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Everything posted by mrags

  1. Stevie comes back tomorrow. It already been stated that he will be here Friday an will not miss the game.
  2. no idea where cowherd is available. If I knew I would definitely rather tune in there. My issue with Perers is that he's not connected to this team. Hasn't been for years. And he honestly donlesnt know about "real" hockey players. His own experiences were never that. They were always limited to getting his @$$ kicked on ice.
  3. thank you for this. I completely agree. Not gonna sy I want Thad to start if EJ was healthy. But I also don't believe the dropoff will be that bad. Heck, even with 2 days of practice he looked pretty decent in that preseason game. Hit some deep balls. Made some plays with his legs. And he has an incredibly fast release. Lets hope a few things have been worked on since and he got even better. But ill say tht if he plays as good this Sunday as he did against Pitt last season, and our defense continues to do what it's been doing, we win this Sunday. I think EJ misses 4 games at the most and if that's the case I expect Thad to go .500. That will keep is in tha playoff conversation. It also won't rush EJ back until he's ready. Thad will be a pleasant surprise that not many are expecting. I... Like you expect it. And hearing what you hear about the locker room, puts me at ease even more.
  4. understandable. Just kinda sucks sometimes. Like the other day I wanted to jack some dudes car that was in a shoot out with the cops. It said I couldn't steal "xxxx's" car or didnt have access to that vehicle. Something like that.
  5. well. Both are big dumb idiots. At least I got that right. Excuse me for typing Jason Peters. In currently active in 2 different threads, concerning guys named Peters. Andrew is an idiot and I'd tell him that to his face if I ever met him. He constantly talks about things that have nothing to do with hockey. He makes inside jokes that nobody listening would know about. And he talks like he's a former hockey player. He's not. He was a fighter on skates. He has less respect and knowledge of the game than many informed fans. His personal experiences with the team and league do not reflect real hockey players and their experiences. He's a waste of space on the radio. They would be better off having Colin Cowherd on during those times.
  6. you have a point to some extent. Williams and Winfield were let go. It was a new regime at the time and changes were being made. Ill list the guys yiu spoke about and how I saw them at the time of their departure: Williams- getting old and new scheme Winfield- wanted and got way too much money Clements- we already tagged him once, it would have turned nasty (like Byrd) if we did again. And he got paid too much. Lynch- problem child 100%. As it stands he's still 1 strike away from a year ban and that might happen next season as he goes to court for dwi. Poz- got paid WAY TOO MUCH. Whinter- got paid WAY TOO MUCH. Carder- didnt really show that much. But I'll give it to you. Greer- I will agree with you 100% in this. The team made the wrong call all the way. An aging veteran wirh injury history gets a contract and we let Greer walk for nothing is inexcusable. In the end, it would have been great to keep the following players at their overpriced contracts: Williams Winfield Greer Guys I'm 100% happy are not on this team: Lynch Whitner Poz Clements The team was wrong about a few. But we're very right about others. You didn't include Fletcher. He should have been on your list and I'd agree with that. He should have been here. But I don't blame the team for getting rid of anyone at or over 30 years old. More times than not they don't last.
  7. treated past negotiations? You mean like...Wood Stevie Freddie Fitz Mario Kyle Walker Dockery Kelsey Schobel Juron You mean those past contract negotiations?? Or we're you singling out Levitre and Peters?
  8. how long can you debate about a backup goalie? Or a lack of centers? Or a 7ft tall pansy? Or a S. Buffalo kid that has no business being in the NHL? Just curious. It works both ways.
  9. Ok. I haven't read the last few pages just because its nothing but going back and forth between arguments that Burd is worth a 1st, or He isn't. My question is this... Isn't the trade deadline week 6? Isn't this week 6? So my question is, isn't it pointless for Byrd to showcase what he has now? He won't get any trade because he can show what he's for on the field. No more trading past this week (unless ok mistaken, anyone know?) So if this is all true, Byrd won't be going anywhere. He'll play the rest of the year (barring a serious injury). We better franchise him again next season too. I wouldn't care if he's got to sit on the bench like he's done this year. As an organization, you can't let your talent walk for nothing. Of the best you can get is a 4th? I'd rather keep him and hope that your in a playoff race and he can help. If yiu can get a 2nd or 3rd, then a trade is probably a smart move. But I will say, there isn't a snowballs chance in hell, that Byrd gets a 1st rounder right now. It will NEVER HAPPEN.
  10. very good points here. I get that there are 2 major sports in the area and they both need to be covered. Part of the reason why they have a 2 hour show every day for both. What irks me is that hockey plays on average... What... 3 times a week? (Honestly I don't know because I don't care to follow them) and WGR covers all the games. So the amount of time WGR spends playing the games just about triples the coverage that is spent on the Bills. Clearly, what bothers have already said, there isn't an argument what gets a bigger draw. So with that said, you would think they would cover more football because its already losing out on an addition 6+ hours a week die to hockey ges being broadcast. Just a thought. It also comes down to popularity though. And I so think the Bills are more popular. But the fans are a little more reserved. The hockey fans in general are recent fans from the Drury/Briere/Campbell days. They are younger and more "gullible" (I said it, I own it. My personal opinion on many young kids that became "die hards" when they were 15-18 during their recent playoff runs) they haven't been around as long as the Bills fans. They still think there is hope every time the team hits the ice. Usually the older, more seasoned fans believe what they have and don't drink the Pegula Kool-Aid. But WGR plays to that. They know what many of their fans want. Generally the "informed" fans of either sport don't need to listen to WGR on a daily basis for information. Look at us for example. We know things here before the news stations usually do. WGR plays to that. They cater to the less informed fans. They take that paycheck and cash it every week.
  11. well, I was commenting to Mr. Info's post as he wondered what other people's impossible airport and traffic feats have been. It didnt have anything to do with any game but was all about the airport. If you've ever been in and out of Vegas you would clearly understand how busy of an airport it can be. My story about boozing and the plane being delayed was my little gift to everyone. Glad you enjoyed it. I see that your status is no longer active. Not sure if your reading this anyway, but you now have your answer.
  12. agree. Listening to Jason Peters is like listening to yourself get dumber and dumber and dumber... He might be the biggest idiot I've ever heard in my life. There's nothing worse than inside jokes that nobody knows being talked about so that everyone can hear. He does that alot. And he acts like because he played hockey in the NHL he really k ones what he's talking about. He was probably the worst hockey player of all time. He wasn't even a good brawler. At least Ray won. This guy would constantly get his @$$ kicked on a nightly basis.
  13. id be ok with this. If he became Dante Hall, Devin Hester, etc... I could care less if he ever catches a single catch.
  14. about the closest thing I've got is when I lived in Vegas in 05. Christmas season and I completely expected it to be a madhouse. I get there over 3 hours early. If was like a ghost town in Mccarren. Ended up going to one of the bars. It was 10am and they were offering buy one 23oz, get one free and a free shot of some new tequila they were pushing. I was plastered by the time I got on the plane. Passed out before we took off. Woke up where I thought was in Chicago. It wasn't. We were taxied for over an hour. Apparently the AC on the plane was broken and we all had to get off. I went back to the bar until the flight was ready again.
  15. yeah. But is hockey even a sport anymore? It's like the 6th most popular in the country at best. Football NASCAR Baseball Basketball Golf Tennis??? MMA??? So that's like saying Buffalo is one of the most popular at the weakest sport in the US.
  16. He won't make a 6:30 flight. Not a chance. Earliest ive ever gotten home is 6:30. Now, I sit and stay there, hang out and grill a little bit before I go. Still, even if you leave right away your going to have trouble. In fact, the 1-2 hours of time at the tailgate works out so that all the traffic clears. I suppose if you left the game early before the majority of the crowd, yiu could probably make it. The other option is parking in 1 spot and walking over to Hammers lot. However, then yiu don't have much tailgating availability. You'll be defendant on others.
  17. I hear ya. They can't pack as many people as something like a WOW server. But 10-16 people really isn't all that much. How does that work? Are you always in with the same people? Or is it on a list of what order people come on. What I'm saying is, once 1 person logs off, does another come into that server to take their place? If so, what happens when say I own "X" property and you also own "X" property?
  18. I saw there were deal cheap houses/apartments for like 25-30k in some is the slummy places. Looked like they came with 2 car garages. I'm still torn on what the "online" actually is. I still get missions from computer chars. It's not as "real time", "free roam" as you would think. I'm not talking about going up and robbing a few gas stations. In talking about jewelry store type heists that were in the storyline. Stuff like that. All I've seen so far is stealing some meth or coke from one dealer and giving it to another. Kinda lame actually. In fact, at one point what really sucked was I was in passive mode, yet some guy was killing me and camping me like crazy. Of course because I was in passive mode I couldn't do anything about it (shoot back) because in passive you don't have access to your weapons. Got killed like 3 times before I could switch back. And of course my little pea shooter wasn't enough against his machine gun. And if its online, why are there only 10 other players in the world when I play? Shouldn't there be thousands? How does that work? Anyone know? And if you've got a crew/group of friends that is more than 10, does that mean that your only playing with your group of friends all the time? These are questions that I still have. Maybe you guys can call me an idiot and steer me to the right answers. yeah, but you'd have to make $400k. I'm currently at like $15k
  19. Agree Shrader. I still love the talk radio shows but this game seems to be not as good. It's also repeated more often. Has anyone online figured our how to rent an apt? I see the houses for sale. Just wondering if there's cheaper options while just starting.
  20. no need to apologize. Was just stating who I was referring to.
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