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Everything posted by mrags

  1. not just last week. It goes on and on. Yeah, it was a really rough week for me last week. 3 warning point in just a few days.
  2. Welcome back bud. Thought I was headed that way myself last week.
  3. thank you. Bout time someone answered my question.
  4. well. That's where I'm getting at. I am actually agreeing to what has been said and is public knowledge about the situation. But lets be real here, just because what's been said in the media doesn't make it so. Of course we don't know that and probably never will, if there was a problem with how it's being handled. But for someone to say that the situation has been handled well just because of some things Whaley or Marrone said in an interview is naive. It's not fact, and we have no idea. Anyone can tell that this entire situation has been a very rough one. From the tag, refusing to come to camp, then all the sudden getting injured with a condition he's been known to play with in the past and it just so happens to be completely un-identifiable by doctors. I mean c'mon. And if the doctors can't recognize it, why is it that Marrone said the doctors shut Byrd down from the game last week? I thought doctors could only determine how bad it is based off what the player is saying? So based in that information, the doctors spoke with Byrd and in their professional opinions based off what Byrd was saying to them (regardless if he said to the media he was ready) he was not ready to go.
  5. Youd think people in the media and fans alike have a higher respect for Byrd after this fiasco. Not quite sure why.
  6. I concede. You win. Byrd is a great human being. He saves kittens from burning trees on his time off. Greatest Bill ever.
  7. would you openly, in the media say how unhappy you are with your boss/coworkers/employees? Didnt think so. You'd keep it all in house. If not speak about it at all. Byrd has played with this injury in the past. Why is it so hard to fathom that he's embellishing his injury now because of the contract situation? Ill admit that the things you say are correct, in record as long as you can admit that It has been stated that Byrd has played with this injury in the past and its not out of the question that he could be embellishing it a little bit, or at least might have been earlier in the season because he was angry about being franchise tagged. We both win, how's that.
  8. because many people say this it might be the best game ever.
  9. Sucks. But we at least made 5 of the 50.
  10. Ok. So if he's declared dead and it isn't being reversed. I'd go on a crime spree. They can't incarcerate someone that's dead in paper. I'd be going buck wild. Anyone want a Lamborghini? I'd have one in the first day. Stolen right from the dealership.
  11. This is hilarious. I'm not listening but I can only imagine. You'd think the last day they're on before a football game in 2 days, and you'd think that it's March. Oh, these guys are good. Scary good.
  12. so how does that make any sense of this situation? It has been known for a whole now that whole Byrd has had this injury he's played with it for years. What's different now?
  13. great post. Your absolutely right. I agree with everything you said 100%. The big problem with it is the fact that he's not playing.
  14. ugh. I give up. Bury your head in the sand and believe what you like.
  15. haha. Really funny Fonzy. What I said and still admit to the fact that now things are being said that are different from what I heard. I believe it was the presser after the game but I don't know for sure. Either way. I could care less. It's everyone else that's making excuses for Byrd. I knew the entire time he wouldn't be playing for a while if at all this season. I'm still not wrong when most people thought I was ridiculous to say all this back when the franchise tag was slapped on him. Ill continue to pat myself on the back for not having my head in the sand about this situation. Everyone else can believe Byrd is really injured.
  16. well. From the clip I heard was not the case. I won't argue that's what's in the media now. That it has been different since. But I'm going off what I heard. Again, this is all pointless regardless. I still think Byrd is embellishing his injury and there's no possible way anyone can tell me differently.
  17. well. I have no link but I did hear Marrone talk about How he was ready to put him on the field and Byrd shut it down. This is the basis of my argument from this past week so if I'm wrong, then I guess I'll eat crow for this particular argument. But I'm positive I heard Marrone say that in some interview/clip/conversation.
  18. while I agree that most of the ugliness has come from the fans and the media it should not be overlooked at the different takes were received from both Marrone and Byrd this past week. Originally Marrone said Byrd was ready to go and then Byrd **** it down. And then Byrd came out and said he was ready to go but Marrone shut him down. It's definitely something that shouldn't be swept under as no hard feelings. Obviously they can't both be telling the truth. Some here choose to side with Burd because of the injury. Some don't believe the money hungry player and agent and side with the team. I personally feel that Byrd is playing a game with his "injury" and could have been playing already. That's what I choose to believe and there's no way anyone here is going to convince me differently. I don't expect to convince you or anyone else for that matter differently either. But it site is a good long argument that we've got going here. Since the offseason. Again, I'm patting myself on the back here, I knew this would get even uglier and too many people kept saying Burd would sign and be on the field for the Pats back on opening weekend. So far, everyone else was wrong. Ill continue to sip my drink and toast to me being right.
  19. its not zero evidence. Glad you lump me in with the "angry fans" when I clearly am not about this. As I've stated, I'm one of the only people here that said this fiasco would get even uglier all the way back in February. Seems more to me that I'm the voice if reason here. Yet even through all this I've been hoping I was wrong all along. So far, I haven't been wrong about a single thing that's played out regarding Byrd and his tag situation. Yes. That's a LAMP moment. he hasn't played in a LONG time. And why is it that all the sudden as soon as he signed his tag, he made note of the injury? If he was training in the offseason, then why wasn't it an issue then? Hmmm
  20. yes. But the injury Byrd is dealing with... He's had for years. And never seemed to be a problem. This isn't something that just came up out of no where.
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