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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. Basically at this point the details haven't come out and we don't know. It could beconverted to incentives, it could have been converted to salary bonus and divided between this year and a void year, it could have remained with the Browns. As I recall, none of the money in the Browns contract was guaranteed, so they could have just cut him? Whatever happened, it seems like a good bet that Keenum had to agree.
  2. On the crazed-former-Colts-punter show, Pat asked Beane "we'll give you anything, trade us Josh Allen. What would it take?" Beane smiled and said "I'd trade myself before I'd trade Josh" The Falcons may have called, but Josh is not available.
  3. My guess is, there’s a reason why the Bills targeted McKissic first. Could be because, stats aside, they felt he was a better player for us
  4. Beane said he had backup QB included in that cap figure. Prettysure Jamison Crowder is the only one that’s not a cap-neutral “vet minimum” type signing, will be interesting to see what he signed for. “Up to $4M” can mean a lot of things
  5. The question is, what is his actual cap hit this season and guaranteed $$
  6. Will be very very interested to find out what "up to $4 million" means.
  7. Does Daboll think the New Jersey air will improve his blocking in the backfield?
  8. I probably missed the rest of Sal's comparisons here How do you know they went after McKissic first? They may have wanted Duke Johnson, but he thought he had a deal elsewhere which fell through. Or, there may be something on tape they like better about McKissic, who knows?
  9. Question: how are you guys defining "First round RB picks that DON'T work out"? For example, with 6 years in the league and 1000+ yds in 4 of them, >900 yds and missed games in another 2 season, Zeke Elliot is pretty clearly in a different category than Sony Michel or Saquon Barkley.
  10. I loathe it when people toss the word "Lied" around For one thing, when Beane goes on the show, he probably isn't following what's out in public or not yet. So if he knows about a couple cap moves or pending deals that haven't been announced yet, they're "done" in his mind and he's talking about future moves.
  11. I think McKenzie will have every chance to compete for that role, but I don't think he's such a sho-in that the Bills want to count on him.
  12. this is interesting Spotrac has his market value at 4 years, $49M or $12.3M/yr https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/new-york-jets/jamison-crowder-16831/market-value/ Obviously, the market hasn't agreed Report is his contract is "up to" $4M He hasn't returned punts in 3 years with the Jets, but he used to with Washington
  13. I could be wrong, but I have the impression that the football locker room is a place where what happens outside of it matters less than you might think, and guys try to take each other how them find them in the locker room and on the field. In the Rich Eisen clip above, he enthuses about what a nice humble self-effacing guy Watson is. Jordan Palmer enthuses that his film study and mental preparation habits are "off the charts". If that's the guy the teammates see, why wouldn't they want to play with him? The fact is, he could be all of those things on the field and in the locker room, AND still possibly be a compulsive predator to women.
  14. Yeah, I was lookin at those things going "D-Dawk and Daquon Jones fit in those little pods? Really?" They actually are cool technology. The Bills are said to have hyperbaric chambers. I haven't heard about cryotherapy but since they have everything else, might be there somewhere.
  15. I don't think the people you disappointed speak for multitudes. I could be wrong, though.
  16. Are you talking about the little pods when he walked out of the locker room and they were showing him the back entrance where the players usually come in? Bod pods, Body Composition analyzers https://www.cosmed.com/en/products/body-composition/bod-pod Used to be players would step on a scale and weigh in. Nonononono, now we have a seat in the air displacement plethysmograph which uses whole-body densitometry to determine body composition. And in case anyone cares, no, I could not spell "plethysmograph", I copied and pasted.
  17. Dude. Spencer Brown started 10 games last year. Line was better when he was in there, worse when he was out. Brown is The Man To Beat as our RT starter unless he regresses, gets injured (avert - back injury always a worry), or Tommy Doyle falls through a Wrinkle in Time and emerges as the Reincarnation of Forrest Gregg, Spencer "Too Tall" Brown is our starting right tackle. Second, when Beane says we're pretty well right at the cap and we're looking forward to the draft, Believe Him. We may sign a few more "vet minimum" guys where the guy we sign bumps ~= amount of cap out of the top 51. It's not inconceiveable that we make a trade if someone comes along with a deal that makes sense for us. But otherwise, when Beane says we're right at the cap and we're done, We're Done.
  18. Super cool, thanks for posting that. Favorite moments: 1) when he walked into the stadium, doffed his hat and took a knee on the turf for a moment and everyone just kept back and respected that moment 2) when someone in the press asked what he would tell the guys to take that final step and he said "I hope to lead by example" What did you expect? The real meat of it is him talking to the coaches and stuff - they aren't and shouldn't allow cameras up his nose for that. Other than meeting the coaches and seeing the facilities and making sure it felt comfortable to him, he WAS just showing up to sign the contract then GTFO.
  19. [the Bengals have entered the Chat] https://www.latimes.com/sports/story/2022-03-21/matt-ryan-traded-falcons-colts-nfl Said to be for a 3rd round pick
  20. If one of them goes for 10, they'll have to disassemble the Trubisky shrine
  21. I guess that means our running backs will have to Duke it out! Is he a high-Motor guy? He shouldn't let any Moss grow on his training plan! OK, that's all I can think of for now, my work here is done.
  22. Just a note that while that is the average, it’s been trending shorter and that average also includes players with multiple ligaments or complications Banged up Bills did an update where Tre seems to have avoided both. His estimate was that Tre might try to come back early, but the Bills might hold him out 9 months which would be mid-Sept from his surgery. Apparently there’s a higher risk of reinjury coming back sooner
  23. I think Haden doesn't think he should sign for 1/3 of the cost of Bradberry. His last contract was an average salary of $11M/yr.
  24. It's just a send-off for Mitch. Basically says he was so well liked by a lot of the Bills employees that they're all so sad, they're mourning his departure. Says he'll be missed. Bills PR has been killing it all over social media for several years. They did a funny one (it was a tweet though) after Josh Allen's foot was injured in the Panthers game and he was on the injury report to much concern for the Patriots game, then went out and played like a maniac against the Patriots. It featured Josh's leg and foot photoshopped into a lamp like the Christmas Story leg lamp and quoted Dawson Knox saying "only one thing could have dragged me away from the soft glow of Josh Allen in shorts gleaming in the window" or something like that. Here, found it: https://wyrk.com/josh-allen-leg-lamp/ Gently saying saying Josh's foot injury turned out to be a LAMP, a play for attention (though I'm sure he was rehabbing like crazy all week) You can check out their Tiktok stuff here: https://www.tiktok.com/@buffalobills The Queen City Gambit last year is my favorite so far, a Facebook video done before the 2020 Wild Card game vs the Ravens https://www.facebook.com/BuffaloBills/videos/the-queen-city-gambit/241810090682553/ There was some media kerfluffle when the entire Bills PR staff quit or resigned or was let go a few years back that supposedly showed that no one wanted to work for the Pegulas, but the new guys and gals have just been killing it on social media - so in hindsight, the change was probably to bring in new blood who would do a better job of trying to reach fans on social media.
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