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Everything posted by mrags

  1. Not to mention that you could lose a game because 2 RBs or WRs or OL get hurt during the game and you have nobody of worth backing them up. All because you wanted Taiwon Freaking Jones dressed in game day because he’s a good gunner. All when you have a kicker and punter that can force a touchback well above the league average.
  2. You can all believe what you want. I really don’t care. I think it’s idiotic to keep special teams aces on a team unless it’s a guy that has the ability to return a punt or a kick on any given play. There’s been like 4 Devin Hesters in the leagues history. Anything less than that us a waste of a roster spot. enjoy your opinions. I’ll enjoy mine
  3. I do know this…. there are 31 other GMs in the league. Beane isn’t the only guy that knew a guy like Blackshear existed. He just happens to the the one that called him first, or gave him the best offer after the draft was over. I can guarantee other GMs liked at him. And maybe they didn’t think the kid had the play in him at this level. But now they are seeing it on the field in pre season and they now know their initial instincts were right. If Blackshear is cut, he will end up somewhere. He’s looked too good.
  4. Yes. Take my chances. Special teams is barely part of the game anymore. last I checked there aren’t any punt gunners or returners in the HOF but there is a punter. Just take your chances and boot it as far as you can every time. Forget hang time. Forget trying to pin them deep. Just get that team off the field as quickly as possible and boot it through the stands. and Bass. An absolutely kick it into the end zone. I don’t believe his numbers are correct because I think they gameplan and play call to have it kicked shorter to encourage a return to try and pin them deep. I think it’s a mistake. I would just tell Bass to make it a TB every time. And I have no doubt he can if asked. But that’s my opinion. And we’ll never know which one of us is correct anyway.
  5. Not to mention that next year we will be losing some guys and shouldn’t chance it by cutting a guy and hoping that he makes the PS for another year. a guy like Blackshear could fill in as a top 3 RB next year after we lose Singletary. Then he could be a top 2 with Cook in 2 years after we lose Moss. a guy like Hodgins would easily surpass Kumerows accomplishments on offense of he can just be a body on STs. Which he was out on every single kick team just like Blackshear was yesterday. Matakevich not only is gone next year, he would save you about 3m in salary’s cap this year if you were to cut him. I’d easily keep Spector over him. again, I’m not saying to get rid of all of them, but I’d easily cut 2 of them as it’s not as integral to our success anymore. The league is trying to eliminate kickoffs altogether as it is. It’s the way the league is trending with rules on kickoffs. With the 25 yard starting spot for TBs. we have too talented of a roster to be cutting guys that can produce on offense or defense for a guy that can gun on punts. It’s comical imo.
  6. Nobody has mentioned that @Sierra Foothills is actually Skooby and its embarrassing.
  7. I’ll take my chances. It doesn’t happen enough for me to sacrifice real players at real positions. guys that catch 4 balls a year as a WR is a waste of a roster spot. Guys that run the ball 3 times a year is a waste of a roster spot. I could keep a guy like Matakevich because he does have ability on defense. But guys like Kumerow and Jones should be gone imo.
  8. 1. I’ll take my chances. We punted 2nd fewest in the league last year. 2. Every other team practices that because none of them have the punt god that can kick it a mile. For the 100th time, the amount we will be punting, and our offense being as good as it is, I would doubt there’s anymore than 5 times we’re pinned inside our own 30 yard line and need to punt. Anything past that yardage mark is almost a guarantee to punt it super deep or into the end zone. There’s about a 18-21 yard sweet spot for him where you would punt it. Because anything within 10 yards of mod field on either side your going to punt it from your own 39, or kick a fg from their 39. Anything in between your offense is likely going for it on 4th down. 3. Teams wouldn’t put another returner that deep because then they leave themselves susceptible to a fake punt. Or, they limit their coverage on the gunners that we have limited by cutting all the aces and out in guys like Hodgins or Neal or Blackshear. 4. A risk I’m willing to take because special teams is on the field less than any group of the team. I’d much rather have players that can play actual offensive or defensive positions. I say this with the expectation that none of this is happening because McDermott loves his STs aces too much. But I think it’s a mistake. There’s people out there that put up stats and analytics on why it’s wrong to punt at all. Hard to tell from where I was sitting in the end zone. Once the play starts it becomes a jumbled mess. Way to hard to see what’s going on 50 yards downfield in a big pile. And like most others watching on TV that didn’t even know he was out there, they don’t show detailed replays of that stuff so I couldn’t even see that much. I was admittedly just watching and enjoying football while the plays were happening as well. Not specifically looking for certain players.
  9. He was in on every single kickoff yesterday that I noticed. Made it a point to look for many of these players that we have been arguing about on here.
  10. Even less now if you have a punter that can boot it through the end zone app at anytime from almost anywhere
  11. I also heard they like to hang out together off the field with their families. Kind of like the things @Gugny likes to do 🍍. I wouldn’t want to screw up someone’s mojo.
  12. Don’t forget that McDermott absolutely loves his special teams aces. Haack is 100% a holding ACE. It’s why we picked him up last year to become with. We sure don’t want to be like the Packers this past year and losing games because Bojo couldn’t hold. Way too many young kids that think they know everything here. They don’t realize that guys like you and Fergie have been around the block for years. They’ll never understand it either. Just sad.
  13. The point is, you can’t keep them all. So trade them instead of cutting them.
  14. Brady and Gronk almost went to the Raiders in 2020
  15. Ok. Better. But still not needed to get the place fired up on opening day. I don’t know your personally, or how many games you’ve been to. But games are electric and opening day is the craziest of all. Monday nights are even crazier. And a Monday night opener is going to be like Red Bull on speed, inside a can of Monster.
  16. I agree. Just think of the possibilities. Allen stalls on offense inside our own 30. You send your punt crew out there. Both Haack AND Araiza are back there at the same time. Now the receiving team has to send our multiple returners at different distances about 60 yards apart because they don’t know who’s going to actually punt it. Then, all of the sudden, Punt God throws a 30 yard pass to Jake Kumerow who is streaking down the right sideline. He catches it and makes 2 moves and ends up trotting into the end zone for a TD.
  17. I’d cut Matakevich over Spector it would save like $3m and Spector is younger and has been playing very well. I also think they keep 7 WEs and If that’s the case, I think Kumerow makes it.
  18. I don’t really think they need a pic of a helmet on the Jumbotron right before the players are about to run out for the season opener. Just me. I’ve been to a game or 200.
  19. Hate to say it. But it’s society as a whole. I’m not going to get political about anything. But it’s sickening what’s happening in not just this country but the world in general. Rich and famous people gonna do rich and famous things. And society is following and the laws in place are allowing it.
  20. ople start lowering the prices closer to game day if they haven’t sold their tickets yet. Lol. @Gugny. Your sick man.
  21. Yeah. Ok. You still get him in. Get your staff on him to make sure things are moving well to ensure he’s good to come back for your playoff and Super Bowl run. Because if you don’t, you run the risk of him sitting on his couch eating cheeseburgers and not taking care of his body or the injury like he needs to, to ensure as quick a recovery as possible. Or, you could just get him into your locker room to get used to the team. Team mates. Playbook. Play calls. Etc. the possibilities are endless. If you don’t want him that’s fine. But if you do, it’s probably better to sign him as soon as possible. like I said, you can still sign him and then IR him and not worry about the roster spot until later.
  22. I don’t think we’re gonna have that chance Jack. I am quite positive we won’t. But maybe some of the people in here that have inside with the Bills org, or are on committees could throw those ideas out there. Like maybe have a few days prior to seat picks, to have an open house for season ticket holders to walk around the stadium and get an idea where they want to sit.
  23. I hate the idea of “virtual seat tours” when buying tix. I know it’s not ideal, but would love it if they would somehow, by seniority, have people in the stadium to come pick their seats. Or at least be allowed in to see everything first before making their final decision online.
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