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billsfan in n.h

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Everything posted by billsfan in n.h

  1. the hell with the "raida's". how on earth are we going to stop the freak show they call the NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS?????
  2. while it is exciting to watch. the more they put it up,the more chances for an INT. let the bird man fly
  3. something you do with your hands when your team scores
  4. i guess kc was bad this year because they got a whole buttload of coal in their stocking today!!!
  5. it looked like he hurt his arm earlier in the game.he ran off the field,hopefully it wasnt nothing too serious
  6. i like the defences new attitude. when a kc player was on the ground we didnt help him up.we used to in dick jaurons reign but not no more!!! we knocked you down, let someone else pick you up,
  7. i meant us, not them. kill em all the fact that gailey has class. after game was well in hand he put in the backups and did not run the score up more than needed.
  8. our tight end made a statement, to KC's linebackers
  9. lets go old school on their ass, 51-3 and give the raiders some memories of the past GO BILLS
  10. tears of joy and a chill down my spine. K.C its "lights out" GO BILLS
  11. some of those guys talk like they have a mouthful of marbles and one too many concusions
  12. WOW, i am intimidated,NOT!!!!.there are fake buffalos on the way to the stadium and on "90". so whats the big deal,citys should show support for their team.at least it wasn't a buffalo with a K.C. spear thru it.
  13. they should wait a little bit to see if he can handle the riggors of being #1 and not a pile of #2
  14. i am the farthest thing from "politicly correct".not racist or bigotted. i hate everyone equally.was just having fun with what you posted.so try not to be so sensitive,put on some village people and relax, "mary" ps i have a pair
  15. you wont be calling it"gay" when the defense is taking it to the other guys QB.or their running back has -3 yards on 20 carries. HOMOPHOBE!!!!
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