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Everything posted by Amstel

  1. I'd love to see that however I don't think Chan would do that.... BUT I'd love to see it even more for us to do it to the pats....... Thats one game we need to establish the run...they are going to blitz like crazy to keep us from trying to carve up their young secondary.....
  2. I agree its not possible to truly judge a draft class the same year they are drafted and much less before the season even starts....
  3. I agree. I think the other three teams are good not great....
  4. It would be one thing to make those remarks and say the Bills might not win a lot of games this year but to suggest they go winless is nonsense....
  5. If I lived close enough I'd definitely get season tickets....
  6. I can see us going 8-8 or 7-9 if things come together. I just hope we're entertaining and its a building block for next season...
  7. I don't know much about Troy Smith. The fact that they released him can't be good....
  8. I'd have to go with 2003 when we beat the pats.....
  9. I'd love to see us go 10-6 but the team Gailey inherited in Dallas had a lot more talent than we have....
  10. I agree with JW that some of the misses may not be on Tom
  11. I agree that now is not the time to be looking for an "upgrade." A new qb would come in and have to learn the system that these guys have been working on for six months. It happened to Brohm last year they brought him in in november and was forced to start a game with little knowledge of the offensive system....
  12. I have faith in our players but hey anything that can help us, give us an edge or make it easier- I'm all for it
  13. For me its always the fins but I'd have to go with the pats in this intance since its been so long since we beat them
  14. I hope these young guys develop into a solid core of players that we hold onto for years....
  15. I dont put any stock into rankings. I hope we come out of the first four games with a couple wins but if we can at least hang with these teams and make it interesting it might still give them some confidence and help out down the stretch......
  16. I think they're not saying anything just to keep it from being a big deal or distraction. If they start talking about it more questions will follow etc... Its more likely people will forget about it if they dont talk about it. I'm not trying to compare it to the cushing situation but if cushing had just shut the f*#k up it would have still been big but not as big and wouldve died down sooner instead he and his camp kept coming up with denials and assanine reasons for why he tested positive.... I'm not saying I agree with their position of not revealing any details. I'm just pointing out a possible reason as to why they're not saying anything
  17. If it serves as motivation for the team it will only be in that they want to prove everyone wrong.......
  18. First of all I just want a win however, you know if we win convincingly the media will paint it as "the Bills beat a banged up miami team not at full strength" If we just beat them it will be "they barely beat a banged up miami team" We're gonna win so I'm not gonna get into any other scenarios......
  19. I think we will be competetive as long as our defense can be at least average. Miami doesnt look that good- Henne isnt that good of a QB and they have depth problems on their line, I think NE will be good but not great I think they no longer have the depth they once had and are lacking at certain positions especially in the secondary and the jets will also be good not great....
  20. While they still have Brady I think the once "mighty" pats have become mortal like everyone else with depth and skill problems like the rest of the nfl....
  21. On the Ravens and Cardinals sites Cody and Williams are listed as Third stringers San Diego doesnt have a depth chart on their site....
  22. I like Troup however I'm not sure how the other guys that got drafted are faring....
  23. I dont want to get in the middle of the "debate" however I was surprised they didnt keep him in some capacity. I thought Gailey really liked him.....
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