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Everything posted by Meark

  1. Iupati looks interesting, but I would only want him drafted if they move Wood to center and they started him at left guard. I would not want them to draft him thinking left tackle. I would much rather they find someone that has played LT for at least a couple years in college vs someone that needs to come up to speed on the position.
  2. So everyone that replied is a douch bag? Why do you even bother posting then?
  3. I thought this topic had already been beaten to death a couple of weeks ago when Davis's mock draft came out.. To be honest it wouldn't surprise me one bit if we took Spiller.. nor would it upset me. Sure we need OL and a QB.. but Spiller is a play maker that can score any time he touches the ball. Personally I would rather have one of the top LT's..
  4. I think Flutie should be scratched off the list also. Sure he had a nice career in the CFL, but his NFL career never went anywhere. If he wouldn't have been pulled in favor on Johnson in the playoffs who knows what might have been.
  5. My wife bought me a Bledsoe jersey for xmas his last year with the team.. I already hated the guy so never wore it so sold it on ebay. LOL I still roll my Moulds jersey (the only jersey I actually bought for myself). If we ever get anyone that's worth a crap I'll buy another one.. not holding my breath at this point.
  6. I'm torn.. nervous about yet another QB from California. Nothing against CA since I live here.. We just don't have the best track record.. Maybe the 4th time is time is the charm? I am still leaning toward Bulaga at #9.
  7. Seems like a Buffalo kind of guy.. I would be very happy with this pick.
  8. True.. but they won those game regardless. He lead the game winning drive in the last 2 minutes to win the game vs Nebraska. The only QB I would rather have in this draft is Bradford and he's not going to be there at #9 so..
  9. Yes, 70% completion percent is pretty mediocre.. What's also interesting is that Rice and SMU weren't on the Texas schedule last year.
  10. I wouldn't be surprised if we draft Spiller..
  11. I guess I need to be even clearer? I don't even know why I am bothering to explain but here goes.. The term "global warming" is a misnomer. The planet has heated and cooled for 4 billion years. This is an undisputed fact. We have gone through ice ages and thaws in the past. Still facts which no one disputes. The argument is whether green house gasses are leading to "global warming". There is no argument that the climate is actually changing. The argument is why it's changing. If you think I am wrong, please post one link to anyone saying the planet's climate is not actually changing. If you still don't agree with the FACT the climate is changing, why are the ice caps melting? Why is the sea level rising? http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=6638 I am not going to say its a FACT that green house gases are causing "global warming" because it hasn't been proven without a doubt like you said. However I would say that it's a damn good possibility/contributing factor and we should be working on ways to lower the green house gas emissions. Now ask yourself this.. Why would anyone be against lowering green house gasses? Because it's not cost effective and unfortunately many people in this world are more concerned about their profits than the future of our race. Believe it our not.. nothing we do will destroy the planet. It will still be here long after humans.. It's human beings and other life forms that we should be trying to save in future generations.
  12. Having a penis makes me feel like a man, not posting on a message board. Sorry, ignorance is annoying. Oh and there is nothing "wrong" with me.
  13. Oh brother.. I used wikipedia for the colorful graphs dipshit.. since you obviously can't read or do any research of your own. Would you accept facts from the EPA or are they jaded also? Facts are facts.. Fact = proven truth. Who would you believe then? For the record. There is no question the climate has been changing "naturally" for billions of years. Are you really this freaking stupid? No one has questioned the climate has changed. The question is are we adding to the climate change. Good grief.. I hope you aren't reproducing.
  14. Wow.. Tom Sawyer.. What are you 12? I know this "science" stuff is confusing.. Maybe some pretty graphs will help? I know, science is based on facts which seem to escape the typical conservative watching Fox News. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Climate_...Attribution.png http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ins...ture_Record.png Oh but wait.. it's was still cold in Philly so it must be non-sense huh?
  15. Pick up a book my man. It won't hurt I promise.
  16. Dude.. climate change.. it's 100% fact.. it's been happening for billions of years. Man made? Well we surely aren't helping...
  17. Western NY must be empty.. there are thousands of Bill's fans on the west coast. I see a Bills logo on something almost every day here in San Diego..
  18. Interesting.. Didn't know Obama was running for a Senate seat in Mass..
  19. I've done my research thanks. I wanted to hear your answers. Guess you don't have any.. which is what I figured.
  20. It was rhetorical, but I would love to hear your answers.
  21. Um.. have you looked at the pass attempts of the Bills vs other teams? They hardly threw any passes to receivers..
  22. Nah, I don't think they will draft a CB or WR.. RB.. now that's a possibility.. LOL.. Yet another San Diego Bills fan..
  23. Ohhhhh.. so it's thou shalt not kill.. unless they are a sinner (AKA don't agree with you?).. then it's ok? Hmm So God's people were the Israelites? Wonder who created the Midianites? Maybe they just spontaneously appeared? Since they weren't God's people of course..
  24. Didn't we already try this with Bledsoe a few years back? No thanks..
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