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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. She was on the local news yesterday. Of course, they didn't say if she won or not, because the show aired today. She is from Cattaraugus, NY
  2. When will Red Solo Cup post?
  3. There's something for you, Slime, that will make everything better. It's called Thorazine.
  4. One I saw years ago in the employee section of the parking ramp at Roswell Park: 2PCME. Il give you 3 guesses what that doc's specialization was in.
  5. How about Gil Perreault singing that Elvis song they played after a Sabres win? 😀
  6. As compared to Joke who is doing it for China and Ukraine.
  7. Mad we have you totally figured out you bot?
  8. Commie, fascist, groomer sats what?
  9. Dr. with multicolored hair and the crazy eyes. Reminds me of Quack MD.
  10. Next game they play, grab his package and twist.
  11. The closer to Election Day, the more unhinged the useful idiots become. Expect them say "The Aristocrats" is a true rendition of what someone saw at the Trump White House.
  12. Daleks. They used to be able to get away from them by going up or down stairs. Then one episode. they ran down the stairs and see one at the bottom.The Doctor said "They learned how to levitate!"
  13. They also had it on Retro TV M-F(1 hr)vand Sat (2 hr) but the local Ch 56.2 substation either took that channel off or couldn't afford to carry it.
  14. It's called stadium rock. Every place would still be playing "Rock and Roll Part 1 " by Gary Glitter if he hadn't been caught with young girls in Thailand. They used to play the theme from Jaws at every kickoff around 1990. Maybe they should play polkas? That is relative to Buffalo.
  15. What happened to HIPAA laws? I guess they only apply if the patients are dems.
  16. Nothing beats 'da Bears
  17. TDS like syphils rots your brain. Slime is the #1 example.
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