on a lot of teams, I don't think we will ever see him in a pro bowl, and I don't think the Bills should even remotely consider getting rid of Marshawn. If he screws up again, that changes things, but right now we need to stick with him. But it's great news to hear Fred has shown up for workouts, I hope the Bills reward him properly now. It is a great opportunity to send a positive message to not only Jason Peters, but to any potential players that the Bills may want to pursue in the future. Way to go Fred! And TO too. Gotta like what we are seeing right now.
  3. Ahem...Schobel is a good player and pass rusher, but any player, no matter how good, can be shut down completely if you don't have other threats to keep teams honest. Enter Jason Taylor (the hypothetical part), one of the best pass rushers in the game today. All of a sudden it is very unlikely that teams can account for both DEs. Then you have Raji and Stroud up the middle. Raji is a good pass rushing interior lineman. Not sure where you see a joke in this.
  4. I don't see how TE is even close to our biggest draft need. It is a good point that Pettigrew wouldn't be available most likely at pick #25, but that is great by me anyway because I can't stomach the thought of wasting our first round pick on a position that I feel is our #4 need right now. Perhaps the Bills will make some trades or signings before the draft to change this, but as it stands I don't see how we draft a TE over a DE, OLB, or guard. That being said I don't like this idea because I think the #11 pick is just about the prime location to be in regards to pick value, and we can use that to fill much greater needs than TE. Just a big hypothetical here, but how warm and fuzzy would the following scenario make you guys?: 1. Bills sign Jason Taylor. 2. Bills draft at #11 B.J. Raji. Granted, we would be weak at LB in this scenario, but that would give us possibly the most dominating D-line in the NFL. A d-line like that would make any LB corp look elite IMO.
  5. Ever notice how you don't see NFL players hurdling defenders? Well after the first 3 or 4 died from broken necks, the rest decided it was a bad idea lol.
  6. Teams tend to run the spread to compensate for a lack of physical players. The spread formation is all about getting the most out of speed. I agree that the Bills need a TE who can catch passes, but they don't need an elite pass catching tight end. What they need is a dynamic TE who *can* catch the ball consistently and be an extra target in short yardage or red zone situations, but blocking is still more important. We have receiving weapons that already will cause mismatches against pretty much every defense in the NFL. We need a dynamic TE who can block and catch well but who doesn't need to be elite as a pass receiver. Pass catching is NEVER NEVER NEVER more important than blocking. Don't forget, the Bills have a solid running game. We don't have to be the undefeated Patriots in terms of our passing game, all we need is a balanced attack to keep teams honest and a line to protect Trent, and we have our skill position weapons already in place. Shoot I wouldn't be opposed to drafting Andre Smith and playing him at TE =0 (just a joke...but making a point.)
  7. If the Bills trade Jason Peters, they are doomed. The TO experiment will fail because our O-line will be weak as pond water. TO will sign with a more prestigious team next year, the Bills will be loaded down with young, undeveloped talent that they will lose as soon as it starts to produce because they refuse to pay their players comparable salaries, the Bills will not make the playoffs any time in the next 3 years, Ralph Wilson will die and then the Bills will move to Toronto. If we trade Jason Peters, we deserve that fate.
  8. Well, thanks for illustrating that you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.
  9. Ahem. 1. Peppers doesn't want to play for Buffalo. 2. Peppers doesn't want to play DE. 3. Peppers doesn't want to play in a 4-3. 4. The Bills have nothing that Carolina would be willing to trade for that would not make them a worse team for acquiring Peppers. 5. Jason Taylor is a free agent, so he wouldn't cost draft picks. 6. Bad idea.
  10. Ya think? I was sure this was apparent when they signed TO. I think I prefer WIN NOW mode to win someday mode, especially with home games in Toronto looming on the horizon.
  11. No, they wouldn't. The Lions would trade their #1 pick for JP in a heartbeat straight up. And they should, because the Bills would be getting ripped like never before. A proven commodity that fills a gaping hole for the Lions for a 50/50 chance on a guy being a legit starter, much less a pro bowl caliber player, that costs approximately the same? The Bills WILL NOT do this. Period. Wow. I'm really glad you don't work in the Bills front office. I would not give up Peters for anything less than a high 1st and 2nd round pick, and you would probably have to throw in a starting caliber guard or tackle too.
  12. 1. Julius Peppers doesn't want to be a Bill. 2. Julius Peppers doesn't want to play DE. 3. The Bills can't afford an exorbitant salary for a player who does not have enough time left to learn to play OLB at an elite level, and shouldn't be willing to bet that he can make an instant transition to elite OLB. 4. The Bills are far more likely to find an impact player at DE than at LT with their #11 pick. 5. Bad idea. It seems like Jason Taylor is a much more viable option at DE, especially considering the Bills' 4-3 system...plus Jason Taylor is a free agent so you don't have to give up any picks to acquire him. I can't think of a single good reason to pursue Peppers over Taylor. I think the only way you trade Jason Peters is if you acquire a solid starter at either LT or LG and a 1st round pick in return, or better. Here's what I think the Bills should do in the ideal situation: 1. Sign Jason Peters. Give him his money and enough incentives in his contract that he will be motivated to play to his top level. 2. Sign Jason Taylor. 3. Draft an OLB in the first round, and a TE in the second round. 4. Trade a 3rd round and 6th round pick for a solid guard. 5. Win the AFC east running away.
  13. To suggest the Bills front office would be tempted by a first round pick and another pick is ludicrous. If they make a trade, it will be an absolute last resort, and something that they do not want to do. It is so easy for fans to sit here and say "trade the bum" but the reality is that the Bills FO knows a lot more about football than all of us do and are not entertaining thoughts of trading away one of their most talented players at the 2nd most critical offensive position. No matter what you get for JP, you are on the extreme losing end of any trade there, and the Bills realize this. If they have to trade Peters, it is a terrible omen that this will be yet again another losing season, and it once again outsources a player of elite caliber talent that the team desperately lacks otherwise. It is an absurd suggestion IMO.
  14. Do you guys ever get tired of building through the draft? Sometimes you have to acquire talent and play to win.
  15. There are some really ignorant posters here. I love how people on this MB continue to act like Jason Peters is not an elite, game-breaking left tackle. You do understand that football is a dynamic game right? For example, if you have one legit receiving threat who draws double coverage on every play without a single other weapon who can create a mismatch to exploit, your quarterback is going to be sacked more or throw more interceptions. Since TE only threw 10 interceptions, its safe to say he was taking sacks that never should have been necessary and won't be with TO on the field. And yet you continue to blame Jason Peters for it. Also, JP is a beast and a dominating presence in the running game, regardless of how many sacks he gives up. To suggest trading this guy is to say you don't mind another failed season with no playoffs. Maybe a lot of you guys are used to losing, but myself, I'd hate to see the Bills take a 350lb step backwards. Edit: I could live with a Peters trade if the Bills could acquire two solid starters in return to fill holes on the roster, but Peters' value in trade is going to be damaged by his antics and it is highly unlikely we are going to come out ahead for any deal involving him.
  16. You know what? I have to agree with the OP in that I am sick of the collective negativism amongst many Bills fans. Sit there and pretend you are entitled to believe we will always lose but you can blow off for all I care. I cried myself to sleep after 4 consecutive SB losses. I have suffered through abysmal play for many seasons. But when the Bills actually have something worthy of being excited over in the works, I'll be damned if I'm going to post comments to the effect of "Pats win 57-12". All of you naysayers, do us a favor and find a new team to "root" for.
  17. Also this rule is an insult to the integrity and accomplishments of the Great QBs of yore who actually had to worry about being violently sacked. Now Brady will continue to pad his stats and generations to come will think he's better than the likes of Dan Marino and Joe Montana and Johnny-U. He's a great QB but lets face it he gets all the credit for his team being remarkably solid from top to bottom. Matt Cassel last year proved this beyond most doubt, and when he sucks to epic levels with the chiefs the rest of the doubt will be gone. To suggest Brady is better than Peyton Manning is a travesty, much less that he is the best of all time.
  18. If they want to make rules like this that limit contact on a quarterback, then they need a rule that the quarterback is down when he is touch by both hands. Ahem...sadly, I am suggesting the only way to make this rule fair is to implement 2-hand touch into the NFL....what a sad day. Personally I feel like if you are going to sit there and deliberately try to run the score up as much as possible game after game you should *expect* somebody to break your effing kneecaps. I wouldn't be surprised if the same thing happens to Brady again at some point this season, because nobody appreciates being humiliated after the game is already way out of reach. I think the NFL is still mad because their "more points = more money" marketing scheme got blown to pieces against the Giants by what? D-FENCE ch ch D-FENCE ch ch!
  19. "After that 56-10 debacle I refuse to pay money to watch the bills play the patriots. Sold my season tickets for that game last year and plan on it this year as well. Sad." Here's an idea: sell ALL of your season tickets and go become a Jamestown Jammers fan instead. Don't want you at the games anyway.
  20. Personally I can't wait to watch the Patti-cakes get blown up on MNF in front of their own fans. If there is any way I can make the trip from south GA I'll be there. Either way, Bills win 24-17. Pats offense will be highly efficient as usually but won't be able to ring up their normal numbers thanks to the fact they will be playing defense most of the time. The Bills use their balanced attack and superior special teams to dominate time of possession and field position. I expect a well executed game by both teams with no more than 2 turnovers at the most - but the Pats will be out of sync and unprepared for the Bills. We use that advantage to grab an early lead and then grind out the clock for the rest of the game.
  21. We all need to give ESPN a gigantic THANK YOU card for their excellent job of providing "make them eat sh-- and die" fuel for TO =D.
  22. I have to go with Steve Tasker or Don Bebe. Don Bebe because though he wasn't the threat teams worried about stopping, he was the threat that most frequently took advantage of cheating defenses when it mattered most =D. And I love watching white dudes burn mofos deep.
  23. Wow. Just wow. Your ignorance is astounding. Lynch has been convicted of misdemeanors.....christ almighty a misdemeanor makes someone a criminal now? Give me a freaking break. We are talking about convictions on the level of JAYWALKING. Also, the overwhelming majority of people who actually HAVE BEEN TO's teammate before say that he is a good teammate with a passion to win and an admirable work ethic. Are you proud that you allow a biased national sports media formulate your opinions for you? Jeez man do you think you could just become a cowboys fan and spare us these kinds of posts?
  24. "Do you honestly think other teams, evaluating potential interest in some future free agency, will over look his attitude and poor performance directly resulting from his unwillingness to play to his contract? His value in this respect deminishes as time goes on." Are you joking? This is the NFL. Peters is a left tackle - the most critical position on a football field other than QB, and an elite one at that. If the Bills don't pay him, some other team will. But here is the simple truth - the Bills know this guy should be getting more money, and by releasing Derrick Dockery they were pretty much showing their intentions to pony up and pay the guy. And lets not forget - he deserves more money. We are paying him like a mediocre left tackle and he has demonstrated he is elite. And if you really think about it, Peters' request to be the highest paid tackle in the NFL is not all that unreasonable, because he is young with tons of room to grow but is already established as probably the premier player at the position in the NFL right now. I cannot understand how any fan who wants to see the Bills win could suggest the Bills do anything besides sign this guy for the long term. Our offense is poised to be very good next year but if we lose peters you can kiss that goodbye. Draft picks are not more valuable to any team that wants to win now than an established elite player, especially at such a critical position. The Bills have to pay him and they will, and we should all be hoping they do.
  25. Lacking a tight end is not a glaring hole. It is by far the least important position on either side of the ball. With our current weapons, we are not in desperate need of a TE...as long as we can shore up the O-line we can get away with a scrub at TE. Don't expect the Bills to waste the #11 pick on one...teams generally don't draft TEs with high picks, and the Bills have a particular aversion to doing so - after picking up TO don't expect that to change now. They will draft their pass rusher because that is the most likely position that a rookie can fill and make an impact for the Bills and that is where they will go. They will seek a starting guard via trade/FA and they will draft a versatile interior lineman in the 2nd or 3rd round to add depth. I expect a FA OLB acquisition as well. Believe me I understand your Bills pessimism but right now we are not in bad shape at all. A couple of chips fall our way and we will be ready to challenge as a SB contender. Don't think the Bills intend to sign T.O. and not take steps to solidify their team for a playoff run right now. The Bills don't spend frivolously and did not acquire T.O. just to appeal to ticket buyers. Have faith...this will be a good season.
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