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billsfan in n.h

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Everything posted by billsfan in n.h

  1. its so simple even dick jauron could figure it out,well, maybe not. score more friging points than K.C. any way possible
  2. i remember a certain tight end, oh,what was his name??? they converted him to left tackle and he did quite well. so much so,we couldnt afford to pay him(or didnt want to)
  3. broadcasters could charge a fee to watch the game.i live in N.H. and it is tough to watch the bills here unless we are playing the pats.i dont want to go a sports bar and spend 30.00 bucks on beer and wings and drive home and get a dui
  4. now,were can i find a lude???? and a zanex or two and a plastic bag that would fit over my head??
  5. you have some sites that stream all the nfl games, why not let each individual team (BILLS) stream their own game with 97 rock as commentators and maybe charge a resonable yearly access charge to view all the games.that way people out of town or state that dont get to go to games can watch their team without worrying the link will get pulled... your thoughts???
  6. i think he got better as the game wore on.with no ota's or mini camps he will come along. keep your eye on brad smith!!!
  7. elzy looked pretty good to me.better than hall and the kid they drafted
  8. did you see his pre and post draft youtube videos??? that man aint slow, by any means!
  9. on a positive note, the water boy was spot on squirting water in the players mouths
  10. tebow takes off his denver jersey only to have a buffalo jersey underneath.
  11. behind our bench,50 yard line, row 24.drew bledsoe vs wash. redskins and bruuuuuce. scalpers tickets. awesome seats,great game
  12. hi, my name is aron and i will be carrying your jock this season, mr.sanchez.
  13. brady is just pissed cause his kid has more umm,to offer women than he does..
  14. as long as he stays away from reality t.v stars and pro wrestlers.on a side note, he would have mopped the floor with cm punk
  15. he will be fine.he can use the cast as a club.illegal object as gordon solie used to say
  16. i am a bills fan and every season i always "billieve" we will make the playoffs or at least win more than we lose.why be a fan of our buffalo bills if you think they are going to fail???
  17. look jim, i know its yours and you can touch it any time you want but please,for the love of god not in front of my wife.
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