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Everything posted by mousetrap08

  1. Typical Bills,teams sign players to get better the Bills release players to get worse.
  2. You sure do have the right username because you sound as if you drink to much Booze and that your brain is on a Cruise.
  3. Haven't thought of him in years so the answer is no. I don't waste my money on football magazines, draft guides or newsletters they nothing but garbage to me and a big waste of time.
  4. Did not care for it myself thought it to be very stupid.
  5. I did not bother to waste my time watching the halftime show because it just had to be terrible.
  6. Oh gee another poster who thinks he knows it all.Go get a job in the NFL so you have some sort of creditably if any team hires YOU! for your so called expertise then I will sign anything you want. Like the "Coach" Chuck Dickerson use to say " I think you picked your nose and scratched your brain."
  7. I like all 3 how about red at home and white for away and the standing red buffalo for Toronto that way you get to see all three.
  8. I know of a good 12 step program that you could use.
  9. Like the old saying goes It takes one to know one.
  10. I f he is a good player I don't care if he thinks he is Napoleon.
  11. Oh come on quit being a Jerry Sullivan brown nose and quit drinking your own Kool Aid.
  12. Jerry Sullivan ought to know something about being second rate because he is nothing more than a second rate yellow journalist anyway and a first rate jackass. I take anything this hack says with a grain of salt.
  13. Dieing is to good for these steaming piles of pig They shoud be hung upside down by thier from the highest flagpole in Boston.
  14. Hey Jim in Anchorage is it so cold up there in Alaska that you got frostbite of the brain or something what gives?
  15. I quit watching the Tom Brady show a long time ago. :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:
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