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Everything posted by wjag

  1. Are you ready for some football? A TUESDAY night party......,
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_y-uJUl3vk Not great video, but it shows Harbaugh losing his maskless-chit with a sideline ref.
  3. Ahh.. The John Harbaugh rule Harbaugh was screaming at a ref without his mask. Right in his grill as coaches do. Ref Union was po'd.
  4. Vita Vea broke his leg in this game. Big loss on their DL.
  5. Because they have key cogs missing. Because they have not been able to practice. Because staff members have COVID. Because the NFL and NFLPA have been up in their stuff. Because they have been in turmoil as a team for 10 days. I take no game, even one against the worst team, for granted. I don't mark this down as a W just because of what I just rattled off. It just struck me as with all the craziness and disruption to their normal schedule that -1 seemed low. I was thinking Bills -3. I expect a spirited effort from the Titans in front of all those Bills fans in the stands.
  6. I read it as the devil you know. Not a new outbreak from a new source.
  7. Hmm good question. I think it was simms florio picking games, but I can't swear to it.
  8. How is the line still Bills -1 with everything that has gone on with the Titans?
  9. Silver lining, rose colored glasses time: I know this is a stretch.. But ... With all the teams around the Bills schedule popping positive or breaking rules, the opponent's normal game prep is being disrupted. Advantage Buffalo as long as it doesn't happen here. Raiders .. Lots of attention to a charity event. Distracting.. Titans .. Two extra Buffalo rest days allows some banged up players to get better Chiefs .. One extra Buffalo rest day.. Avoid the dreaded TNF Patriots .. Facility shut down, big time players forced out, travel messed with, games moved Jets .. facility shut down
  10. Change their name to the Tennessee Truants.
  11. Just look a few week's ahead on the Bills schedule and you can figure out where the new positive cases will be.. Sheesh
  12. If the league was willing to make the Patriots fly back and forth on game day, then all options about when they play are on the table. How it hampers or helps a team's preparation and time isn't going to be the dominating factor. Ratings are. As sad as it makes me, this feels like a Sunday at 1p game. The 1p slate has Cle v Pit and nothing else watching from top teams competing. The 4p slot is out because of Brady v Rodgers.. The 8p slot is the battle of California: LA Rams v 9ers (big markets). Monday night has the NFL-fawned over Cowboys playing (love 'em or hate 'em they are playing wild games and Cowboys have nationwide appeal). Feels like 1p to me.
  13. In my mind, the only way he gets suspended is if they have some proof he knew about the off site practices. If they have a smoking gun, then sure. Clear violation of the rules and he should have the book thrown at him. Knowing (wink, wink) and proving he knew though are two very different things. This feels like a loss of a draft pick or two and the league moves on.
  14. They have no choice. Because the Chiefs game could still be played on TNF, they have to begin installing the game plan.
  15. Knowing the legal implications of all punishment decisions, and knowing the NFLPA will automatically defend all players, the NFL will likely do their due diligence before handing out punishments. The Titans are hobbled. I doubt they hobble them further this week, no matter how mad they are.
  16. Anything to fill the airways to distract from the maelstrom TITANS.
  17. Yeah. For all the Brady haters, it was fantastic theatre.. The greatest of all time didn't know what down it was. The whole NFL is smiling today outside of Tampa.
  18. Playing the Titans is paramount. The Bills have prepped all week for them. They get a few more days to get healthy. Let's just hope they escape the game without injury. I don't want to kick that Titans game down the road. That will just mess up the later season.
  19. Ahh I see the Sunday afternoon problem. The Battle of the Bays is on at 4p. No way they want KC v Buf going against Rodgers v Brady..
  20. Dang. I’m flying Sunday during game. Don’t land until 4p. Going to miss the whole thing. I’m not the type that can watch a game I know is over without skipping ahead. Booo. Was hoping they would move it to the 4p hour at least.
  21. Can you imagine what it must be like to be Mike Vrabel at the moment? Taking the emotion out of whether he deserves what is happening, imagine trying to be a coach and keeping an organization together while wildfires are popping up everyday. Any semblance of a normal NFL Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday is completely gone. The outside scrutiny from the NFL, NFLPA, Press, Ownership and Fans must be intense.
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