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Everything posted by EasternOHBillsFan

  1. When it affects my ESPN viewing every single year because the jackass won't make a decision and stand by it, then yeah I tend to get a whole lotta pissy. I mean this guy is a media HOG.
  2. at Chicago, December 28th, 8:20pm. Ever seen a rubber ball in liquid nitrogen hit the floor? BINGO.
  3. I can honestly vouch for the sincerity of this post. Now, I'd like #55 please, just like my hero, Biscuit. Ohh, and a $1 mil per year contract for 3 years so we don't burst our cap. Thanks.
  4. Bill Walsh? Utter waste of football space for vouching for Trent Edwards. What a bum. BUM.
  5. Three wins right there. I love preseason!!!!! Miami's offense=crap.
  6. I'll take the under because of his past shenanigans.. UNDERRRR!!!!! LOL
  7. Poz must have also chosen Maybin's agent and Crabtree's agent, chosen the design for Chernobyl's reactor, created the 'tuck' rule, and advised the Bills to draft Mike Williams and J. P. Losman.
  8. You mean George Savalas went through all of that? He always spoke so perfectly on Kojak!! http://www.tv.com/george-savalas/person/36545/summary.html
  9. You also don't have to be pretentious and arrogant about the matter, either. If it were between a person who speaks or types in slang that is nice versus someone who can master the English language but who is arrogant, I'd take the former EVERY SINGLE TIME. This board is about football, not about English.
  10. He first went to a pro football game in **1935**!!!!!! That was unbelievable... I met Ace Parker, collegiate All-American running back for the Brooklyn Dodgers in the late 1930's, and he was like Ralph is today... in 1996. He is STILL alive, born in 1912!!! I have been extremely fortunate to meet him personally twice, once during the NFL meeting in 1996, and the other while leaving the Bills/Jets game in 1999 in Buffalo. No matter what is said about him, everything that he has done has been for us. Thank you, Mr. Wilson. Thank you so very much, shipmate.
  11. Favorites: Peyton Manning and Donovan McNabb, the class of the NFL, soon to be Canton-bound. Least Favorites: Tom Brady and Ben Roethlisberger- their cockiness seems to get worse the more they win.
  12. Dusty Zeigler made a verbal commitment to the Bills when a free agent, and then reneged on it when the Giants made him a slightly better offer. He was blasted for it back then, and I haven't forgotten.
  13. Doug Flutie was a jackass, plain and simple, and alienated a LOT of people, both on the team and fans. Michael Peca was greedy, valuing himself far more than anyone would have paid him save the brainless. Are you KIDDING me?!?! The way they acted, I'd say they already set the "petty, small-minded, ignorant" standard far higher than most anyone here would have. To see those who think they are above everyone else fail is karma, and it is a b*tch- anyways, to enjoy it is very natural and I won't apologize for it! Throw Kozlov and Dusty Ziegler in there as well... two more examples.
  14. I have a Johnny Unitas throwback jersey I wear during the fall and winter sometimes, the only non-Bills NFL jersey I have. He was a great man and I admire him very much.
  15. As I said before, ROB JOHNSON DOES NOT PLAY SPECIAL TEAMS. To add, Doug Flutie DID throw to the other team far, far too often... you never see those highlights; when the games actually mattered. That loss to Miami in the playoffs was shameful- it won't be forgotten every time this debate comes up, that's for sure.
  16. He could be on a box of Cheerios... zero playoff wins, zero class. Hard to believe we were in such bad times that we were actually arguing who was better, Flutie or Johnson... it is like deciding on which bum to crown king...
  17. He got her pregnant at 15?! Is this guy seriously a rap star?? ROFL That's too much.... Looks like we dropped the ball with Hardy if he has friends who set him up with that blind date... ugh.
  18. The Chiefs are an integral part of the AFL and NFL's history, and have done nothing to deserve to be cut away from their fans. Whomever thinks that this is a ho-hum, average franchise move ala the Supersonics should rethink their position. If the Chiefs move, the Bills are surely next, along with other teams if the economic situation worsens.
  19. My contribution from Baltimore: From a diehard Bills fan via twobillsdrive.com: Most of us Bills fans have laughed at the problems T.O. has had in other places, but now that he is a Bill, I'm half startled and half excited. The odds were long that he'd sign, and even longer that he'll stay after a year, but Dick Jauron has no excuses anymore. The Bills have the tools to get to the playoffs with T.O., so I think Jauron's results will be the bigger story come November and December. Just telling the truth
  20. Dennis Shaw. How can you have guys like O.J., Marlin Briscoe, Haven Moses and Bob Chandler and NOT succeed? I know I may catch hell for it, but when your HB is a star and blows apart defenses, you shouldn't be throwing 35 touchdowns and 68 friggin interceptions... he may have been worse than Losman in fact.
  21. I was joking on the "sucks" comment.. geez... It is NOT BS... I scored 100 points in a game. I would prove it to you if I could. 1. Call the Marino rollout play every time. 2. Use Bennett to blitz up the middle and sack Marino. 3. More often than not, Marino fumbles, scoop up, and score fast. The Chiefs with Okoye were crazy good- he'd break tackles like crazy, and the passing game was good. I'm not on crack... Okoye was the bomb.
  22. Ohh man, that's tough. I know that Hebert was QB of the Falcons, but Favre was a backup on the game, right?? He was drafted in 1990.
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