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Everything posted by Meark

  1. Big deal.. I drive stoned every day.. LOL
  2. 39 years young and have played every single Madden game.. Been playing video games since the Atari console came out in 1977.. I also remember the release of Intellivision in 1980 and Colecovision in 1982.. lol
  3. No one has mentioned Jabari Greer so I'll add him to the list. I thought he was better than McGee and a ball hawk. Losing Pat Williams to me was the biggest dumbass move..
  4. Looks like I'll be starting Brown in my franchise.. lol
  5. T.O. showed no heart last year.. just gave up on plays.. end of story..
  6. Big Ben took advantage of a young girl.. Vick had a party.. Not sure how they are close to being related.
  7. What's the point of getting open if no one throws you the ball?
  8. I said over the past 5 years.. You picked one year that happens to be 9 years ago which isn't even close to what I asked. I asked because I wanted to see consistency of the top 3 picks over multiple years all working out to be good players. Fine.. lets look at the next few years for the Panthers then.. since this was your example.. 2002 draft 1st. round 2002 Julius Peppers - yup, good pick, pro-bowl - win 2nd round 2002 DeShawn Foster - didn't play in 2002 and marginal impact after, released in 2008.. Bust 3rd round 2002 Will Witherspoon - started mid 2002 and has been a starter ever since - win 2003 draft 1st round 2003 Jordan Gross - instant starter and has ever since - win 2nd round 2003 Bruce Nelson - played two years and it out of the league from injuries - bust 3rd round 2003 Mike Seidman - Appeared in 12 games was 3rd on depth chart and it out of the league from injuries - bust 2004 draft 1st round 2004 Chris Gamble - instant starter -win 2nd round 2004 Keary Colbert - filled in as 2nd receiver first year.. never turned into an every down player and is no longer playing - bust 3rd round 2004 Travelle Wharton - started after 5 games and has been a starter since - win So this is just 4 years vs 5.. don't have the time to keep going.. As you can see of the 4 years they had 8 wins and 4 busts.. The point is no team has been perfect in their drafts.. Players turn into busts for many reasons.. and it can't be predicted..
  9. Would you please point out a team that has had a perfect draft with the top 3 picks all making the team as solid contributors and are currently still on team for the past say 5 years?? Good luck! Nobody is perfect.. Even the most highly regarded players can turn into busts..
  10. Ok.. this made me laugh.. and I needed a good laugh today.
  11. Man.. the memories in this thread.. taking me way back. I remember the signing of all these guys.. and the quick disappointment when they went down with injuries.. What is up with our LB jinx?
  12. Fitzy looks like he is running for his life in that screenshot.. Brady looks all relaxed.. LOL
  13. Brady wasn't very impressive last year.. dare I say average?
  14. Oh the horror.. our QB threw a couple wobbly passes in practice.. that were completed.
  15. Pretty messed up the program gets penalized for one individuals greedy decisions.
  16. Yeah, but I don't remember Gailey saying the RB position was wide open for competition like QB. So he's not the starter, Jackson is. He showed his disappointment by not showing up at "voluntary" work outs. Well.. he's there now.. and I'm happy about it and hope he has a great year. You can be a grump and call him names.. I will back my team and support him.
  17. So when did Marshawn lay down? He played hard last year. I never saw him "lay down". Please enlighten me?
  18. He is excited to play football. Don't think he or anyone said he was excited to be in Buffalo. Better check your facts.. He didn't have to show up. It's still voluntary not mandatory work outs.. So if you were demoted to 2nd string then your team brings in a rookie RB and looks like you got pushed to #3, are you excited about showing up for camp if you think you might get traded? Dude thought he would get traded and was unhappy about being #3. I totally understand his situation and his reasons for not showing up sooner. I am just glad he is in camp now and getting ready to play.
  19. No way.. besides I want Lynch right where he is, in Buffalo.
  20. I'm sorry to the haters, but I like Lynch and want him on the team. I love his attitude on the field.. he loves football, loves the contact, loves the game. Sure the guy has been a little immature.. I know I was when I was 24.. This guy has a long football career ahead of him and I hope it's in Buffalo. Last year he was all smiles and this year he seems like he wants to get to serious business. I hope we carry 4 RB's on the active.. Lynch, Jackson, Spiller and Bell.
  21. They laid down for Jackson to let him get 1000.. lol
  22. I think the Dolphins will be playing in the Toilet Bowl come February.
  23. Poz and Davis are solid in the middle. Have you ever seen Davis play? The dude is a big time run stuffer. OLB is another story but I still think we will be solid there too.
  24. Who's to say Levi Brown or Brohm won't step up and be the next Brady? We needed an NT because our D was torched last year.. Clausen an instant upgrade? More like a crap shoot.
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