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Everything posted by mrags

  1. so your saying if the male home owner ran around on camera naked you wouldn't want them to blur that???
  2. He's right. The run blocking has been sorry at best. Pass blocking has been pretty good tho so far. Let's hope they get back to their mauling ways. The loss of a LG shouldn't change things that much.
  3. thats where our opinions differ. Not anything to do with Goodwin. All on the Jackson front. IMO, all he is, is a deep threat. He's small and fast. He's not extremely physical and I've never seen him do much more than just getting separation. I suppose he has made plays but I don't recall it much. They always seem to be deep routes similar to what Goodwin has done so far. I don't (haven't) watched philly games much lately but when I used to watch them I never saw much out of the guy. He's a better version of Lee Evans.
  4. he is so close to resembling DJ it's not funny. Size, speed, ability. Only he's not as much of an @$$ as DJ is.
  5. i was messing with you because I did the same thing. I was banned last week at the time.
  6. dont you know that was last week?!?!? ;-)
  7. nope. I was banned at the time. I've had to fast forward some threads. see above
  8. I won't apologize for a player that didn't show up until it was too late and refused to play through an injury that he had in previous years. I will say what I have since this whole thing started, I really hope he's here for good and in pro bowl form. I'll also say it again that I've always thought he was worth the best safety in the league money and the last few weeks are showing that. Let's hope he continues through the rest of the year and the Bills make him a multimillionaire.
  9. really??? EJs stats sucked today? Not quite sure what statline your looking at. 20 of 28, 245yards, 2TDs, 0ints is far from sucky. In fact it's pretty darn good how accurate he was all game. And since I was there and I'm assuming you weren't, it was hurricane like winds all game and the completion % in this wind was nothing short of amazing.
  10. really? All the years of Romo looking like a toolbox? The Billion dollar Skins teams that did absolutely nothing? The Jets? Really? For many years these teams have been a joke yet their fans fork out more for 1 ticket than pay for my entire season. And regardless, what I pay for is an NFL game 7 games a year. Regardless how bad the team is or not, the NFL experience is worth every penny. Unlike in places like Dallas and NYC where a tailgating experience is a beer tent with a bunch of other rich dummies that don't even know who their teams players are.
  11. yup. I feel sorry for the poor suckers in places like NYC, Dallas, DC that have to pay PSLs and more for one game than I pay for an entire season.
  12. It's not just buffalo. It happens to every team in the league that doesn't sell out games. The "threats" don't happen in those cities tough because they know people don't care. They have better things to do than go to football games. Miami Jax Tampa Oakland San Fran NO Carolina The list could really go on and on. One thing yiur right about is winning cures everything. Look at the Pats of the 80s and early 90s until Drew Bedsore. They were the talk of the league about being moved. Much like the Saints of a few seasons ago as well. Then, all the sudden Drew Bree's and Payton change everything.
  13. i know. You already put me in my place. I was just arguing my opinion of the topic and how it might have been the other way. Thank you for putting me in my place again.
  14. unfortunately I fear I'm correct as well. I've never been shy about my opinion of Kyle as a football player. IMO, he's over rated. I've stated it's because he's a country white bit, who brings his lunch pal to work, with a blue collar attitude and he's got a high motor. That's all great. And I believe he's good. But I seriously doubt his ability beyond good. I personally don't think he's pro bowl caliber and he might be very effective in the pass rush, he's putrid against the run most of the times. There's nothing wrong with that. But it's not what we need him to do. It's like fitting a square peg into a round hole. Usually when I see Branch, he's in there with Kyle. (At least what I've noticed) I'd actually like to see him with Marcell a bit more (and he might be and I'm just not paying attention). In fact, I'd like to see Kyle play DE with MD and Branch in at the DT positions and Mario in the other side. Not sure I've seen that at all but it sure would be scary. I'd dare teams to run on us at that point.
  15. Hey ah.... We still alive over here? Or one loss killed the thread?
  16. everyone is saying that my opinion is wrong. And I will concede because I don't know the rule. But my argument against your take, is that in your scenario, the RB isn't already in the end zone. In my scenario, the WR was already in the end zone, and established himself in the end zone, therefore, if he caught the ball out of the end zone (say the 6 inch line) it wouldn't matter because his feet were already in the end zone at the point of the reception. It's actually very similar to the homer run throwback argument.
  17. id take Ayal Lalo any day of the week over CB.
  18. you lost any bit of respect I ever had for you. Miller is the joke of all jokes.
  19. it doesn't tell you everything. But just looking at stats makes you look like your not watching the games. The runs have been horrendous at the worst times.
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