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Everything posted by billsfan_34

  1. Tre has been below average all year.
  2. I normally try not to rant after a game but that was an epic fail at the end. Tre and crew did the absolute worst job getting beat by 1 guy. Just absolutely ridiculous of epic proportions.
  3. At this rate there wont be fans at the Super Bowl- not political- just sayin’
  4. I dunno- to me it was like shot gunning a cold beer right out the gate 😜
  5. Fighting wars and conflicts but keeping a close eye on my Bills
  6. I am not overly surprised. Over the past 3 seasons now the common trend for Brady is decresed arm strength/zip as the season goes on. Plenty of weapons on the Bucs but they lack a facilitator. Brady’s time in the NFL is rapidly closing.
  7. Doesnt he look old and slow? On the sideline towards the end of the game, Wilson imo was walking very “gingerly”.
  8. He played in control/command and put the ball where it needed to be while dealing with a loss. Total mental toughness
  9. Hey whatever works! Wilson smacked all over- 16 or so hits- he is one tough dude.
  10. Were 6-2 in a weird COVID season and a QB close to elite... um HELL NO
  11. Allen is considered in the 5-7 range in the leavue. If we can win by running im all for it and vise versa.
  12. Havent been a fan of his play. That said he has been imjured, DL right s not good and well, I feel we have piled on him enough the past few weeks
  13. I am not griping at all- just having a little fun. However people decide to watch or not watch is on them.
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