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Everything posted by EasternOHBillsFan

  1. So now we know where you stand... you'd take Rush Limbaugh if he'd save the Bills, but not Al Franken. Based upon this, all of the logic you used to defend Limbaugh owning a team is now worthless... you DO have a position, and are not merely benign to ANY owner. Now, at long last, we see how you REALLY feel.
  2. I'd say those who wish to defend him or shield him from the ire of fans via something simple as a billboard are far more deserved of the label of LOSER.
  3. Hey, hey, watch it... the Michigan Wolverines are about as evil as you can get, and we tolerate them!!
  4. Just remember... A majority of Americans (52%) voted for Bush, and a majority of Germans kept Hitler in power. Sometimes the majority, silent or not (Nixon LOL) can bring the worst of conditions. The ONE thing that will never change is when good people join forces to combat something wrong, minority or majority, results CAN happen. It also helped that the NFL is very, very smart.... unlike Major League Baseball!
  5. Come on.... WOULD YOU want Al Franken as an owner of the Buffalo Bills for years if it meant keeping the team in WNY? Answer the question... you've dodged it enough!
  6. 1. Call Mike Homgren ask him what it will take to take over football operations, coaching optional, get him on board asap to evaluate the team talent the rest of this season to prepare for next year. If Holmgren won't call Marty Schottenheimer. Mike Holmgren is hired ONLY IF you cannot find anyone else in the Top 3... he's not a stellar evaluator of talent by any means, which could severely hurt the Bills chances at recovering from this season. 2. Fire Dick Jauron, Modrak and Guy, keep Brandon if you choose to keep him in marketing. Promote Bobby April to Head Coach for this season. Keep Van Pelt and Fewell for now. Obviously. 3. Trade Terrell Owens, Roscoe Parrish and Marshawn Lynch for the Best available Offensive and Defensive Lineman or best available draft picks. I fully agree. 4. Run a 2 tight end Offense using Nelson as the starter and use Jackson and Oman to run the ball, scrap the no huddle that allows other teams to substitute. Read play ball control, good defense and special teams. Give the O-Line time to develop. 4. You can't be vanilla in this league- you must vary your sets. Can't agree... 5. Rotate Edwards and Fitzpatrick to see if either has what it takes to be a QB in this league. Fully agree!!! 6. Convert Maybin to a Linebacker as he will never be a DE, too small, sink or swim as a LB. Based upon our injuries, I would agree, but with reservations... we should give him a chance at DE first. 7. Start as many Rookies as possible to see what they got for next season and beyond. Fully agree. 8. Convert Defense to a 4-3, man to man press coverage and Blitz, Fewell please watch a Baltimore tape or now Jets tape. We all but have to now with our dearth of linebackers... however, it won't happen. 9. Sign a blocking Fullback or convert 1 of those useless TE's and teach em how to block, keep them in every play. No... we can't do that... we have to find a way to improve the o-line by finding a free agent for stabilization. 10. Ralph issue an apology for retaining a 3 year 7-9 coach and the front office, promise to bring Professional Football back to Buffalo, before it's too late and the fan base says PLEASE take this sorry team to Toronto, except if you read what they are saying they don't want them either. FULLY agree; will never happen.
  7. NO. A complete waste of money is season tickets/tickets/Sunday Ticket to WATCH THIS CRAP... THAT is a complete waste of money!!!! He gets paid a lot of money to perform, and he shouldn't be allowed to get paid for such brutal failure. ACCOUNTABILITY is what it is about, and now he's going to be accountable to the fans, even if the owner feels like saving money is much more important than accountability! Is Jauron your relative??! Just curious.
  8. Two different NFLs have existed- pre free agency and free agency. I personally loved the old NFL with no free agency, where the rules were a lot less strict and players could be players. This era is just not my cup of tea despite all of the success the NFL has had. Success does not mean quality, and from a quality standpoint I do not like it at all... it has been declining for years now.
  9. The Cardinals shouldn't be in Arizona, anyways, IMO... it always seemed silly to me for them to be out there.
  10. Nobody talks about the move from L.A. to St. Louis like they do all the other moves, unless as the topic of L.A. pro football as a whole. She ended up with one heck of a lucky strike with Vermeil coming back.
  11. I wouldn't sell my soul to the devil to keep the Bills in Buffalo, that's for sure. Question is, would you accept Al Franken as the owner of the Bills? If you would then obviously you hold materialism higher than principle, which is of course your choice.
  12. Ahh, I missed that 'joke'... if only Columbo or McGarrett had been on the case!!
  13. Shut out someone from my home or my business who makes racist statements and is a horrible extremist propagandist? It is my right as well in this free country we live in to do so just as much as he has rights. I am overjoyed Checketts and others made the call to exclude him from the bid. Power to the people- I love it when good triumphs over evil.
  14. Harry Wismer, the AFL owner, had to be the worst all time. Also, you didn't mention the mysterious death of Carroll Rosenbloom... still suspicious after you read about it.
  15. Hearsay? The Bloods and the Crips comment about the NFL players pretty much says it all... or is that also some "crazy fabrication"?? LOL ESPN found out that it is too much of a respected network to risk their reputation hiring someone with that much liability. Simple.
  16. No way in hell- extremist loudmouthed bigots can go buy something a little more appropriate- a nice big landfill or a trash barge.
  17. Ahh, thought for sure Stafford got a piece of it... guess not. 6-1 Buffalo. DAMN haven't seen them beat Detroit since 2006 EDIT: OK, 6-2.. still!!!
  18. I thought Stafford flew in there in front of the net... it was the highlight when Vanek swooped in from the left, not the tap-in goal.
  19. Brian Engblom, while viewing a beauuuutiful pass from Vanek to Stafford that resulted in a goal, said that "the Bills could use passing like that right now." When the host mentioned Trent Edwards was being ripped on by him, Engblom said: "Like heis very worried about that." LOVE IT!!!! Even during the 2nd period intermission of a national Sabres broadcast the Buffalo Bills are talk. Welcome to the very bottom....
  20. Too late, that's why.. he was signed by Dallas already.
  21. You know what? Forget it- it is like beating a head against the wall. Now I remember why I totally ignore this part of TBD and the large number of extreme right-wing posters who forget they are from immigrants. -OUT-
  22. So that means that the millions of LEGAL Hispanic immigrants deserve to be insulted by you? So their worth and accomplishments aren't worth celebrating, and with that trying to tie it all in with a 'liberal' agenda and Obama? Crippling the country is best done by divisiveness and spreading the ignorance, not celebrating Hispanic culture
  23. It is Hispanic Heritage Month- or did you totally miss that? I'm sure all the Italians, Irish, Slovaks, etc. who came flooding off the boats just irked your ancestors and they crippled the country back then...
  24. The Raiders play Kansas City, Washington, AND Cleveland. Saint Louis plays Detroit AND Jacksonville. I'm banking on FIRST PICK.
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