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Everything posted by SouthGeorgiaBillsFan

  1. Huh. Funny you mentioned that. You didn't seem too concerned with Trent having time when you were stupidly floating the idea of acquiring Anquan Boldin all over this MB.... As if he would leave the Cardinals as the #2 receiver to come be the #3 receiver here....
  2. Any time a team has to consider using a dime package in lieu of their base defense you have to think that is a good sign for your offense. But great, I hope they do line up in a dime. This isn't Madden football. You line up with 5 in the box and Marshawn Lynch/Backup(s) is going to run wild all over your face. I would love to see teams take that approach.
  3. The same way the Giants stopped Tom Brady and the undefeated record breaking Patriots in the SB: sack Trent Edwards. We have an inexperienced O line that could be good some day but in all likelihood won't be next year. What we do have is depth and versatility up there, which are the two best attributes you can have to mitigate the effects of injuries. I don't understand why people wouldn't want us to make a move for a good LT, Levi Jones seeming to be the best candidate to me. You are willing to start with our current line, so why not upgrade it and still have the security of knowing you would have been happy to start with that line to begin with in case he gets injured? Sign the guy to an incentive laden contract and rest peacefully knowing you have more than adequate backup if he can't play every game. If the Bills do that then it would be interesting to see other teams try and stop them. And Skooby you're an idiot.
  4. If you look at the Bills personnel, that is a realistic possibility right now. I don't expect it to happen and I don't think I really want it to, because I've always been of the mentality I would rather bull rush my way to the QB than try to trick my way to him, but maybe that is just me. 3-4 certainly allows for some nice zone blitzing packages to mix up the coverage some, which is one of its greatest merits to me. But overall, if you can field a good defensive line, I think the 4-3 is a more physically dominating type of defense, and more consistent as well. 3-4 is kind of like the spread offense to me in that it is a defense you go to based on your personnel. If you have a very deep LB core or are not deep at all at DT, then you possibly consider a switch, etc. Also, 3-4 is more of a speed defense, where 4-3 is more of a power defense (i.e. 3-4 is stronger vs anything outside the tackles, 4-3 is stronger vs anything between the tackles) I wouldn't mind seeing a 3-4 base with a 4-3 package, thus utilizing Maybin's versatility as much as possible.
  5. I'm actually quite convinced that is where the Bills intend to play him. Our best chance for improving our team at this point would be to forget about trading for Henderson and sign Jason Taylor. Would not cost us anything in compensation, and that is what I expect the Bills to try and do. Now whether or not Jason Taylor would sign with the Bills remains to be seen, but that is the best case scenario for the Bills at this point, and why I am convinced they see Maybin as a Cornelius Bennett type play maker at the OLB. I think if the Bills were looking to draft a starting caliber DE, they do not select Maybin #11 overall, and since taking him at #11 clearly indicates their belief that he is starting caliber, I can only assume they see him playing at OLB. Which is an idea I very much like for the record. To suggest that the Bills would waste a #11 pick on a guy who only plays on 3rd down is preposterous. But it is a known fact that Maybin isn't going to be able to handle every down duties at DE this year. So you start putting two and two together and you get a sum of OLB. =]
  6. Hey look pal you are the one who is sitting here passing out blame to a guy you don't know, you have no idea how he runs his team on a day to day basis, you are not privy to even the most inane of goings-on at OBD, but you sit here and throw your stones of judgment like you are the Guru on Mount !@#$ing Woe. All I am doing is pointing out the utter lack of supporting evidence for a baseless claim made by an anonymous internet mongoloid like yourself. So which of us is the greater ****? And once again you have no argumentative recourse for my point that the Bills sucked horribly before Jauron arrived, so it seems pretty absurd to blame their failure on him.
  7. Awesome. You are now #1 on my "people that I don't give a fat fhuck what list they put me on" list. And I've got no particular love of Dick Jauron. I don't think he's historically been a particularly great coach. I am simply saying that he has not demonstrated that he is a bad coach in Buffalo. I am pointing out that considering how premier players pretty much avoid Buffalo at all costs, and considering how the Bills FO for years has been trading away their talent instead of paying it, DJ has inherited a situation where he is being blamed for a 3-13 team only finishing 7-9 and missing the playoffs. I am simply saying that if you want the man to win games, give him a team that is good enough to win games. Otherwise, give him the credit that is due for helping a hapless and hopeless team win 7 games, when they probably only should've won 3 or 4 at the most. You witch hunters are grasping at straws looking for some place to put the blame, and I will help you out. Blame it on the fact that the Bills ARE NOT GOOD. For the first time in a while, I think we are moving in the right direction and have a solid team that can compete in the playoffs.
  8. Newsflash Brainless Bill: The Bills sucked LONG before Jauron came to Buffalo. You cannot surround a guy with inferior players and then expect him to beat teams that have all the pieces in place. It doesn't work that way. It has nothing to do with Dick Jauron. It has everything to do with how the Bills continue to trade away their top talent every time a guy wants to be compensated competitively. So stop blaming it on Jauron. Give the man the pieces with which to win, and then if he fails to do so you can criticize him. But as of yet he has never had a team that could be expected to compete, and until he does, any criticism of him by idiot fans like you is nothing more than brainless thoughtless banter.
  9. You are a !@#$ing idiot. No coach wins with the Bills roster, period. This is the first year the Bills actually have some pieces in place that I can remember since WELL before Jauron ever took over the head coaching job. To finish 7-9 the past 3 years is a !@#$ing MIRACLE when you look at their roster during that time, so why don't you keep your thoughtless yap closed until we see what happens this year.
  10. Skooby is the dumbest SOB walking the face of this Earth. Every time I read one of his posts, I feel ashamed to belong to the same species as this belligerent fool. Son nobody cares about your necrophilia so just put the keyboard down and step away. You are just mad because the Bills didn't adhere to your brainless draft ideology, which is stupid since I tried to tell you over and over that you might as well forget about your mongoloid draft ideas every time you posted one of them. So now you are going to go around threatening to exhume corpses in your anger that the rest of the world wasn't stupid enough to see your logic, or lack thereof. Do us all a favor and go kill yourself right now. The more gruesome, the better.
  11. We could be 1 player away from having a seriously intimidating defense... And I like other fans who want to draft hogs, just FYI. It's ironic to me that they call skill positions "skill positions", when its pretty obvious that being successful at those positions is always 100% dependent upon the play of the line. In other words, you can have mediocre skill players who are successful and win behind a great line, but you can't have great skill players who are successful behind a mediocre line. So kudos for wanting to draft the hogs.
  12. I was a little concerned about this too, but after drafting 2 OL in the first 2 rounds, I think the Bills have the mentality that somebody on that roster is going to be able to get the job done. They added nice depth which gives them the freedom to move ppl around a little more and I'm not 100% convinced that the Bills didn't draft Wood to play tackle. I think they intend to look at everyone on the line and put the best suited player in at tackle. Either that, or they are sold on Demetrius Bell and didn't consider tackle a need, which seems crazy to me but then again I'm not privy to inside information. But they upgraded the team in all of the most desperately needed areas (except the aforementioned LT) and so I think we should all be very very happy with the way the draft worked out. I also still expect at least 1 more major acquisition before the season starts, so thanks Bills for giving me some hope that all is not lost.
  13. I'm not sure what makes you think that, but obviously the Bills believe they have an ace up their sleeve or have the leverage to acquire a starting tackle, and the former looks more likely right now. I hope that turns out to be true but when you look at our roster it is incredibly mind-bogglingly ignorant to state that we are fine at LT. At best, we can be optimistic that we might be adequate. At best. I would prefer not banking on the fact that Demetrius Bell is going to be able to hold down a starting tackle position.
  14. No it doesn't. It is understood by expert advocates of that philosophy that teams should pick the best player on the board FOR THAT TEAM. Depending on your team needs different players will hold different values. When you have no starting LT on your roster and an established starting QB, Matthew Stafford doesn't hold much value to you regardless of where he falls to.
  15. We got players that have a much greater chance of contributing on special teams with those late DB picks than any DT or TE drafted in the same spot could be expected to have. Not to say 6th and 7th rounders don't turn into good ball players, but the chances are highly unlikely. The Bills played the odds here and drafted players in those rounds thinking those players would be able to contribute much more than some low rated DT or TE prospect. Also, it is important to remember that if you want to have the best special teams unit in the NFL you probably have to approach how you field that unit a little differently. I think by taking those DBs late in the draft the minimize the risk on those players as much as possible while maintaining their standard of special teams excellence. You also have to consider that the Bills may be looking for trade leverage with a specific team who may have needs at CB...hard to criticize an excellent draft based on that imo.
  16. I agree, this is a dumb article. Going from CB to FS is a move to an *easier* position to play, as is going from center to guard. And the most recent conversion from safety to linebacker that I remember is Brian Urlacher... Good draft Bills.
  17. On paper this appears to be the best draft we've had in a long time IMO. I think the Bills really hit the nail on the head (I did want that OT with the first pick but acquiring line help in both the first and second rounds did much to mitigate my concerns there) and even one of the ESPN analysts, when asked which team hit the ball out of the park, answered Buffalo Bills #1. This draft, while not making us into a playoff team yet necessarily (I think with our current roster, if our O line picks can perform close to expectations, we are borderline playoff contenders now), has put us in position to be a real threat if we can make one more big acquisition this off season, which really is the best case scenario I think we could have ever hoped for coming out of the draft. I couldn't be happier at this point.
  18. Unfortunately the Bills don't play in your fantasy world where Langston Walker is better than Jason Peters. Other than that your post rings of truth. I got the taste of throw up in my mouth after reading the original post in this thread. In terms of immediate impact this might be true, but in terms of cost effectiveness and potential future impact, I think Wood is a big time upgrade over Dockery. By the end of this season I think Wood has established himself as a legit starter for years to come.
  19. Your logic is flawed. You actually have to be *better* to play more positions, not worse.
  20. Not sexy? Like hell. The Bills are right now one major acquisition away from being able to say their FO did a fantastic job this off season. And this coming from someone who was pretty much convinced that given the Bills recent draft history our season was screwed when we traded Peters. I can see the Bills trying to acquire a veteran talent at DE or OLB, and they still have the leverage and capacity to do so. Could turn out to be a very fruitful off season after all. Thanks Bills FO for 1st and 2nd round OL picks.
  21. Possibly. One big time defensive acquisition and I think the Bills have a chance to compete. I like the draft so far, and one FA signing or trade could put us over the top. And less than a week ago I stated in a post my belief the Bills could go 0-16 =o. Two first day OL picks have my hope up again =D. Has anybody signed Jason Taylor yet?
  22. You assume the Bills drafted Maybin to play DE. I still believe the Bills may have something else in mind for that position. I see Maybin playing OLB.
  23. Every post gets dumber and dumber? How dumb can we go? You are now approaching dumbness of historical proportions! Keep going dude the world record is within sight. And your post does little to mitigate the fact that we a) in fact have the worst OL in the NFL and b) you are advocating drafting a WR, which c) goes back to the original point of this post, that being your dumbness.
  24. We watched the undefeated Patriots get derailed by sacks and you want to argue the point that a receiver like Crabtree, who lacks both the size to be a great threat over the middle and the speed to be a deep threat, who will pretty much be mediocre in every way, is going to make us more dynamic than that Pats team? Not only that, but the Pats had the best O line in football. We currently have the worst. Skooby you really are dumb.
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